"It's too strong, does this Long Gai Tian really only have a king-level cultivation base? It's a natural supreme, and he will become an invincible emperor in the future."

Bi Fang couldn't help but marvel. He was originally the overlord of one side and ruled the entire Tiannan region. Even if the Emperor Zhun suppressed his cultivation base and entered the King's Realm, he was not afraid at all, but at this time, he felt a deep feeling from Long Gaitian. Deterrence, as if the opponent could suppress him with just one finger.

At this moment, a scorpion appeared, thousands of feet tall, and with one step, the heaven and the earth shook with a rumbling sound.

"The eighteenth immemorial creature appeared. It seems to be stronger than the previous god servants. I don't know if Long Gaitian can suppress it."

All the onlookers showed an extremely nervous expression. This cloud reflected the image at the core of the forbidden area of ​​​​the sacred bone, and it was the scenery they had seen. A feeling of witnessing the birth of the God of War.

However, although this group of people had great confidence in Long Gaitian, they were still shaken when they saw this Suan. Condensed out of the treasure, dazzling.

"This scorpion has condensed the tenth Sea of ​​Wheels. Although it has not been completed yet, it has reached the realm of small achievement, and it has absorbed tens of millions of years of divine brilliance. It is not easy to deal with."

Yun Xi made a judgment with a serious expression.


There was a loud bang that shook the ground and the mountains, and the ancient scorpion had already risen into the sky, bursting with divine light, like a god, piercing the sky and earth!

Its bronze eyes bloomed with auspicious colors, and two divine runes sank in it. They suddenly made a brilliant work, and shot out a divine light, which directly shattered a thousand-zhang mountain, which was extremely frightening.

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air and felt genuine awe. This blow was originally aimed at Long Gaitian, but he blocked it with a powerful treasure technique, turned it in other directions, and destroyed the mountain.

"It actually gave birth to two divine runes, not bad."

Long Gaitian spoke for the first time, his voice was very low, with a calm and domineering that did not match his age, he strode forward.

His black hair danced wildly and stepped out of the shattering void with one step, as if a peerless god was killed from the ancient battlefield. A door of the ancient dragon and the colorful divine phoenix's treasures were used from his hands, shaking the sky and hitting the ancient scorpion. Flesh and blood flew, smashing one mountain after another.

In the end, he killed Primordial Suoyao and seized the two divine runes bred in his body. Nine great round seas appeared behind him. Seven round seas each had a divine rune suspended in it. Together with these two divine runes, nine All the seas of the sea are bred with divine runes, and all kinds of divine brilliance are intertwined, setting him off like the king of the gods, looking down on the world!

"It's so strong, Long Gaitian is plundering the good fortune of the servants of gods, nine seas of rounds, and nine great talismans, could it be that he wants to practice the divine way?"

"As the supreme treasure of the dragon and the phoenix, to suppress the immemorial creatures at will, this is the power of the natural supreme!"

The powerhouses of all races were trembling, Long Gaitian's strength was so tyrannical that it made people unable to give birth to the heart of competition.

At this moment, Long Gaitian, who was originally standing with his back to the crowd, suddenly turned around and looked at everyone, to be precise, at Zi Yan, and said softly:

"My good sister, long time no see." ,, . .

Chapter 683 What Immortal Emperor Supreme Dare Not Say

"My good sister, long time no see."

As soon as these words came out, there was a huge uproar, and the young supreme being in the image actually came to life.

This is the mystery of divine power, making this image briefly connect to the consciousness of the main body, and shout through time and space.

What's even more shocking is that there is Long Gaitian's sister at the scene, and the two have a close relationship.

For a time, everyone's eyes turned to Zi Yan, and they didn't care at first, but when they saw Yun Xi, Bi Fang and others around her, they couldn't help but be surprised.

"Isn't that person Yunxi Goddess of Tianshen Mountain? Standing with Long Gaitian's sister."

"Bi Fang and others seem to be in the same group. It's definitely not easy for this little girl to mix with this group of people."

"I have seen this girl in the previous ruins. She is very powerful. I will suppress Bi Fang and other immemorial relics and take them as my younger brother."

The surrounding powerhouses talked a lot. Some people knew Zi Yan and broke the news. Everyone knew that it turned out that Bi Fang and other powerful relics were only younger brothers. They couldn't help but have a strong awe for Zi Yan. If they join hands, wouldn't they be able to rule the entire kingdom of kings.

Zi Yan turned a blind eye to these eyes, only stared at Long Gaitian coldly, and said softly: "Long Gaitian, do you finally have the courage to see me?"


All the powerhouses took a deep breath. This sentence is too harsh. It seems that the relationship between the two brothers and sisters is not very good.

Long Gaitian's eyes also turned cold, and he said in a gloomy voice: "My good sister, while I'm not here, you go to Tianlonghai to make a lot of damage. I haven't settled the account with you."

"I've been in Tianlonghai for half a month. It's you who avoided fighting and didn't fight me. Next time, I will go to the real Tianlonghai." Zi Yan's voice was cold and contained a strong sense of threat.

"At that time, I was in retreat, and I didn't receive any news. If I received news, I would fight you!" Long Gaitian stood with his hands behind his back, like a mountain of gods lying there, unshakable.

"Then I invite you to fight now, when will you dare to answer?"

Zi Yan asked, and the atmosphere in the audience suddenly became tense, projecting endless chills.

"Now, in the future, at any time. I will wait for you in the Saint Realm. When you come, I will fight with you."

Long Gai said calmly, but revealed a shocking secret - he has broken through to the demon holy realm!

This is a very terrifying progress. The more powerful Tianjiao is, the more difficult it is to break through the great realm. From time immemorial, I don’t know how many powerful Tianjiao who can fight across the ranks have been trapped in this step, and once a breakthrough is made, the world will be turned upside down. .

The current Long Gaitian is more than ten times more tyrannical than in the image, and even Yun Xi, the daughter of the God King, could not help but frown slightly.

"You are so confident, then come to the King's Realm, I will stand still, waiting for you to fight!" Zi Yan said.

"The King's Realm? It's too low-level. The real powerhouse will not turn back. I have already conquered the first restricted area of ​​the King's Realm and took three drops of God Emperor's marrow. There is no attraction to me there. If you want to fight, first Find a way to break through to the demon sanctuary." 56 Novels www.56xiaoshuo.com

Long Gaitian responded with unparalleled arrogance.

Everyone's hearts were shocked. They didn't expect that Long Gai innocently conquered the forbidden area of ​​​​God Bone, and even took three drops of the bone marrow of the God Emperor.

"The mere demon holy realm is also worth showing off, I really feel ashamed for you." Zi Yan pouted and contempt.

"My good sister, I heard that you are very strong, and you have suppressed many gods and mountains, but remember that there are people outside people, and there are heavens outside the world. If you want to go further on the road, you need to keep the word 'humility' in mind."

Long Gaitian's tone was still flat. At the beginning, he and Zi Yan went through the blood test together and watched Zi Yan condense ten round seas with his own eyes, which is unparalleled in the world, but now he has taken a step ahead and entered the demon holy realm, thinking that he You can look down at Zi Yan.

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