I saw that in that direction, an ancient tree with a height of several thousand feet was stepping on it step by step, and countless branches were flying like a vine that reached the sky. Trembling, as if boundless catastrophe is coming.

"The first guardian of the God Bone Restricted Area - Pu Demon Tree!"

Yun Xi sucked in a breath of cold air, and a drop of cold sweat broke out. This is the great enemy of the gods, the ancient and famous tree of slaughtering gods. , , .

Chapter 691 Suppressing the Existence of Immortal Emperors!

"Little witch, stop fighting, let's go!"

The golden wings behind Yunxi skyrocketed several times, and with a snort, she jumped directly to another mountain, with a dignified expression on her face that had never been seen since entering the forbidden area of ​​​​the gods.

For all Protoss people, this is a tree of nightmares. It belongs to a powerful branch of the Demon Race and possesses very terrifying magic power.

Back then, when the ancient demon gods ravaged the nine mountains and seas, in addition to their own powerful and boundless magic arts, they relied on three treasures.

One is the invincible No. [-] Demon Soldier Slaughtering Spear, and the other is this Pu Demon Tree, known as the No. [-] Demon Tree in the World, which happens to be opposite to the five ancient divine trees, possessing the most evil and filthy power.

These two treasures are terrifying treasures that can cause intrinsic damage to the Protoss. Compared with the God-killing spear, which is just a weapon, the Primordial Demon Tree is even more terrifying, almost equivalent to the second Primordial Demon God. The next shot left countless gods and blood all over the sky.

There are even records in ancient books that during the years when the gods and demons were fighting for hegemony, only the powerhouses of the gods killed by the ancient Pumo tree were enough to fill the branches of mountains, rivers and seas. Every leaf of the gods is stained with the blood of the gods.

And the Pu demon tree in front of me is a branch of the ancient Pu demon tree, and when it comes to the strength of blood, it is even higher than Yun Xi, not inferior to the perfect ten round sea, even if He was suppressed because he broke into the forbidden area of ​​​​the gods and became an undead. He is still the overlord of the undead world, and the undisputed strongest guardian god servant for [-] million years!

And because of the combination of the power of gods and demons, the combat power of this Pu demon tree is much more terrifying than before, almost equivalent to the sum of the other nine guardian gods and servants. I don't know how many Immortal Emperor Supreme were suppressed by it when they were young. And leave unforgettable memories.

Fifty million years ago, I don’t know how many immortal emperors wandered here when they were young and encountered the Pu Demon Tree, but only one person really defeated the Pu Demon Tree, that is the Wushi Tiandi, and the rest are even Ye Tiandi and Huang Gutian. The talented Tianjiao can only draw a draw at most, or even be embarrassed.

And now the Pu Demon Tree is undoubtedly more terrifying than any previous period!

Yun Xi spoke quickly and quickly sent this information to Zi Yan. People had already brushed past Zi Yan, and the further she went to the farther mountains, she was really afraid. , but if it falls into the hands of this Pu demon tree, it will definitely die.

"This Pu Demon Tree suppressed a group of Immortal Emperors?"

Zi Yan was a little surprised. Although it was only the immortal emperor in his youth, it was enough to shock the world. Any immortal emperor is an indelible scorching sun in the long river of time. He is always there, and the brilliance will last forever. She was defeated, but it was almost impossible under the same rank. Such secret news really made her unbelievable.


At the moment when Zi Yan hesitated, the Pu demon tree had already rushed to the front. The seemingly slow speed was just a person who was set off by its huge size. In fact, its speed was very terrifying, and it came directly to Zi Yan. , Countless branches flew out, like a sword with a handle, inserted into Zi Yan.




These magical branches are very domineering. Along the way, the immortal mountains filled with spiritual energy were crumbled, and many monkey soldiers were affected, torn apart by the strong wind, and the blood rained.

"Sun Peng Fist!"

Zi Yan screamed in the sky, and a flaming holy flame ignited on her right fist, as if holding a hot sun, and slammed it out.

"Boom!" Pythagorean Library www.gougushu.com

A huge explosion sounded, and the Linghu Lake, which was completely condensed by the spiritual qi liquid, was evaporated to dryness, and the spiritual qi flew out, forming a gorgeous seven-color rainbow hanging across the sky.

Zi Yan's body trembled, and she was thrown out by the power contained in the branch, and stopped suddenly when she was about to hit a mountain, but the strong wind it brought directly shook the mountain into powder.

The Pu Demon Tree was not easy either. The dozen or so branches that slammed into Zi Yan ignited a fire, causing it to squeak.

"What a terrifying power."

There was a hint of surprise on Zi Yan's face, and she finally believed that this guy could suppress a group of immortal emperors. With her defensive power, it was a bit difficult to parry.

"Little witch, don't be stubborn, let's go, there is nothing good in this Pu demon tree, and it will not dare to follow if it is close to the central temple."

Yunxi stopped very righteously and shouted loudly, she was really afraid that the little witch would be stubborn and the Pu Demon tree would just get up, that would definitely not end well.

After all, this Pu demon tree is technically dead, so its strength can be infinitely improved, which cannot be compared by living people.

Whoosh whoosh---

Hundreds of demon branches attacked again, each with a terrifying power that looked down upon the world.

Zi Yan didn't hesitate for a moment and ran away. She was helpless and could not afford to be too early, so she didn't bother to fight with such a big guy.

Kunpeng stepped down from the sky, and even Pu Moshu couldn't catch up, so he quickly pulled away and flew over Yunxi's head.

"Huh? What are you doing?" Zi Yan's eyes were sharp and she immediately shouted.

It turned out that Yunxi's current location was the second half of Huaguo Mountain. There were also many precious trees here, about a dozen of them. The whole body was hot and golden, which was very mysterious. It was countless times more precious than the previous treasure trees with silver peaches.

At this time, Yunxi was using a dagger to cut a small opening in one of the precious trees, and many pure golden spiritual fluids came out from the inside, crystal clear, like chalcedony, exuding a strong holy light, and the radiant rays of light rose to the sky. , at a glance, it is a treasure of extraordinary value, all of which have been put into the jade bottle below.

"This is monkey wine brewed by the god monkey. It has medicinal properties for tens of millions of years. It is too precious, no less than the fountain of youth."

Yun Xi is not greedy, seeing Zi Yan coming over, he immediately sealed the bottle and opened his golden wings to take off.

"Don't worry, you must be a part of it." Yun Xi said while flying, in a very good mood. This kind of monkey wine is a treasure, with the glory of the emperor as ingredients, brewing for tens of millions of years, and the value is rare in the world. Going back, even her father would be envious.

Suddenly, Yun Xi felt something was wrong, why did the bear child disappear again.

Looking back, Yun Xi was suddenly taken aback, the little witch actually flew back and confronted the Pu Demon Tree brazenly.

"Little fat man, I'm here to hold this magic tree, you can quickly grab the monkey wine and take it all, let's open it on September [-]st!"

Zi Yan shouted that she had entered the attack range of the Pu Demon Tree, and the powerful treasures slammed, breaking the sky and breaking the ground, and countless rivers followed. , , .

Chapter 692 The Emperor Buried the Heavens!

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