"In a word, I am invincible in the realm that I can reach. The reason why you dare not come to the King's Realm is because you know that you are not perfect enough to appear in front of me, that's all."

There was a ray of light in Zi Yan's eyes, as if a dragon soul flashed through it, and the faint dragon might escaped, making everyone feel suffocated for a while, which was the suppression from the origin of the bloodline.

"Invincible in the world? My good sister, you are too conceited. Even those immortal emperors who are famous for eternity would not dare to say that they are invincible in the world at any time in their lives."

"But I dare! If you don't agree, come and fight with me. The dragon race has always fought the world, don't humiliate your bloodline."

Zi Yan is pressing step by step, and she is also invincible in the world.

The corners of Long Gaitian's mouth twitched, but he finally endured it and said coldly: "You are too weak to let me fight in the lower realm. I killed a total of twenty-seven heads in the forbidden area of ​​​​God Bone. The servant of the gods transformed by the ancient creatures took three drops of the bone marrow of the gods in the central temple, and wanted me to go to the realm before breaking this record."

All the powerhouses were shocked by Long Gaitian's words. They couldn't believe it. Those immemorial creatures were Tianjiao who died in the forbidden area of ​​​​God Bone during the immemorial years. They have survived to this day. It can be seen that they are all top-level existences, but they were killed by Long Gaitian. Twenty-seven, such a record is enough to be proud of Gu Lingjin.

"This Long Gaitian is not simple."

Yun Xi whispered softly, she was born in Tianshen Mountain, she has read many precious classics, her vision is much wider than Zi Yan, in her opinion, Long Gaitian is walking a very scary road.

Although he did not condense the tenth round sea, the nine round seas are all nurtured with divine runes, mixing spiritual power with divine power, and the power is far beyond the ordinary round sea. People with great fortune are definitely difficult to cultivate.Once completed, it must be earth-shattering, comparable to gods and demons.


The nine round seas behind Longgaitian reappeared, the divine runes tumbling in it, bursting with infinite divine brilliance, condensing an ancient monument, and crashing down.

"Do you dare to fight?"

The four big characters, each carved with different treasures, exudes a powerful power, dragon power, phoenix power, divine power, and emperor power, intertwined and overwhelming.

Zi Yan strode forward, punched out, and the power of the boundless flames erupted, as if there was a Kunpeng roaring in the sky, instantly smashing the ancient monument.


One word was uttered, and an invincible might rose to the sky.

At this moment, although Zi Yan is still just a girl, she is like a god, aloof and looking down at all beings. , , .

Chapter 684 Identity exposed, the appointed invincible emperor


At this moment, the ground beneath his feet suddenly trembled violently, as if a tide of spiritual sea spread out from the center, sweeping the sky and tearing the cloud to shreds in an instant.


A dull roar resounded between the mountains, shaking the world, and the depths of the major mountain ranges exuded a terrifying aura, causing all the mountain ranges to burst apart.


A group of huge flying dragons flew out from the inside of the restricted area, emitting a harsh dragon roar, and their wings spread out thousands of feet, covering the sky and flying towards the periphery.


More than a dozen giants of the giants rose up from the ground, using the ancient wooden boulders as soldiers, seemingly slow but in fact quickly swayed towards the periphery, and every step they took had the power of breaking the sky and breaking the ground.

In an active volcanic crater, countless magma erupted and shot up to ten thousand feet. More than a dozen bullocks covered in crimson ran out of the magma, trampling brutally, and everywhere they went, a sea of ​​fire was ignited.

And at the top of the crater, a scorpion and Jinpeng stood side by side, bursting with divine light, looking down coldly.

"This is, what's the matter..."

All the creatures felt suffocating fear. The depths of the originally quiet and forbidden area seemed to suddenly riot, and thousands of imposing manners rose. Even the weakest one was close to the immemorial relics such as Bi Fang and Zhu Qian.

"The divine tide broke out. This is the outbreak of the divine tide. It only happens once every [-] years. Damn, the divine servants from the depths of the restricted area are about to rush out."

"God servants riot, the entire restricted area will be turned into hell."

"Run! Run!"

There was a riot in the forbidden area of ​​​​the sacred bones, and countless ferocious beasts that turned into servants rushed out from the depths of the forbidden area. These powerful servants were originally restricted by the central temple and could not leave the [-] mountain at the core, but now the radiance broke out, Sweeping the entire restricted area is equivalent to liberating them.

This is a feast for the servants of the gods, feeding on the arrogance of the gods in these forbidden areas. The lucky ones can be transformed into servants of gods, trapped in the forbidden area for eternity, and the miserable ones will be killed and their souls will be destroyed.

"Ah ah ah..."

In just an instant, countless powerhouses suffered, and the servants who could lurk in the core [-] mountains were all called overlords. They set foot in the outside world and looked down upon them. , none were spared.

Zi Yan and others were also stunned by the sudden riot, and before they could react, they saw an army of beast hordes rolling in, bringing countless flying sand and rocks.

All the powerhouses looked around and took a breath of cold air. They saw that there were hundreds of beasts rushing over. They were all land overlords in the ancient times. The pattern is shining, the footsteps and the wind blows, the earth caves and the mountains shake.

But the most terrifying thing is the fierce beast at the back. It is three thousand feet high. It seems to be driving a group of god servants out to kill. He is shaped like a dog, but he has nine heads and a whole body of purple gold. It is the legend. The ancient vicious beasts in the middle are really sturdy, and they can fight against gods and demons with unparalleled combat power.


The flames of war ignited in an instant, and a huge roar resounded like a thunder, and the four fields shook. The black beast in the front had already rushed to the front, opened its bloody mouth, and directly blocked the road. The three strong bears Crushed, swallowed whole.

The huge claws swept forward, and the other seven or eight king-level powerhouses were all strangled, their bodies shattered into countless pieces, and there was no time to even let out a scream.

"This is the descendant of Taikoo Zhenya, too powerful." Kuaiyan 123 www.kuaiyan123.com

All the powerhouses were terrified. This pioneer of the servants of the gods, who was at the forefront, was an immemorial relic of the same level as Bi Fang and Chilong, and behind the army of god servants, there was the real primordial Zhenyu. , who is the enemy?

You must know that Jiutou Zhenyu was an invincible beast even in the Primordial Era, and it was common for him to swallow the gods and demons alive.

"I'm afraid the strength of this nine-headed Zhenyu is not under the Primordial Suyan that Long Gaitian killed, little witch, let's retreat first, it's too dangerous here." Yun Xi said solemnly.

She is well aware of the horror of this restricted area. If she hadn't broken through soon, and Zi Yan was robbed by Zi Yan again, she would never have come to the Shengu restricted area to try her luck.

"Huh? Little witch, you..."

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