"That god emperor bone belongs to me!" Zi Yan said decisively.

Yun Xi was stunned for a moment, then she covered her stomach and smiled, with tears rolling in the corners of her eyes, and said, "You little witch, you don't know how powerful you are, and your courage is indeed number one in the world. You really dare to think about anything. [-] million You dare to brag about nothing that Tianjiao has accomplished over the years, do you think that you are more enchanting than the Supreme Immortal Emperor Ye Tiandi, Huang Tiandi, Chen Tiandi and other Supreme Emperors when they were young?"

Zi Yan pouted and said: "If others can't do it, it doesn't mean I can't do it. Since you don't believe it, you dare to gamble with me. If I get the god emperor bone, you will give me all the god emperor bone marrow?"

"Okay, okay, you can take it all, giggle..." Yun Xi kept laughing, not taking it to heart at all.

After a while, Yun Xi stopped smiling, her brows curved, her waist closed, and she asked, "Little witch, do you know the origin of this god emperor bone?"

"What's the origin?" Zi Yan asked curiously.

Yun Xi said: "I also read the records from ancient books. It is said that this God Emperor bone was left by the Emperor Burial when he was young. At that time, Emperor Burial was still very weak in cultivation, and he was only king, but he offended a god emperor. Supreme."

Speaking of this, Yun Xi couldn't help but glance at Zi Yan. In her opinion, this little witch is a very bold person, but compared with the Emperor Buried, it is really a bit worse, but people dare to dare in the king's world. To challenge the peerless god emperor, even thinking about it as a descendant is terrifying.

"Emperor Buried was so skinny when he was a child, but later, did that god emperor not trouble him?" Zi Yan couldn't help but ask.

"I think you're skinnier than the Emperor Burial!" Yun Xi complained in his heart, and continued: "That God Emperor was one of the gods' rulers at that time, so naturally he was furious, and his real body came to the King's Realm, wanting to suppress the Emperor Burial. In the end, I didn’t expect that the Emperor Burying Heaven did it intentionally, and set up a killing plan very early to kill the Emperor God in the special area of ​​the virtual world!”

Speaking of this, Yun Xi couldn't help but feel relieved for a while. With the cultivation level of the king, he dared to challenge the god emperor, and even set up a bureau to kill the god emperor. Such a person is extremely terrifying. He is the only one in the billion era. Only such a person can be worthy of the title of the emperor of all ages.

Zi Yan clapped her hands and said with a smile: "It's a good strategy, even if it's a god emperor, he can only display king-level combat power here, and naturally he will be blown up by the buried emperor!"

"Not only that, at that time, the virtual world of war was still a foreign land, and it was not under the jurisdiction of heaven. The immortality of the gods would be greatly weakened here. The god emperor who was immortal and immortal in the outside world could only be beheaded here. It can be seen that the plan of Burying the Emperor is far-reaching."

"What happened to that God Emperor bone? Did the Emperor Burial really kill the God Emperor?"

Yun Xi shook his head and said, "The Emperor's vitality is very powerful. When he was dying, he transferred all his divinity to the spine, waiting for the rescue of the God Realm. Even the Emperor Burial of Heaven at that time could do nothing with this spine. No, in order to prevent being taken out by the people of the gods, Emperor Burial built a central temple to suppress the backbone. Later, the divine brilliance in the bones of the gods dissipated and gradually evolved into the forbidden area of ​​the gods. Now, you Do you know how awesome it is?"

Zi Yan's eyes flashed with small stars, and she said excitedly: "So it turns out, then this God Emperor bone is really valuable, I must get it." ,, ..

Chapter 687 Do you still want to fight the Emperor Burial?

Yun Xi staggered when she heard the words, and co-authored it for a long time and said it in vain.

"Little witch, have you listened to me? This God Emperor bone is sealed here by the Emperor Burial. It is said that there is a spiritual body of the Emperor Burying in the central temple. To get the God Emperor Bone, you must first pass the level of the Spiritual Mind Body, do you still want to fight with the Emperor Burial?"

Yun Xi said angrily, she had to carry the banner of the Emperor Burying. Since ancient times, Tianjiao has been so arrogant, and there are not a few who compare themselves to the Immortal Emperor, but she believes that no one dares to compare themselves to the Emperor Burying, because it represents the entire universe. The limit is unprecedented, and there is no future.

