Yun Xi blinked, but found that Zi Yan had disappeared from her side, and then looked around, and saw that Zi Yan was rushing towards the army of servants against the crowd of people who were retreating crazily.


Zi Yan shouted loudly, as if a spring thunder exploded, and the sky was split in a split, directly shaking the two wolf-shaped gods to death, instantly attracting the attention of all gods.

There was a ferocious look in the eyes of the black beast, and its body jumped straight to another mountain, lit up with extremely sharp claws, and tore it towards Zi Yan, like a colossus about to crush an ant.

"Sun Peng Fist!"

The power of infinite flames erupted from the front of Zi Yan's fists, shrouding her whole body in the blazing sunlight, as if a scorching sun descended from the sky and collided fiercely with the claws.


At the moment when the two attacks were handed over, the icy claw that was as cold as a knife shattered directly, and Zi Yan continued to fall with an indomitable momentum, directly slamming her fist on the body of the black beast.


The power of this blow shocked the audience in an instant, and even the powerhouses who were about to flee couldn't help but stop their steps, with a look of horror in their eyes, this little girl actually killed an ancient relic with one punch, and one was contaminated with gods. Hui's mighty servant!

"Haha, this is the eldest of my family, the famous little witch!"

Chilong grinned and said very aggressively.

"What, it turns out that she is the little witch who is famous for moving the nine mountains and seas."

"The little witch who has completed the ten round sea? No wonder she is so powerful. It is said that she even suppressed the King Xiaopeng in the Pure Land of the Buddha."

"The little witch's father is the invincible emperor. He has conquered countless immortal mountains and mountains, and the little witch is also invincible."

The power of the name of the person, the shadow of the tree, and the little witch is far greater than anyone imagined.

Today, the top forces of the nine major mountains and seas basically know that the great world that has not been seen in thousands of years is coming, and countless amazing talents will rise and take over the hegemony of mountains and seas.

And the little witch is the emperor star of the demon clan appointed by the major powers of the mountain. In the future, she will become the invincible emperor and lead the demon clan to glory. I don’t know how many forces have told her subordinates to make good friends with them once they encounter them.


A fierce roar interrupted everyone's reverie, but it was the Taikoo Zhenxian who was standing in the formation, with a fierce look in his eyes and a sharp whistle.

In an instant, hundreds of divine servants slaughtered towards Zi Yan at the same time. , , .

Chapter 685 Beauty to death, you little fat man!

Qinglong Star Picker!

Zi Yan performed her unique skills, and the body surface erupted with infinite treasures. A huge dragon claw stepped out of the clouds. The surface was covered with cyan dragon scales, exuding destructive power, and landed with a bang.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

A burst of explosions sounded, and the black mountain, which seemed to be made of obsidian, was directly crushed by dust, mixed with the flesh and blood of countless gods and servants, and splashed in all directions.

With just one blow, hundreds of god servants were killed.

"The first one!"

Zi Yan said coldly, using Kunpeng's sky-step, a little toes, the mountains under her feet smashed into countless cracks, and she had soared into the sky like a giant eagle, heading straight for the last Taikoo Zhenxian.


With one punch, one of Jiutouzhen's head was directly blown up, and the endless flesh and blood that flew, mixed with divine brilliance, cracked many mountains.


Jiutou Zhenya let out a painful roar, and the remaining eight heads opened their bloody mouths at the same time, and the infinite treasure light condensed, and each spewed a powerful treasure technique, complementing each other, and smashed towards Zi Yan.

"Suppress, suppress all!"

The blood on Zi Yan's body erupted, like a dancing divine phoenix, without performing any treasures, just punched down with one punch, the void was directly blown up, and now the broken mirror broke through countless cracks, transforming Zuo Space Storm strangled to Jiutou Zhenya.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Heads exploded one by one, and within a moment, all nine heads of Jiutouzheng were shattered, the huge beast body could not support it, fell to the ground with a bang, and overwhelmed a large piece of ancient trees.


The audience was stunned by this scene. In the previous cloud image, Longgai Tianli fought against the ancient scorpion. Although it was also strongly suppressed, but I don't know how many powerful dragon and phoenix techniques were used, but Zi Yan was completely relying on flesh fists. One punch and one punch smashed to death an ancient creature.

This scene is so shocking that it makes people feel chills from the bottom of their hearts.

At this time, some people finally understood what Zi Yan meant by 'the first'. She was going to challenge Long Gaitian's so-called twenty-seven records.

"God rune, where's my rune?"

Zi Yan stood on the body of Jiutou Zhenxian, constantly rummaging, but everyone was far away, no one could hear clearly, only to see Zi Yan stepping on Jiutou Zhenxuan's ribs, Can not help but a burst of surprise.

Only Yun Xi knew what she was thinking, she pouted her lips speechlessly, flew forward, and said softly, "Xiao Cai Mi, do you want to take the magic rune on this Jiutou Zhenya?"

Zi Yan nodded. She saw in the cloud image that Long Gaitian took out two divine runes from the corpse of the ancient scorpion and put them in the sea of ​​​​Lunhai. She felt very powerful, so she thought to look for it.

Yun Xi smiled and said, "Don't waste your time, that divine rune is accumulated by the beasts' countless years of absorbing divine light. It has no substance at all, and Long Gaitian is more able to extract it. It uses a special secret method. You are a human being. Can anyone do it?"

She smiled very brightly, her robe fluttered in the breeze, like a fairy in the broad cold, indescribably out of the dust and holy, the little witch's deflation made her feel extremely refreshing.

"You must also know this secret technique, right?" Zi Yan said.

"It's okay if you want me to help you, the rune you get must be divided equally." Second Chinese website

Yun Xi narrowed her beautiful eyes, showing a philistine expression, and she was also infected by this little witch.

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