"Beautiful, you little fat man!" Zi Yan said angrily.

Yun Xi jumped his feet in anger, and the jade body trembled, and then he said coldly: "Then you can find a way by yourself, as long as it takes a while, the divine brilliance in its body will slowly flow away."

"I can't believe I can't handle it!"

Zi Yan said with oath, turned around the body of Jiutou Zhenxian twice, suddenly stopped, and a dragon's might escaped from her body.

"Little witch, what are you going to do..."


Before Yun Xi's words were finished, Zi Yan had already answered her with practical actions. In a huge dragon roar, it turned into a huge Taixu ancient dragon. The golden dragon scales all over her body flickered, and they looked like they were refracted by the sunlight. A shining god, majestic.

Black Flame Dragon Breath Technique!

Zi Yan opened the dragon's mouth and sprayed, and the huge purple dragon flames fell from the sky like a nine-day galaxy, completely wrapping the body of Jiu-tou Zhen's body. Roasted, it emits a rich aroma that fills the dozens of surrounding peaks.


When the dragon tongue rolled, the real corpse was swallowed directly by Zi Yan, chewed a few times, and swallowed it directly into the stomach.

"Little witch, shut up! You are a waste of nature, Shenhui is not refined like this, you can't keep it at all."

Sure enough, as soon as Yun Xi's voice fell, Zi Yan's body suddenly erupted with infinite Shen Xi, and the stars were dotted, as if her body was glowing.

"Enter... If you enter my body, don't even think about going out, refine it for me!"

Zi Yan said vaguely, closing the dragon scales all over her body and sealing all the pores. Those Shen Xi had nowhere to escape, and immediately rioted in her body, desperately pounding the flesh and blood, making bursts of roars.

Yun Xi was stunned by Zi Yan's actions, and it took a long time for her to react, showing an expression of admiration. Although her heart is not enough to swallow an elephant, it is the first time she has seen a little witch who is so desperate for money. She can't help but be right Her perseverance is admired.

You must know that God and Fan are separated from each other. During the Primordial Age, any creature who wants to control the power of God will be punished by God, and the heavens will abandon it.

Even with Long Gaitian's domineering, he only dared to use secret techniques to extract the divine rune and put it into the Wheel Sea to nurture it, so that the divine power could be subtly integrated into the Wheel Sea Spirit Pool, but this little witch directly absorbed the divine brilliance and put it into the sea. Forcibly merged into flesh and blood, even a Taixu ancient dragon would definitely not be able to withstand such a backlash.

"Ah ah ah..."

Zi Yan turned the world upside down, and the huge dragon tail kept destroying the surrounding mountains, scaring Bi Fang, Chi Long and other powerhouses to retreat, or even run away directly.

When Yunxi wanted to save this little money fan, Zi Yan's roar suddenly stopped, and the dragon's body grew twenty feet at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming more formidable, with divine might looming in the dragon's eyes.

"How is this possible, that's the brilliance of two divine runes, you, you..."

Yun Xi's eyes widened, and Zi Yan's strength shocked her again. This girl's body was made of Shenjin, which is too unbelievable.

And she could see clearly that Zi Yan didn't suppress Shenhui, but really melted into the flesh and blood, and her breath became stronger, as if she could step into the semi-sanctified realm at any time.

Such defensive power makes God feel desperate! , , .

Chapter 686 The Emperor was very skinny when he was a child!

"Hmph, dumbfounded." Zi Yan smiled proudly.

Yun Xi was a little helpless, this little witch had an invincible appearance that would cover her entire life, how could she be so arrogant, she didn't have the temperament of a master at all.


The riots in the restricted area became more and more terrifying, and because of Zi Yan's actions just now, it attracted countless attention, and it seemed that an army of servants was approaching from all directions.

"Huh? What about Xiao Bi and Xiao Zhu?"

Zi Yan looked around and found that except for Yun Xi, everyone else had disappeared.

Yun Xi rolled her eyes and said angrily, "You made such a big noise, of course they were all scared away by you, let's go now."

"Where?" Zi Yan blinked.

Yun Xi said: "Of course, we will quit. Now that the divine tide has just erupted, it is still too late to quit. When all the servants of the ancient creature level come out, it will be difficult for us to leave."

Suddenly, Yun Xi seemed to have noticed something and exclaimed, "Little witch, you don't want to go further, do you?"

Zi Yan nodded and said, "I haven't killed five hundred primordial creatures, and I haven't obtained dozens of drops of God Emperor bone marrow, how can I go?"

"You little money fan, your tone is really big, do you know how many ancient creatures are in the forbidden area of ​​​​God Bone?" Yun Xi said angrily.

"No matter how many he has, I will kill as many as I come, until I get five hundred. If Long Gaitian wants to bet with me, I will use ten or twenty times to suppress him!" Zi Yan is domineering. Natural response.

Yun Xi shook his head and sighed: "According to the ancient records of Tianshen Mountain, every one of the [-] mountains at the core is crammed with at least one beast-king god servant at the level of ancient creatures, all of them will rush out under the riot of the gods. , you can kill [-], and you can kill [-], but [-]?"

Zi Yan was fearless and said lightly: "If you are timid, go back. I will go by myself. Of course, the bone marrow of the god emperor has no share of yours."

Yun Xi's face flushed red, this little witch's speech was really sharp, she was the daughter of a dignified king of gods, she always looked down on the world, and she was called 'timid', which was simply intolerable.

"Okay, I'll follow you through the depths of the restricted area!"

Yun Xi gritted her teeth and made a decision, but she was not completely motivated by Zi Yan. She was very eager for the bone marrow of the god emperor, because the breakthrough realm was imminent, and she had to obtain a divine object to increase her heritage. She originally chose the fountain of youth, but was robbed by Zi Yan. I went, so now I can only put my hope on the bone marrow of the god emperor in the central temple.

"Let's talk about it first, this time we will join forces to kill the central temple. If you are lucky enough to get some bone marrow of the god emperor, you must not swallow it alone, you need to distribute it according to the credit. Well... just according to the proportion of the ancient creatures that we each killed along the way. Come and distribute it, this nine-headed real scorpion doesn't count."

Yun Xi pointed her fingers and said seriously, she must make this clear beforehand, otherwise this little witch is likely to be black and white.Xiaofei e-book www.txtxf.com

"This is still the daughter of the King of God. It's too much to care about. We are friends, and everything is easy to say." Zi Yan waved her hand.

Yun Xi vomited blood and wanted to go up and beat the little witch immediately. If it weren't for the greedy performance of this little devil before, how could she have calculated such a plan, she is now full of energy.

"However—" Zi Yan changed her tone and said, "It's fine to stand by the rules, just follow the proportions you said, but I have an additional condition."

"What conditions?" Yun Xi immediately pricked up her ears like an alert civet cat, for fear of falling into the trap of the little witch.

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