"Little witch, you..."

Yun Xi stared at her big black and beautiful eyes, she didn't know what to say.

Is there another person in the world who is so greedy for money and so daring?Absolutely impossible!

Yun Xi felt that she had been in bad luck for eight lifetimes, to meet such a wonderful little witch, she was greedy for money to the core, and she was even at the risk of taking food from the mouth of Pu Moshu, which made her tremble.

The key is that she is still extremely stingy, so I will give her [-]%. You must know that she will also risk her life when she fetches the monkey wine in the back!

Although her heart was full of slanders, Yun Xi's movements were not slow, and she flew back immediately and opened another treasure tree to receive the monkey wine. She did not try to persuade Zi Yan, because she knew that once the little witch got down It was decided that ten cows could not be pulled back, so hurry up and stop work.




The earth was shaking wildly, like the end of the world, which made Yun Xi, who was picking wine in the distance, startled. He looked sideways, and saw that Zi Yan had transformed into the Taixu ancient dragon body, which was fierce and fierce with Pu Mo. The trees banged up.

In the battle of treasures, the gods danced, and the dragon scales of Taixu Gulong stood upright, fierce and fierce, and the huge dragon claws kept bombarding the Pu Demon Tree.

Pu Demon Tree is also not to be outdone, the thick roots spread, splitting the ground, like a giant dragon rolling on the ground, waving the branches like Shenyue to Zi Yan.

Both of them are defensive powerhouses with extremely strong vitality. Although they have the terrifying power to overwhelm the same rank, their physical defense is stronger in comparison.

Therefore, after playing like this for a long time, although Pu Demon Tree once occupied the absolute top, it could not break Zi Yan's defense at all, and even occasionally caused a little trauma, which was quickly healed by the Nirvana method that Zi Yan learned from the Tianfeng family.

After banging each other again and again, the flesh and blood were shattered again and again, and the extremely dazzling Shen Xi erupted from Zi Yan. However, some of the previously merged Shenhui had not been completely refined. At this time, under the external pressure, they all disintegrated. Come, thoroughly rub it into the flesh and blood, making Zi Yan's body stronger and stronger.

I don't know how long it took to fight, but Zi Yan's breath not only did not decay at all, but her divine brilliance shone, and her body seemed to glow, as if she would become a god at any time.

At this moment, Yun Xi's voice suddenly came from behind: "Little witch, you have finished taking everything, hurry up, and the rest of the guardians will be gathered in a while."

This sentence is not an alarmist, because the battle between Zi Yan and Pu Moshu is too big. The cracked dozens or hundreds of Xiongfeng have alarmed the entire core area, and countless terrifying atmospheres are gathering here. One is at the level of the ancient creatures, and there are even a few that are not weaker than the monkeys with arms.


Zi Yan screamed in the sky, the huge golden dragon tail swept away, wrapped around a dozen branches at once, and then flew away suddenly.

"Ah ah ah..."

There was a mad and shrill cry of Pu Demon Tree from the rear, but under Zi Yan's brute force, the dozen or so branches were torn off, and a large piece of bark was torn off from the trunk, and countless demon blood Flying across, overturning the sky.

"Little witch, you are too cruel, what are you doing by pulling its branches!"

Yunxi fluttered his golden wings and escaped for hundreds of miles. These wings were not pure magic illusions, but were made from the wings of a beast who was proficient in space Taoism. , once fully activated, even the Great Emperor cannot catch up.

"Hmph, after fighting for such a long time, you can't fight for nothing. This old guy is so terrifying, and its branches must be useful. I will take them back to my second sister to refine medicine."

Zi Yan turned into a little Lolita again, took the dozen or so Pomo tree sticks back into the storage ring, and used Kunpeng to leap into the sky to make several mountain peaks, and the speed was not slower than Yunxi at all.

Yun Xi shook her head speechlessly, deepening her greed for money for Zi Yan again.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

"唳唳唳..." Jiuzhou Chinese www.9zzw.com

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Under the rush, the central temple is getting closer and closer, and more and more god servants are gathered, there are thousands of them, and the monstrous roar of the Pu Demon tree behind it makes Yun Xi's heart skip a beat, urging her to spare no effort in divine power. speed up.

"Little fat man, you go first, I'll stop later."

Seeing that the overwhelming immemorial creatures were about to form an encirclement, Zi Yan suddenly spoke proudly.

"Little witch, you..."

Yun Xi was very moved, and was about to say something when she suddenly felt that her butt was being slapped fiercely. The domineering force deformed her entire butt, creating a terrifying thrust that directly increased her speed several times. .

"Little witch, you are going to die!!"

Yun Xi screamed in shame. It was the first time that the heavy treasure was hit, and the pain was so intense that the good feeling she had for Zi Yan disappeared again. This little witch was definitely intentional!

"Boom boom boom..."

Rushing out of the encirclement, listening to the bursts of treasure explosions coming from behind, Yun Xi's footsteps did not stop and continued to sprint forward. She believed that with Zi Yan's combat power, she would definitely be able to kill a bloody path, as long as she didn't hold back .




As the void crossed, the light of the central temple became more and more bright, and a circular aperture was vaguely visible, and a layer of light golden defensive barrier separated the temple from the outside world.


Yun Xi's eyes lit up, and he accelerated again.


At this moment, a beast roar suddenly exploded from behind a mountain, and then the entire mountain was shattered by a giant claw, revealing a hideous beast shadow.

"The Sky-Breaking Pixiu among the Ten Guardians!"

Yun Xi was startled in his heart, and a cold air rushed to the heavenly spirit from the soles of his feet, as if he had fallen into an ice abyss.

"To die..."

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