"Boss, I really can't do it. That woman's head is too hard. I'm about to be hit with a concussion. I have to break it again..."

Shi Shi kept complaining with a big mouth, and before he finished speaking, he was thrown out by Zi Yan, bullying the purple-haired girl like lightning.

"Looking for death!!" First Literature Network www.cnd1wx.com

The purple-haired girl raised her mind early this time, feeling the strong wind rushing towards her, and an incomparably powerful divine might erupted from her body immediately, she turned around abruptly, and slapped the slab with her palm.

In an instant, the divine pattern on the palm shone, outlining a purple-gold rune, connecting the heavens and the earth, as if it had the power to shatter the sky and the earth, instantly turning the void in front of it into a black hole.

She hated this broken stone no less than Zi Yan, she was obviously a perpetrator, but she called it more than anyone else, it was just hateful!This time, it will be smashed with a palm.


With a loud bang, the slab was slapped back and screamed like a pig.

"Mom, it's broken, my body is cracked, this woman is too scary to play anymore..."

The slabs screamed louder than before, and they were heartbreaking. Although they weren't really broken, they were indeed deformed. They rolled on the ground, evading Zi Yan's grasp, and turned into a golden rainbow running towards the outside of the Shenyuan. go.

For it, these two women are more ruthless than the other, and neither of them are easy to mess with, and hiding is the most important thing.

"Little Stone, do you dare to escape?"

Zi Yan shouted angrily, just as she was about to pursue her, the originally very quiet Shenquan of Youth suddenly became violently turbulent, and the golden ripples rushed up like a storm, reflecting the seven colors of the gods and shining on the sky.

The purple-haired girl's originally angry face also changed color in an instant, and she turned around again and rushed towards the fountain of youth.

Zi Yan was anxious at both ends, and finally gritted her teeth and cast a cyan rune, which instantly turned into a shower of spiritual rain and shrouded the top of the stone, directly drenching it.

"Little Stone, I've already left a mark on you. If you dare to run away and be found by me, you won't be able to spare you!"

Zi Yan said loudly, then stomped her toes on the ground, and went straight to the fountain of immortality.


At the moment when Zi Yan's toes landed, the ground under her feet shattered, cracking open countless terrifying cracks like a spider web, spreading to all directions in an instant, and she had already entered the Shenquan field under this terrifying thrust.

"Little fat man, don't touch my divine spring!"

Zi Yan shouted, staring closely at the back of the purple-haired girl, constantly destroying the force, and swaying the wind.

"Don't call me chubby... eh? Why did you come in so quickly..."

The purple-haired girl didn't care at first. She felt the strong wind behind her getting closer, but she couldn't help but be surprised. This kid is too enchanting. Not only is his strength amazing, but his defense can actually resist the suppression in this field.

How did she know that Zi Yan is proficient in the law of life and the Nirvana method of the Tianfeng family, and the strongest is defense!

"Rush! Rush! Rush!"

The purple-haired girl felt anxious in her heart, and regardless of her internal injury, she finally ran three feet away from Shenquan, and was about to use her magical powers to fetch water when the strong wind came from behind.

"Don't touch my divine spring!"

Zi Yan, in a desperate posture, threw the purple-haired girl directly from behind, wrapped her feet around her neck, and rolled around on the ground like a wrestling.

Everyone was dumbfounded. , , .

Chapter 676 Be My Dad's Concubine

"Ah ah ah..."

The purple-haired girl was completely mad, this bear child was so poisonous, she took it as a street wrestling, and even rode on her.

On weekdays, she is the daughter of the god king, and she is so noble that even the emperors of the sacred mountains in the immortal realm will salute her respectfully, aloof and inviolable.

She is also a peerless genius, suppressing countless peers, and her peerless beauty is stunning, attracting everyone's attention wherever she goes.The stars hold the moon and are sought after by countless heroes, who are regarded as goddesses, who dares to blaspheme like this.

But this bear child didn't play cards according to the routine, and jumped and jumped, treating it as a brawl, jumping on her flawless jade back, grabbing and beating, rolling on the spot, no face at all, just maddened .


The fountain of youth continued to spew out a large number of seven-colored haze, with many golden ripples shining in the middle, which merged into the realm and multiplied the power of the realm.


The purple-haired girl wanted to stand up, but was crushed by the terrifying power of the realm, and half-knelt on the ground, with Zi Yan's feet hanging from her neck, her hair was messy, her clothes were stained, where else could she Half the appearance of a nine-day goddess.

"I eat, I eat..."

It wasn't enough for Zi Yan to ride on the purple-haired girl, her two hands were fighting with the purple-haired girl's hands, her head tilted, and she bit on the purple-haired girl's crystal clear earlobe.

There is a pendant on her earlobe. It is very crystal and beautiful, exuding divine light. It is obviously a rare treasure, which can partially offset the repressive force of the field. How could Xiaocai fan Zi Yan let go of such a heavy treasure and bite it in one bite. Don't give up.


The purple-haired girlish flower branches are trembling, this is really terrible, she is about to be mad at Zi Yan, she is a dignified goddess, extremely noble, and all the people she contacts are personable, how have you ever encountered Zi Yan's style of play , is riding the neck again, biting the ear again, it's just...

The purple-haired girl was extremely embarrassed, her whole body was pink, and she sent out bursts of powerful Shen Xi, killing Zi Yan.

The current field is too suppressed, and with Zi Yan hanging on her body, she can't stand up at all, so she just wrestled with Zi Yan in the puddle beside Shenquan, you punch me, and I punch you.

If such a scene spreads out, it will definitely subvert the image and make people surprised.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The background of the two is amazing, and no one can do anything for a while, but Zi Yan is still biting the earlobe of the purple-haired girl, and a row of fine teeth marks are clearly visible.

The girl in purple was going crazy. I didn't expect that this bear child would be so difficult to deal with. For a time, the holy and noble her face was blushing from the bite, and the Shen Xi on her body was dimmed, and her mood had long been broken. He threw his fists fiercely and wrestled with the bones, and he was already unconscious.

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