The purple-haired girl's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys hurt at the same time. How could I have encountered such a evil star? It is obviously a matter of killing two birds with one stone. Grim Reaper.

But she can't do anything about it. Apart from being greedy for money, this little witch has no bad intentions. She is strong enough, has a deep background, and has a master order. She can be said to be the best partner. She has no choice at all.

After settling her mind, the purple-haired girl decided that the adults would not remember the villain's deeds, ignore Zi Yan's nervous look, and walked to the Shenchi by herself, pinched the magic, and shot several divine lights in a row.Xixi Novel Network

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

A tremor of the earth came out, and the Shenchi cracked countless cracks.


Suddenly, a dragon roar sounded, and the immortal spring turned into a golden dragon and flew out from the ground, exuding thousands of golden rays of light, dazzling, like a scorching sun, so majestic that no one dared to look at it. .

This golden dragon is full of spirituality, and immediately turned into a rainbow after it was born, trying to escape.

"Hmph, where to run."

The purple-haired girl was already prepared, and she played several divine tricks in a row, slamming the golden dragon, causing it to make a series of screams, the divine light on her body dimmed, and it fell back to the divine pool.

clap la la...

Shenlong's body was completely shattered, and it turned into ten miniature golden dragons, swimming around in the Shenchi.

"Mine, all mine!"

Zi Yan hurried forward, grabbed two golden flood dragons in one hand and stuffed them into her mouth. After a while, she stuffed six or seven in, and swallowed desperately, Shen Xi burst out, dyeing her whole body with a layer of divine brilliance, like a It will generally shine.

"And one of mine."

The purple-haired girl screamed, without any restraint at all, and rushed into the Shenchi to pick up a golden dragon, gritted her teeth, and threw it directly into her mouth, desperately urging divine power to refine.

She has been completely infected by Zi Yan, forgetting that she is a goddess who is aloof .


Seeing the action of the purple-haired girl, Zi Yan seemed to sigh regretfully, ignored her, and started refining with her eyes closed. devoured a god alive.

Ordinary Tianjiao dares to do this, even if it is a Taixu ancient dragon, it will immediately burst the meridians and smash the flesh and blood of the whole body. The meridian was just broken, and it was repaired immediately.

In this way, the tyrannical divine energy in the body is all integrated into the flesh and blood. Just like looking at it from the inside, you will find that Zi Yan's bones and flesh and blood have turned pale gold, resulting in a reborn change.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

In the eyes of outsiders, Zi Yan's whole body was wrapped in divine light, and there was a huge roar in the body, as if one volcano after another erupted, the blazing light shot straight into the sky, sending out incomparable fluctuations, densely covered with divine runes, and the world trembled. , as if heaven and earth were convinced by this power.

The peak of the king's realm!

An incomparable domineering power erupted from Zi Yan and swept the world. She opened her eyes like a true god opened her eyes and shot out a ray of divine light, full of majesty.

"This little witch, isn't she going to cultivate into a god?"

Chi Long, Bi Fang, Zhu Qian and other ancient relics were all lying on the ground, and the power of Zi Yan made them feel the suppression from the origin of the bloodline, which was almost comparable to the previous God King phantom, terrifying and unimaginable. , , .

Chapter 680 A God Emperor's Bone

"It's a pity that I couldn't break through to Semi-Saint."

Zi Yan murmured softly, a look of regret on her face.

She clearly felt that she had reached her peak before, and there was still a lot of energy left, but it was a pity that she only hit the semi-holy realm once, and all the energy was consumed.

This layer of confinement seems to be very firm. According to Zi Yan's estimation, it takes almost the same amount of energy or even more energy to break through, which makes her a little worried, where to find such a supreme treasure.

"Little witch, can you tell me what your body is?" the purple-haired girl said solemnly.

She expected that with Zi Yan's background, it would not be difficult to refine these immortal springs, but she didn't expect it to be so fast, and these terrifying energies that were enough for her to advance only increased the little witch's cultivation base. Then how terrible should she be after breaking through?

All this proves that Zi Yan's background is much stronger than her daughter of the god king. Such a discovery made the purple-haired girl a little unacceptable, and it also made her doubt Zi Yan's body.

Although the bloodline of the Protoss is the number one among all races, in hundreds of millions of years, there have been several terrifying races with bloodlines close to the Protoss, especially some guys whose bloodlines are mutated by mixing with the Protoss, and even stronger than the normal Protoss.

However, this kind of creature is much worse than the Protoss in terms of reproduction ability, and many mutants do not even have the ability to reproduce, so it will not threaten the status of the Protoss.

Now, the purple-haired girl just suspects that Zi Yan is such a freak.

"If you want to know, you can exchange it with the magical power you just cast."

Zi Yan made a small calculation, and she was very interested in the magic of the purple-haired girl who decomposed the dragon just now.

"Think beautifully."

The purple-haired girl rolled her eyes, this bear child really dared to speak, that is their unique magic of Tianshen Mountain, to be precise, it is a god-king-level magic. Such an irrelevant thing.

"Che, you're so stingy, don't tell me, I'm not rude."

Zi Yan hummed twice, stood up and planned to leave.

"and many more."

The purple-haired girl stopped Zi Yan and said, "Don't forget to promise me one more thing, I want you to accompany me to a place?"

"Where? What's in it for me? I won't do anything that's not good." Zi Yan said very frankly, without blushing at all.

The purple-haired girl said angrily, "Why are you so obsessed with money, you will naturally benefit from following me. To tell you the truth, I want you to accompany me to the forbidden area of ​​​​God Bone."

"God Bone Forbidden Area?" 33 Novel Network

Bi Fang, Zhu Qian and other immemorial relics all gasped.

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