For example, Emperor Ye Tian, ​​Emperor Huang Tian and others, although they were named Emperor Mark Stele and also known as Immortal Emperor, they were only quasi Immortal Emperors. A strong immortal emperor.

If this little witch dared to call the Emperor Banbury, then she would really admire one or two.

"What happened to the Emperor Burial? If he blocks me from taking the bones of the Emperor God, I will fight him!" Zi Yan said casually.

Yun Xi was absolutely down, rolled her eyes fiercely, and stopped talking. She understood that this little witch was not brave, but she didn't know how to be afraid at all. The so-called newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

That's fine, let the Heavenly Burial Emperor's Spiritual Missing Body teach her a good lesson, let her know what it means to have a sky outside the sky, and by the way, he can give himself a bad anger.

Thinking of this, Yun Xi couldn't help laughing again, her eyes were full of anticipation, and she had even imagined in her mind the scene of Zi Yan being beaten by the Heavenly Emperor's spiritual body.

As for the spiritual thoughts of Emperor Burial, she would never be defeated by the little witch, she had never considered this issue.

You must know that Emperor Buried Heaven is absolutely invincible at any time in his life, and even the peerless god emperor can be killed. Even this spiritual body with [-]% combat power has suppressed all the arrogance of the heavens for [-] million years. It's the little witch who is stunned.

"Let's hurry to the Central Temple."

Yun Xi showed an impatient expression, her dress was elegant, and she rose directly into the air.

Zi Yan snorted twice, leaned forward, and said, "I know you won't believe it, then add a little more bet. If I get the God Emperor Bone, you can teach me a few more magical techniques from your Tianshen Mountain."

"Go, go, don't hit the autumn wind here with me."

This time, Yun Xi ignored Zi Yan and pushed her away directly. With a flash of divine light on the bottom of her feet, her speed suddenly accelerated several times, and she jumped to another mountain at once.

"Cut, you're so stingy."

Zi Yan pouted, not to be outdone, not to mention her ambition to kill [-] primordial creatures, the number of killed primordial creatures is more related to the distribution of the god emperor's bone marrow in the future.

Although she appeared to be indifferent, in fact, she had no certainty in her heart to defeat the Emperor Burial.After all, that was the Emperor Burial.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

A burst of banging sounded in the mountains, Yunxi was like a fairy of Lingbo, her robe fluttered, and she was walking in the army of god servants like a leisurely stroll. Pu Zhenfei, and soon came to the immemorial creature god servant.

This is a pure-blooded white-colored fierce beast in the shape of a lion, with two intertwined dragon horns on its head, and a goatee beard.

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Just when Pureblood Bai Ze was about to fight against Yun Xi, a loud shout suddenly came from a distance, accompanied by a mountain, and a figure like a young god rose up into the sky, and the whole body was enveloped in flames.

"The little witch is not allowed to rob it, it's mine!"

Yun Xi screamed and displayed a powerful magic technique. In an instant, the entire void was banned, and an invisible force field isolated Zi Yan. After she broke through the barrier, Yun Xi had already cut the pure blood Bai Ze. Kill, is extracting the divine brilliance in its body.

I saw a little bit of golden light escaping from Bai Ze's corpse, as if attracted by an inexplicable force, and finally converged into a magic rune. Obviously, this Bai Ze's strength is far less than the pure-blooded Huan killed by Long Gaitian. Jiutouzheng killed by Yan and Zi Yan.

Yun Xi put away the rune and smiled like a flower: "Take one down for me, don't forget it."

"Hmph, you're too complacent."

Zi Yan said in a muffled voice, she was a little unhappy, her body suddenly burst into brilliance, and she suddenly rose into the sky, with power like a god, and rushed directly to another mountain, where there was a pure-blood mocking phoenix entrenched, when she saw Zi Yan Yan, immediately rushed forward to cull.

"The first one!"

Zi Yan screamed in the sky, her whole body was shrouded in a layer of sacred brilliance, her three-foot hair fluttered in the wind, like a god king coming to the world, falling in front of the pure-blooded mocking phoenix, raising her hand and pressing down, a giant covered with cyan dragon scales. The claws pierced through the void and came crashing down, directly killing the mocking phoenix beast.

Then Zi Yan turned into a dragon shape, like dealing with a nine-headed real scorpion, first roasted with the black flame dragon breath technique, then swallowed it directly, and chewed it.The flesh and blood of such immemorial creatures is comparable to a peerless medicine, especially after being mixed with divine brilliance, it is very delicious, and it is a kind of enjoyment.

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