At this moment, the pressure in the surrounding domain suddenly dropped sharply, and those golden ripples rushed back to the Fountain of Youth like hundreds of rivers meeting the sea.

At the same time, a terrifying, low, and majestic aura rose from the spring pool, as if a peerless supreme was about to be born.

"No, the Fountain of Youth is going to be transformed into a spirit!"

The purple-haired girl suddenly woke up, widened her eyes, and pushed Zi Yan desperately.Qidian Novel Network

"It's mine, it's all mine..."

Zi Yan still held fast and did not let go, biting the earlobe of the purple-haired girl.

"Quick release!"

The purple-haired girl was in a hurry, her divine power surged, and without the power of the domain to suppress, her power increased several times, and finally she swayed Zi Yan away.


The purple-haired girl covered her ears, tears of pain fell.

The tears of the two places dripped down the cheeks of the purple-haired girl and instantly merged into the earth. This soil has been nourished by the God of Ageless Spring for tens of millions of years, and it has a fairy tale. A golden lotus is formed, the lotus leaves are fluffy, the size of a washbasin, the flowers and leaves are delicate and dripping, and it is faintly visible that the divine pattern is engraved on it, exuding powerful fluctuations.

"Good baby, comparable to a peerless holy medicine!"

Zi Yan's eyes lit up, and she rushed forward like an electric light, uprooted the golden treasure lotus, and put it into her storage ring.

The purple-haired girl was extremely annoyed, but when she saw this scene, she couldn't help laughing with a 'puchi'.

"I've never seen such a wealth-obsessed bear child like you. Which mountain and sea and which fairyland are you from?"

The purple-haired girl said in a soft tone, her skin was snow-white, although she was still underage, but she was tall and tall, and she was taller than Zi Yan, so there was a bit of a sister's taste in her words, and she was not so angry. .

Zi Yan glanced at her sideways, and said old-fashionedly: "I'm not from the fairyland. The arrogance of the gods in the fairyland has been destroyed a lot. You'd better not rob my Shenquan, otherwise I will eat you."

After speaking, Zi Yan opened her small mouth, revealing a small mouth of fine white teeth, but she looked pretty, with an oval face, and a white dress. This was not deterrent, but only looked playful and cute.

"Haha, what a big tone, tell me which geniuses you killed." The purple-haired girl didn't take it seriously, she said with a smile.

"This is a bit too much, what the violent bear king, the white elephant king, the iron hoof king, and the Xiaopeng king in the pure land of the Buddha..." Zi Yan counted with her hands.

"You killed King Hunyuan Xiaopeng?"

The purple-haired girl frowned, a little serious, and suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and said in shock: "Could it be that you are that holy... what little witch of a small world?"

As soon as these words came out, Bi Fang and the other immemorial relics also suddenly realized that this is the truth. They were still puzzled before, where did such a powerful guy suddenly appear, it turned out to be the little witch deity.

All that is explained, the first and only ten round sea perfect martial artist after the new method of burying the sky. Based on all this, the prestige of the little witch will never be under the purple-haired girl.

"It is said that you have condensed ten round seas, and it is really powerful."

The purple-haired girl sighed with emotion, she felt that her strength and Zi Yan were on a par, but her realm was equivalent to a semi-sage, but Zi Yan was only a high-level demon king, which was shocking.

"It's good to know that it's good, but let's get out of the way quickly and let this witch take the spring of immortality. We don't know each other, and you have a bit of beauty. When the time comes, come back to the Shengyuan world with me and be my father's concubine. ."

Zi Yan's eyes looked around on the purple-haired girl, nodded with satisfaction, and continued to pimp her father. , , .

Chapter 677 Fighting against the father, the king of the gods is invincible!

These words are incredible, and the eyeballs suddenly burst into shock. She even asked the daughter of the dignified king of gods to be a concubine. This little witch really dared to think, and she would die endlessly without being shocked.

The purple-haired girl was also stunned, and immediately screamed: "Begging for a beating!"

The voice fell, and a palm waved out, the palm of the hand shone, weaving into a powerful talisman, overwhelmingly towards the Zi Yan cover.

"Sun Peng Fist!"

Not to be outdone, Zi Yan greeted her with a fist, like a young Kunpeng, slamming into the sky, still shouting: "I only give you the benefit of treating you as a friend, and others want to be my father. The concubine is not ready yet."

"You dare to talk nonsense, watch me teach you a lesson!"

The purple-haired girl was extremely embarrassed, her whole body was agitated by divine power, and she spread the purple dress on her body.

Her eyes are very beautiful, as if there are stars in them, but it is very cold now, and she made up her mind to teach Zi Yan a lesson in nonsense, develop various unique skills, and attack Zi Yan.




Without the suppression of the Divine Spring Domain, the two let go of their hands and feet, and they went up to the ground, as if two divine phoenixes were dancing. Although their postures were graceful, they were accompanied by a strong wind.

Bi Fang, Zhu Qian and other immemorial relics were dumbfounded, and only then did they know that Zi Yan didn't use all her strength when they fought with them, and now she is really doing her best, even if the Gangfeng brought up can kill them their prowess.

This kind of battle, in their opinion, has completely exceeded the limit of the king's world.

At this moment, the Immortal God's Spring vibrated violently again, countless gods gushing forth, and the escaping breath became more and more terrifying, and even the surrounding void began to distort, and even the purple-haired girl and Zi Yan who were fighting were shocked. fear.

If the battle power of the purple-haired girl and Zi Yan represents the real limit of the king's world, then the power emanating from the Fountain of Youth undoubtedly exceeds this limit.

The most obvious proof is that the rules of this world began to manifest, and a big hand of rules gradually condensed in the void. This is the guardian power of each area of ​​the virtual world. Once there is a limit power beyond the area, it will be immediately blocked by this area. A guardian force to suppress.

"Damn it, little witch, don't stop now! If you fight again, the Spring of Ageless God will be sent to a higher level of warfare by the power of this rule, and none of us will get it."

The purple-haired girl said anxiously, this Wang Shenquan was very important to her, and she couldn't help but get nervous.

"Then stop first!"

Zi Yan threw another punch with a strong momentum. The purple-haired girl had no choice but to turn the attack into defense, stepped back a few feet, and took a punch from Zi Yan.

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