Zhu Qian said: "Although this is a forbidden area for god bones, the periphery is still relatively safe. Unless the god tide erupts, only the most central one hundred thousand mountains will be guarded by god servants, so many people are looking for magical medicines in the outer mountains. ."

"Then let's hurry in and don't let them take away all the precious medicines."

When Zi Yan heard that there was a competitor, she immediately became anxious.

Yun Xi rolled his eyes and said in a sweet voice: "Don't worry, the treasure medicine here is not so easy to pick up, although there is no divine servant to guard, but some of the clouds condensed by divine brilliance also have powerful lethal power, which is very harmful to Taikoo. Relics are life-threatening."

After she finished speaking, she glanced at Bi Fang and the others lightly, which suddenly made them shudder.

The group officially stepped into the forbidden area of ​​​​the sacred bones. Sure enough, they met many creatures outside, from all races, either gathered together or acted alone.

"Here... how many souls have died?"

Zi Yan stepped on it with one foot and found that it turned out to be a white bone on the ground. It fluttered several layers. The bottom layer, the bones have been corroded, I am afraid it has a history of millions of years.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

There were bursts of explosions in the depths of the restricted area, and there were tyrannical creatures fighting fiercely. Among them, two monster creatures even transformed into their bodies, which were hundreds of feet tall. They directly pulled up giant trees and mountain peaks as weapons to attack and kill each other.

Vaguely, Zi Yan felt a familiar breath. It was the Taixu ancient dragon of her own clan. The bloodline was very strong, almost pure-blooded. It seemed to be fighting fiercely far and far ahead.

"Go, go there and see!"

There seemed to be a voice in Zi Yan's heart urging her, and she flew directly towards the familiar breath.

"Hey, little witch, wait a minute!"

Yun Xi shouted loudly from behind, she could only keep up quickly, she was so angry that she didn't expect this bear child to be restless in this first murderous place.

The further forward, the more creatures I met, and the tyrannical atmosphere exuded by Zi Yan and her party, they couldn't help but change their colors and looked over.

"Isn't that Bi Fang? The overlord of Tiannan area, he actually came, and got together with Zhu Qian and Chi Long."

"Terrifying, there are more than a dozen immemorial relics joining forces. Could it be that they plan to invade the [-] mountains at the core?"

"What are Bi Fang and the others? Didn't you see the girl in front? That's the daughter of the God King Yuntian."

"What! It turned out to be the daughter of a god king, and she has an extraordinary temperament. Seeing that she has two horns on the top of her head, this is the legendary head horn."

Yun Xi was speeding up the flight, and when she heard the sudden staggering, she almost fell from the sky, as if a hundred thousand grass and mud horses galloped past her heart. , , .

Chapter 682 The king of the gods, look at the world!


The divine might soared into the sky, and the divine lines on Yunxi's palm erupted, turning into a dozen divine swords and flying out, instantly suppressing those creatures who said she was 'prosperous', destroying their spirits and souls.

The crowd of onlookers immediately scattered, and no one knew what happened. When the goddess pointed and pointed, those powerful creatures exploded one after another, which was extremely terrifying.

Bi Fang and the other immemorial relics held back their smiles. These people were also unlucky. They even thought that the two big buns on Yun Xi's head were born horns, and they praised them repeatedly.


Yun Xi glanced back, full of murderous aura, and immediately made these ancient relics tremble, daring not to be disrespectful at all.

"This damn little witch, I must teach her a lesson when I find opportunities in the future, and that stinky brick."

Yun Xi secretly hated in her heart, and she raised her hand to touch the big bag on her head, still a little sore, and the brick didn't know where it came from. bear.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The more galloping forward, the louder the roar that erupted, as if the sky was torn apart, and even the mountains, rivers, sun and moon were about to be destroyed. Even Yun Xi couldn't help showing a dignified look, and his momentum was hardly weaker than hers.

Swish swish!

More than a dozen escaping lights flew freely between the mountains in this restricted area, and finally reached the battlefield of the fierce battle. I saw that there was already a sea of ​​people, and there were strong people of all races, densely packed, and everyone had excitement on their faces. color.

"This, this is..."

Zi Yan hurried here, but couldn't help being a little dumbfounded. The fierce collision came from a cloud, a cloud so big that it enveloped the entire mountain.

To be precise, it is an image in the clouds, a young man with a dragon head and a human body, looming in the mist, his whole body glows, he is dressed in black, and his demeanor is cold and determined, as if the mountains of the gods are horizontal, and the mountains are broken, no matter where he goes. One stop is like an unattainable giant mountain, even if he is not strong, he still suffocates everyone!

The clouds reflected the scene of this restricted area. The young man with the dragon head and the human body was running between the mountains, his black hair was scattered, the sky was full of gods, and he suppressed a peerless beast, an ancient relic, and even fought fiercely with the ancient creatures. and suppress it!

"This man is so strong."

Yun Xi stood next to Zi Yan, looking at the godlike young man fighting in the clouds, and couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

"It's him! Long Gaitian of the Black Flame Dragon God Mountain!"

Zhu Qian let out an exclamation, with a look of fear in his eyes.

Chi Long couldn't help shrinking his pupils when he heard the words, and he sucked in a cold breath and said, "Long Gaitian, the young man who is said to be comparable to the descendants of the gods? It is said that he has the bloodline of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, which is really terrifying."

"Little witch, what's wrong with you?"

Yun Xi's spiritual sense was astonishing, and he soon noticed Zi Yan's abnormality. This bear child like a demon king in the world was unusually quiet at this time, only staring at the young man in the cloud, his eyes were as cold as ice.

"You know him?" Yun Xi said softly.

"He is my mortal enemy." Zi Yan said these six words calmly, changing her careless style. 51 Biquge www.51suxiu.com

Yun Xi was stunned for a moment, and said in deep thought, "This cloud and mist is transformed by divine power and has a memory function. What you have seen is just an image that happened in the past, and the young man should not be here anymore."

At this moment, the image of the restricted area in the cloud trembled violently, and it was Long Gaitian who stepped into the real inner area. The blood creature appeared, and a war broke out with him,

Long Gaitian is invincible, no matter how many powerful divine servants come, whether it is a divine bird or a pure-blooded creature, all of them are suppressed and terrifying. Giants are moving.

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