The Sky Splitting Pixiu opened its mouth, and the sound was mechanical and hoarse. Suddenly, it disappeared from the spot and appeared beside Yunxi. A huge claw was torn open, and black smoke billowed with a devastating force. , as if to shred Yunxi and the surrounding mountains.

At this time, Yun Xi was only a few hundred meters away from the aperture of the temple.

"Can't catch up?"

Feeling the terrifying power of the Sky Splitting Pixiu, Yun Xi felt a trace of fear in her heart.

Just at the moment of despair, the central temple suddenly burst into dazzling light, and a figure like a god stepped out.

The figure appeared from the temple, instantly stepped on the edge of the aperture, swung out a palm, and formed a large golden hand on the top of the Sky Splitting Pixiu's head, pressed it down, and directly crushed it into flesh.

"Bury, bury Heavenly Emperor?"

Yun Xi looked at the figure's face with extreme eyes, her whole body trembling with excitement. , , .

Chapter 693 Let Her Take the God Emperor Bones


The sound of the explosion resounded through the heaven and the earth, and the terrifying beast body of the Pixiu was like an ant under this palm, and it was directly smashed, the neck bone was broken, and the blood of the beast was flying. All were thrown out.

"The Emperor Buried, the Emperor Buried!"

Yun Xi didn't care about the severe pain in her body, she desperately raised her head, trying to see the figure shrouded in golden light, but unfortunately the light was too bright, and she could only faintly see some water chestnuts. Even so, she couldn't be more excited.

The Burial Emperor took action and saved her life!

Such thoughts flashed through her mind, causing her to tremble uncontrollably, murmuring incessantly, and she actually lay on the ground for a long time without getting up.

The figure hanging in the golden light didn't stop. After killing the Sky Splitting Pixiu, it flickered slightly, and the body disappeared instantly.

"Where to bury? What are you mumbling about!"

A crisp voice came, and a strong wind swept next to it, but Zi Yan fell down and asked curiously.

"It's the Emperor Burying! Just now, the Emperor Burying helped me kill the Heavenly Splitting Pixiu, otherwise there will be a big crisis this time."

Yun Xi stood up and said angrily, the slap that the bear child slapped her just now makes her still feel a little bit of pain.

"There's no emperor buried here, you won't be confused, right?" Zi Yan said with a pouted mouth.

"You're just confused! It must have been the Emperor Burying the sky just now, that is, stepping out of the temple. It is definitely not the real Emperor Burying, it should be the spiritual body he left behind."

Yunxi's eyes glowed with a little starlight, the famous emperor of all ages, even if he was only a spiritual body in the king's realm, he actually possessed such a powerful divine power, looking down at the world, like an emperor who reigned over the world, but unfortunately he couldn't see the burial. The face of the Heavenly Emperor is truly regrettable.

Zi Yan stared at her big black eyes and said, "Will the spiritual body of the Emperor Bury Heaven come out for a walk by himself?"

"Of course not, that spiritual body is used to protect the bones of the god emperor, how could it possibly escape by itself?" Yun Xi retorted subconsciously, but suddenly remembered that when the emperor buried heaven was saving her just now, it seemed that a golden color flew out. Aperture, what's going on here?

"Could it be that Emperor Burial made an exception to save me?" Yun Xi couldn't help but wonder, her heart was beating wildly, and her face was flushed.


At this moment, a violent beast roar came from the rear, the earth shook, countless mountains and rivers shook, and terrifying cracks broke out.

"Come on!"

Yun Xi didn't have time to think about it, and hurriedly pulled Zi Yan into the aperture.

Sure enough, all the servants of the gods stopped immediately. The Pu Demon Tree shook the thousands of terrifying branches, covering the sky and making a deafening roar. The criminal who stole all its monkey wine, thousands of ancient creatures screamed hideously.

However, no one dared to step forward, as if the invisible film was a steel barrier that could not be crossed even half a step.Dushuci Novel Network


Until then, Yun Xi was relieved and let go of Zi Yan's arm, showing a relaxed state.

Zi Yan was heartless, just spread out her hands and said, "Where's my monkey wine?"

"Yes, yes, you are indispensable."

Yunxi rolled her eyes at her angrily, and the storage bracelet on her wrist flashed, and sixteen jade bottles flew out, all filled with golden monkey wine, which was brewed with the glory of the god emperor and preserved tens of millions Year-old monkey wine is unimaginably precious.

Zi Yan looked at it repeatedly, took away fourteen of the bottles, and said very aggressively: "My little witch is a person of loyalty, you can take these two bottles."

Yunxi's shoulders trembled for a while, and she resisted the urge to go wild. This was all the monkey wine she had worked so hard to pick up. There were only [-] bottles in total. This guy took [-] bottles in one go, and he was still generous. The appearance of generosity is really maddening.

But this little witch is still a bit conscientious, and she doesn't really strictly follow the ninety-one points, otherwise she will be angry.

"Okay, okay, don't be so excited, I said it long ago, you will definitely benefit from following me, let's go to the temple now."

Zi Yan jumped to a large rock next to her, a bit higher than Yun Xi, and patted her on the shoulder, looking like a sympathetic boss.

Yun Xi's liver hurts, does this bear child think he is trembling with gratitude?She is clearly angry and hateful. She is the daughter of the dignified god king. She is extremely noble in the nine mountains and seas.

Suddenly, Yun Xi seemed to have thought of something, showing a beautiful smile, her beautiful eyes bent into crescent shapes, and pulled Zi Yan to the temple.

"Then let's go."

She couldn't wait to see Emperor Burial come to teach this little witch a lesson. Only in this way could she relieve her anger.

Although the performance of the little witch was very amazing before, and she was even able to resist the Pu Demon Tree once, her strength was almost comparable to that of the Immortal Emperor when she was young, but after seeing that light and shadow suppressed the sky-splitting Pixiu, Yun Xi firmly believed that, The little witch is definitely not the opponent of that spiritual body.

In the Hall of Void Heaven, Gu Taxian looked at the image in the ancient mirror, seemed relieved, and said with a smile: "If God King Yuntian knew that the adults had personally rescued his daughter, he would definitely be very grateful."

Zhang Tianwen smiled and said casually: "This girl seems to have a good relationship with this emperor's daughter, it's okay to save her once, and there is a god-king prohibition in her body, that sky-splitting Pixiu may not be able to help her."

It turned out that although the figure Yunxi saw just now was a spiritual body, it was controlled by Zhang Tian himself, otherwise it would never have been possible to take half a step out of the temple.

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