Zi Yan wondered: "Is the forbidden area of ​​God bone very powerful?"

Bi Fang said: "You don't even know the forbidden area of ​​​​the gods. It is the most fierce place in the king's realm. It stretches over [-] mountains. According to legend, there is a temple in it, which enshrines a bone, a bone of a god emperor."

Zi Yan blinked and said suddenly: "God Emperor Bone? There are such treasures, why don't you take them out?"

Chi Long smiled bitterly and said: "How can things be so easy, how powerful the God Emperor Bone is, and the divine light emanating from it enveloped the entire ferocious land. I don't know how many powerful beings have forced their way in for tens of millions of years, but most of them died inside. He was transformed into a servant of God by the divine light, and became the guardian of the temple, making this fierce place more and more terrifying, who would dare to enter."

Zhu Qian also shook his head and said, "That's right, think about how powerful those ancient creatures are. I don't know how many of them have opened ten round seas. After being transformed into god servants, they have more divine power in their bodies, and they are more powerful than before they were alive. If you walk out of one, I am afraid you can sweep the entire king's world."

All the ancient relics nodded, how terrifying Shilunhai is, just look at Zi Yan to know, such existence, coupled with divine power, I am afraid that a casual blow can kill a large number of so-called Tianjiao.

"I want this god emperor bone, and if any ancient creature dares to block it, I will blow his dog's head." Zi Yan waved her small fists in high spirits, squinting at the purple-haired girl and said: "Little fat man, I will accompany you. Take a trip, but the God Emperor Bone must belong to me."

"Don't call me fat boy!"

The purple-haired girl was mad, glared at Zi Yan fiercely, and said angrily: "My name is Yunxi, if you dare to call me little fat man again, I will fight with you."

Purple flames rose from her body, and the divine light surged like a tide, like an angry lion.

Zi Yan quickly waved her hand and said, "I don't want to call you little fat man. Let's go find that god emperor bone."

Yun Xi said: "You little money fan really doesn't know how high the sky is, and you dare to covet that god emperor bone. That is the backbone of a god emperor. From the time of the ancient times to the present, for [-] million years, I don't know how many arrogant people want it. If you can't get it, do you think you are more powerful than all the geniuses in the past [-] million years?"

Zi Yan said casually: "Anyway, I haven't met an opponent yet."

Yun Xi's heart was churning for a while, and he could not wait to immediately catch Zi Yan and teach him a lesson, but he had to admit that this bear child was really powerful. I am afraid it is no longer her opponent.

After calming down, Yun Xi said softly: "Little witch, I know you are very powerful, but since ancient times, there are too many geniuses who are as powerful as you, or even stronger than you. Some of them later grew into Immortal Kings. , Immortal Emperor, has been named for a long time, but no one has been able to obtain the bones of the God Emperor. Instead, he was eroded by the divine brilliance and turned into a silent servant of God. If you hold this kind of thinking, you are asking for your own death."

Zi Yan waved her hand and said, "Since I can't get the God Emperor Bone, why should I go there and not go. I'm going to find Xiao Shi, but that guy dared to escape, and he has to teach him a lesson when he catches it."

Seeing that Zi Yan changed her mind instantly, Yun Xi couldn't help but have a headache, and quickly explained: "Xiao Cai fan, after listening to me, although I can't get the god emperor bone, I have a way to get some bone marrow. According to the ancient records of Tianshen Mountain, that The Root God Emperor Bone will produce a few drops of bone marrow fluid every million years, and it must have accumulated a very large amount now, as long as we find a way to reach the Central Temple, we will have a chance to get some."

Zi Yan's eyes brightened, she nodded frequently, and even a trace of liquid overflowed from the corner of her mouth.

Yun Xi felt contempt in his heart, but on the surface he continued to tempt: "With your strength, even if you meet those top-level god servants, you still have the power to fight, plus the safety route recorded in my ancient book on Tianshenshan, we will definitely be able to do it. When we arrive at the central temple, won’t we take the marrow of those god emperors? That’s the essence of the god emperor’s body, and even a drop is comparable to the energy of the God of Youth.”

