The purple-haired girl trembled with arrogance, how noble her status is, and the true gods have to salute her. When she goes out, who should not treat her with respect, she is actually called a

Especially the last sentence of 'little fat man', it is simply unbearable, she is tall, her dress is fluttering, her waist is like a willow, her peaks are beautiful, her legs are slender and straight, the most perfect golden ratio, which point is fat?

Zhu Qian and other ancient relics were dumbfounded. This was too exciting. The daughter of the dignified god king, the peerless successor of Tianshen Mountain, was actually called the little fat man.

Even if this goddess becomes the exclusive existence of the Nine Realms in the future, this black history will not disappear, but will spread more and more widely, making people guess whether the goddess was really fat when she was a child, but she succeeded in losing weight later.

If it were normal times, the purple-haired girl would do everything she could to fight against Zi Yan, but now she can't. The immortal spring is very important to her.

After calming down, the purple-haired girl snorted coldly: "Little devil, don't try to take advantage of your words, if you are really powerful, come in and fight me."

"You let me in, but I won't. Come out quickly."

Zi Yan is very cautious, but she doesn't want the purple-haired girl to take away the fountain of youth. The best way is to force her out to suppress her, and then take the fountain safely.


The purple-haired girl's hair fluttered in a flurry, resisting the plan to shoot, and continued to walk towards the fountain of youth step by step, but he made up his mind that after obtaining the fountain, he had to teach the little devil behind him a profound lesson.

"Go ahead, I'm going to hit you!" Zi Yan screamed strangely.

The purple-haired girl didn't listen, and walked faster. The area by the Shenquan Pool could block all power. She didn't believe that Zi Yan could hurt her.


A strong wind came, but it was Zi Yan who threw the bricks again.

"Ah, ah... Murder, it's going to be broken..."

Brick made a scream like killing a pig, roaring with a broken gong, and rushed all the way into the Shenquan field.

This blow, which contained nearly [-]% of Zi Yan's power, was extremely terrifying, breaking through the power of the field all the way, hitting the back of the purple-haired girl's head.


The purple-haired girl screamed, and the tears of pain were about to flow out. It was visible to the naked eye that a big bag had bulged on her head.

"It hurts, it hurts, what kind of head is this, harder than Jiutian Shenjin!"

The brick was blasted out by the force of the anti-shock, and fell back into Zi Yan's hands, shouting at once.

"What an iron-headed baby, qualified to be my opponent."

Zi Yan said seriously.

"Little devil, I'm going to kill you!!"

The purple-haired girl was so embarrassed and furious that she exploded completely, her divine might surged out like a tide, shaking the heavens! , , .

Chapter 675 The First Demon Soldier of Primordial Ancient: Slaying the Godly Spear!

The purple-haired girl was really angry to the extreme. She had a noble bloodline and was a goddess in the sky. Even if she did not rely on the protection of her parents, she was invincible among her peers, and she did not encounter any opponents, including other descendants of gods.

I didn't expect that I would be slapped with a brick here today, and my head would be smashed out.

Because the person who made her so embarrassed turned out to be a little devil, who should be younger than her, with sharp teeth and sharp mouth, calling her 'little fat man' and 'iron head baby'.If this is spread out, I am afraid that the entire Protoss circle will leave a laughing stock.

"Hey, come out if you can. If you don't come out, I'll beat you up!"

Seeing that this trick worked, Zi Yan repeated the trick, threw the bricks again, turned into a golden rainbow and rushed towards the purple-haired girl.


With a loud bang, the brick smashed onto the back of the purple-haired girl's head accurately, making a symphony of gold and iron, and went straight back.


The purple-haired girl held the newly bulged bag on her head and screamed in shame. This time, it was symmetrical, as if a pair of dragon horns were born side by side on the top of her head, but they were actually two large bags.

She was extremely angry, her snow body kept trembling, her curves undulating, graceful and moving, thinking that she has always been the focus of the stars and the moon, a peerless goddess, but today she was thrown with stones three times, and two big bags were hit on the top of her head. , what a nasty little boy!

Bi Fang, Zhu Qian and other ancient relics were watching the fun from the very beginning, and gradually changed their faces, looking at the bricks in Zi Yan's hands, their expressions were full of surprise.

This little broken stone is definitely not as simple as it says.

You must know that the power of the realm by this Shenquan Pool is very powerful, even a god-king daughter like the purple-haired girl would not dare to walk too fast, otherwise the body would not be able to carry it, but the stubborn stone flew in several times, although shouting The fierceness is actually unscathed, and this alone is definitely not an ordinary thing.

In addition to the powerful suppressing effect, the power of the domain by the Shenquan Pool also has the power to distort the space, but the stubborn stones hit the target twice, ignoring the power of distortion, which is really incredible.

"Isn't this stubborn stone a god-beating stone?"

Several people couldn't help but have such thoughts in their heads.

Legend has it that in the war between gods and demons, the ancient demon gods gathered the power of all directions to slaughter the gods, searched for strange stones in the world, and forged a god-killing spear.

On the day the gun was completed, it shook the world and cried ghosts and gods, claiming to be able to kill gods.

This god-killing spear is indeed a first-class demonic soldier in the world. It is invincible and invincible. It has killed many powerful gods, and once gave the demons the upper hand in the battle, dominating the nine mountains and seas.

Later, the Emperor Buried Heaven rose, and he turned the tide in the great change that was unprecedented in history, and suppressed the ancient demon god in the endless hell.

Because the god-killing spear slaughtered countless powerful gods and was contaminated with too much god blood, these gravel have also changed, each one has the power of penetrating the sky and the earth, called the stone of the gods, and some great powers integrate it into the treasure. , immediately turned the heavy treasure into a treasure, and its power increased several times, making it even more loved by the gods.

So far, many of the immortal treasures of the sacred mountains in the immortal realm contain the ingredients of the gods. On the contrary, they are the only ones that are almost extinct. Could it be that they have encountered them here?

"Yes, yes, this baby of yours is quite useful!"

Zi Yan was padded with bricks and couldn't help but praise.

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