"With the foundation of the God of Ageless Spring, after becoming a god, you will at least be transferred to the Emperor Realm, become a hegemon, and even transfer to the Immortal Realm. This is the end of your financial fan!"

The purple-haired girl said gloatingly, in fact, in essence, she needs the Godly Spring to help her take a step closer to her cultivation, especially this spring that contains a lot of divinity is more helpful to her.But at this time, seeing Zi Yanbai busy with her work, she felt inexplicably refreshed, this bear child is really annoying.


The regular palm reappears in the sky, just now it was first shocked by the shadow of the god king, and then randomly crushed by the footprints of the emperor. Profound.Tower novel www.taxiaoshuo.com

Feeling the tyrannical aura emanating from the Shenquan Pond, the hand of the rule immediately descended, the sky and the ground shattered, and the voids burst along the way, with a mighty power to capture the youthful Shenquan Pond and the surrounding space.

At this moment, Zi Yan suddenly took a step forward and said solemnly: "The world leader is here, and the palm of the hand is just ruled, so don't retreat!"

The purple-haired girl and a group of ancient relics were all stunned. They saw that there was an extra jade card in Zi Yan's hand. It was only half a foot square. The highest level of the world master order.

I saw a flash of light on the surface of the token, exuding a rigid and majestic power of heaven and earth, shot on the palm of the rule, and instantly made it dim and disappear.

"Is this... the order of the virtual god?"

The purple-haired girl looked at the token in Zi Yan's hand and was shocked to the extreme.

The virtual world of war was originally divided into six realms. Each realm has a realm master, and each realm is irrelevant. At the same time, above the six realms, there is a master who controls the six realm realm masters. The realm master order is equivalent to each realm. Lord's identity sign.

This token in Zi Yan's hand is the highest-level world master order, also known as the virtual world master order.

When the purple-haired girl entered the virtual world, the God King Yuntian planned to spend a lot of money to buy a bodyguard for her, but was rejected by the purple-haired girl.

Because the king's realm's world master orders are very rare, only a dozen of them have been issued in tens of millions of years. One also has to pay a great price and favor.

The king's realm master order can only be used in the king's realm. The purple-haired girl estimated that she would soon be able to go to the saint's realm, so she did not let Yuntian Divine King spend money, but she did not expect that the bear child actually took out the legendary master. Command, this... this is simply impossible.

"Where did you get this token from?" the purple-haired girl asked.

As far as she knew, the previous rulers of the virtual world, including Emperor Yang Qing, were all in name only.Only Gu Taxian, who has been in the top in recent years, can be regarded as the real master of the virtual world, but he has not heard of him issuing a master order.

"This is my father's reward for me to protect myself in the virtual world of war. Didn't your father give it to you?"

Zi Yan baby likes to put the master order into her pocket, and glances at the purple-haired girl, looking like she is making a fuss.

The purple-haired girl vomited blood in a fit of anger. Is this bear child a Chinese cabbage when it comes to the master order? God King Yuntian has exhausted even getting a world master order. Where can you get the master order?

She has a noble status. She has a father of a god king, and is also a descendant of Tianshen Mountain. She is one of the most dazzling stars of the protoss. No matter where she goes, it is not admired by thousands of people. Even those top talents in the heavens have to be ashamed in front of her status. This is the first time. despised by people.

"Really not? Your father is too stingy, why don't you come and be my father's concubine, then I'll let him give you one too, and our sisters will go to the virtual world together."

Zi Yan talked nonsense, giving the purple-haired girlish eyes gold stars.

What does this mean? If I really want to become her father's concubine, how can I be commensurate with her sisters?


She is the daughter of a dignified king of gods, how can she think of being someone else's concubine.

The purple-haired girl held her forehead speechless, feeling that she was surrounded by this little witch. , , .

Chapter 679 Fighting the God King!

Bi Fang, Zhu Qian and other ancient relics also understand a little bit. No wonder this little witch has no taboos, and she hates the god king. It turns out that there is such a powerful father, even the master of the virtual world wants to sell face.

At this moment, the pool of immortal gods was boiling, and all kinds of rays of light were surging into the sky, and then fell back at a faster rate, and all disappeared in an instant.

Zi Yan was shocked, and she didn't care about taking a concubine for her father, she hurried to the Shenquan Pool, looked inward, and was suddenly dumbfounded.

I saw that the entire pool of the God of Youth was several feet square, and there was not a single drop of spring water. It was all mud and sand, crystal clear, very humid, and faintly exuding golden rays of light. The previous scene of the spring gushing out was like an illusion.

"Where's the spring water? Where's my immortal spring?"

Zi Yan is good at mixing sand with a shocked look on her face.

The purple-haired girl leaned over to the side and said gloatingly: "The immortal spring has been channeled, and now it is hidden in the ground, and it is condensing its divinity to become a god. When it truly becomes an acquired god, there is absolutely no one in this king's world. opponent."

"Hidden underground? Then I'll pull it out."

Zi Yan rolled up her sleeves, and began to pick up a lot of sand, stirring up the dust.

The purple-haired girl was speechless, pinching her nose and said, "Why are you so arrogant, you know how reckless it is, do you know how deep it is hidden in the ground? It is likely to be thousands of feet, and you can't dig it out even if you dig for a year. I have a way to force it out, do you use it?"

Zi Yan stopped and said vigilantly, "How much do you want?"

"Thirty percent, it's all up to me, you can just watch while you're watching. Are you satisfied?"

The purple-haired girl said angrily, after seeing Zi Yan's financial fanatics and domineering, she did not dare to speak loudly, and proposed such a very wronged distribution method.

"No, at most [-]%. Hmm... Forget it, I don't need you anymore, I'll dig it myself."

Zi Yan shook her head and continued to dig her arms away.

"[-]%! I want [-]%! Don't dig!"

The purple-haired girl almost said with a crying voice, this bear child also said that others were stingy, and she had never met anyone who was more stingy than her, and she was unwilling to cede even [-]% of Shenquan.

Bi Fang and the other Primordial Relics were so shocked that their eyeballs were about to fall out. Unexpectedly, the daughter of the dignified god king, the famous queen of the king's world, was bullied like this, and even they couldn't stand it anymore.

"Then... Okay." Zi Yan stopped with a bit of pain.

The purple-haired girl rolled her eyes and said, "This kind of secret method is only available in our Tianshen Mountain. I'm doing you a big favor this time. In addition to Yicheng Shenquan, you have to promise me one thing."

Seeing that Zi Yan seemed to want to refuse, the purple-haired girl quickly added: "This matter is also very good for you. If you can do it, you will get no less than the fountain of immortality!"

Zi Yan's eyes lit up, her big black eyes flashed, and she hummed: "You can get out the immortal spring and then talk about it. I'll think about it later if you agree or not."

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