Zi Yan clenched her fist tightly, raised it, and said loudly: "Done!" ,, ..

Chapter 681 God Bone Forbidden Area

"You guys, come with me too."

Zi Yan scolded Fang Qiu and nodded, Bi Fang, Zhu Qian and other ancient relics were speechless, but they could only succumb to her lewd power.

A group of people went to the forbidden area of ​​​​God Bone in a mighty way.

I don't know how far I have walked, Yun Xi suddenly stopped and said, "It's alright to get here, I will take you there directly with the void-breaking talisman."

After finishing speaking, a flash of light flashed in Yunxi's hand, and a cyan ancient talisman appeared. The surface was engraved with a very mysterious texture, as if it was cast in heaven, without any traces of axe chisels, but there were three cracks on the front, which made the ancient talisman look a little incomplete. .


Yun Xi let out a low voice and cast a divine light into the ancient talisman.


The surface of the ancient talisman shattered a crack, and at the same time, it emitted powerful energy fluctuations, forming a cyan portal in front of everyone with a height of two feet and a width of one foot. Inside was an endless passage.

"Let's go."

Yun Xi took the lead in stepping into the passage, Zi Yan followed without hesitation, and Bi Fang and others could only follow.

After a while, the stars moved, and when everyone came out again, they had already appeared on a large Gobi. Looking around, there were stones and gravels everywhere. It was necessary to look far away to see a tree, which looked very desolate.

All the trees that grow are tall and towering, like a giant dragon lying on the ground, with luxuriant branches and leaves, exuding powerful vitality, and seems to be fighting against this world.

"This is the periphery of the God Bone Restricted Area, and it has been directly teleported for [-] miles, which is comparable to the ancient void-breaking talisman."

Chilong looked at the surrounding scene, and his face couldn't help showing a look of horror. The ancient breaking talisman was a supreme treasure. It could be sent directly regardless of space restrictions, and it could save a life at a critical moment. Women use to hurry.

Moreover, he could see clearly that Yun Xi's hand was not a one-time void-breaking talisman, but a talisman that could be used at least a dozen times, and the damage could be repaired through some special spiritual fluid, which was invaluable.

"Little Fatty, your talisman is really good, it's very convenient to travel, can you give me one?"

Zi Yan jumped to Yun Xi's side and said very enthusiastically.

"Go, go, don't try to pay attention to my talisman. This is made from the talisman of a starry beast, and I usually don't want to use it."

Yun Xi drove Zi Yan away angrily.

"Che, I'm so stingy, I still treat you as a good friend. Good friends should share the blessings, yours is mine..." Zi Yan muttered and ran to the side.

Yun Xi's body trembled with anger. This little money fan was so angry that he now regarded her as a friend. When he hit her with two buns on the head, he didn't show mercy at all when he wrestled with her.Moreover, she was divided into [-]% of the youthful spring, but instead came to say that she was stingy.

The group continued on their way, flying in elusive light, and soon approached the edge of the Gobi. Looking around, they saw an endless mountain range with hundreds of thousands of shadows.

The spiritual energy here is also more intense. Each tree is ten times taller than the one seen before, towering into the clouds, and the old vines hanging on it are thousands of meters thick, so thick that any tree can entangle a mountain peak. , amazing.

At the same time, there is also a monument erected here, hundreds of feet tall and pure white, as if made of white divine jade.Daxia Chinese Website www.daxiabook.com

"Could it be that these hundreds of thousands of mountains belong to the forbidden area of ​​​​God Bone?"

Zi Yan asked in surprise, not daring to imagine that there would be such a large restricted area, almost comparable to the size of the entire Eastern Wilderness.

Bi Fang nodded and said solemnly: "According to legend, this place was originally a land of evil, with no grass growing. Later, when the god emperor came down and the divine brilliance spread, only then could this place regain its vitality, and it became the place with the strongest spiritual energy in the entire king's world. Countless top-quality medicines have grown, and they have been bathed in divine brilliance for a long time, more or less contaminated with some charm, each plant is very precious."

"Huh? I feel the breath of life in it, and there are many more." Zi Yan blinked, a little surprised.

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