At the moment when Zi Yan rushed down, a strong scream broke out in the entire Huaguoshan territory, and countless apes in golden armor rushed out of the jungle, with fierce breath and murderous aura.

"Dead monkey, take your life!"

Zi Yan raised a fist, and her whole body was wrapped in red flames, as if the god of fire came into the world, and at the moment of falling, a large piece of rock and monkey soldiers were all killed, and the sky was full of blood.

"Ta Tata..."

The magma boiled, and Zi Yan seemed to be on fire. She transformed into a fire phoenix. The red liquid surged where she stepped on, and the temperature was extremely hot.

"Little witch, you are going to piss me off!"

Yun Xi followed behind and screamed, and his shot was not slow. With the golden wings behind him, a large amount of divine light would turn into sword energy and fly out, extremely fierce, killing the besieging monkey soldiers in waves.

These monkey soldiers have long since died, and the corpses have mutated under the influence of divine brilliance, and they have become godless servants who only know how to attack those outsiders who break in, so she and Zi Yan did not show the slightest mercy. But after a while, a corpse was left on the ground.


The sound of fighting on the outside shook the world, and finally alarmed some of the elders. Hundreds of old monkeys with a deep breath rushed out, bared their teeth, and slammed their iron guns with a length of more than ten meters towards Zi Yan.

"Bang bang bang..."

The mountain peaks fell in response. The strength of these old monkeys is very strong, not weaker than the ancient relics such as Bi Fang and Chilong, and they are very close to the central temple, and they have accumulated a lot of divine brilliance in their bodies, and their real combat power is comparable to one. A rune-level primordial creature.

"Ah, my spirit tree!"

"Ah, my fairy peach!"

Zi Yan was fighting in the beast tide, making shrill screams from time to time.

This is a blessed land of immortal mountains, where many precious trees grow, and the whole body emits a strong Shenxi, which is extremely splendid, the branches and leaves are glowing, and when the breeze blows, it is like a flame beating.

Each of these precious trees bears several silver peach fruits, some of which have a touch of gold, and they look extraordinarily bright, like the most exquisite divine jade.

According to the analysis of Zi Yan Laodao, these peach fruits are all peerless treasures, and they contain divine brilliance, which is very precious.

However, under the madness of the old monkeys, a large number of precious trees were uprooted and even torn apart, and the peaches on the trees were strange.

But in the blink of an eye, that piece of treasure forest was destroyed, making Zi Yan extremely angry.

"Xiaofeng, Pulao, and Biaowei are not my opponents. You old monkeys still want to turn the world upside down, so let me suppress them!!"

Zi Yan lost her temper, and her whole body overflowed with golden light. With a vertical leap, she directly smashed a mountain peak and swept into an army of divine monkeys.



"Bang!" Tiantianshuba

How terrifying is Zi Yan's power, even if it is just swung like this, it is like a huge boulder smashing on the body. As long as those old monkeys touch it a little, the smashed flesh and blood will fly, and a large open space will soon be cleared.

At this moment, the sky suddenly became dark, as if a sleeping Beastmaster woke up, and the terrifying pressure filled the entire mountain forest.


A huge beast roar came from the depths of the forest, and the next moment, a golden figure was shining, but it was a Monkey King wearing a purple-gold crown with three-pronged hair. It seems to be able to tear apart the sky, standing on a mountain peak, looking down coldly.

"He is the god monkey with open arms, one of the ten guardian god servants in the forbidden area of ​​god bones! Little witch, you must be careful, this god servant is stronger than all the ancient creatures you have encountered before!"

Yun Xi flew to Zi Yan's side and said very solemnly, facing the golden ape standing on the mountain peak, even she, the daughter of the god king, felt a suffocating oppression.

Although she is the pure daughter of the God King, the blood of the God Race, but the other party has been immersed in the glory of the God Emperor for tens of millions of years. Compared with the two, the Armed Monkey is better, or even better!

After all, this monkey with open arms also has a great background. It has the bloodline of the one who fought over the Buddha in the Pure Land of the Buddha Kingdom, and his feet are not much weaker than those of the God Race.

Zi Yan's little face also tensed up rarely, with a cool expression, and whispered: "This monkey king is worth a hundred ancient creatures."

Yun Xi was speechless for a while. He didn't expect that at such a critical moment, the little witch was still thinking about these things. She was indeed a small money fan.


The open-armed monkey roared, shaking the sky and shaking the earth. The golden brilliance enveloped the entire mountain forest, swooped down, and its body grew rapidly, standing upright like a golden mountain, standing in the middle of the mountain, covering it.

This kind of breath, this kind of tyrannical tyrant, like the king who reigns in the heavens, all the monkey soldiers below are all crawling on the ground, and their bodies are trembling.


Zi Yan spit out the word, bravely greeted it, punched the monkey with the arm, and the golden divine light burst out, shining the world.


With a rumbling sound, a storm swept the entire Huaguo Mountain fiercely, the aftermath of the explosion spread, and countless rocks and broken trees were rolled up, forming a terrifying gravel storm, causing chaos in this mountain range and shaking the earth.

The body of this open-armed monkey is very powerful. It slammed Zi Yan into a punch, and the fierce light in his eyes was revealed. The golden gun collapsed forward, and countless runes shone, combining the dual power of power and Taoism. Power.

Qinglong Star Picker!

Zi Yan did not procrastinate, and directly displayed a powerful unique skill. A huge dragon claw covered with cyan dragon scales stepped out of the clouds, covered the sky and blocked the sun, and grabbed the golden gun fiercely.


There was another explosion, the radiance of the sky shot in all directions, the two top-level treasure arts clashed, and the power of various mysterious runes shone.

The open-armed monkey bared its mouth, revealing a mouth of snow-white fangs, spit out a large mouthful of blood, and flew out, smashing a mountain.

"So strong!"

Yun Xi's pupils shrank, and she secretly said that she still underestimated the power of the little witch. Suddenly, her expression changed, and she felt a terrifying aura that made her soul tremble rapidly approaching, and quickly looked to the left.

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