Gu Taxian nodded. After all, Yunxi is the daughter of the god king. Naturally, she has all kinds of trump cards. It is impossible to die easily. When he saw Yunxi and Zi Yan walking towards the temple together, he couldn't help but said again: "Little princess. He and the goddess seem to be entering the temple, do you want your subordinates to move them out of the restricted area?"

"No, since Zi Yan is interested, let her take the god emperor bone." Zhang Tian waved his hand at will, as if the god emperor bone enough to cause the nine mountains and seas to shake is just a trivial Chinese cabbage.

Gu Taxian smiled and said: "It seems that the adults are planning to let the little princess pass the trial, but the subordinates are afraid that the power of this god emperor bone is too strong, and the little princess is difficult to control."

There was a glint of divine light in Zhang Tian's eyes, as if he could see the interior of the temple through the layers of void, and said coldly: "A remnant soul of a god emperor who has been suppressed by this emperor for [-] million years, can he still be turned upside down?" ,,. .

Chapter 694 The Heaven-defying Big Situation Set by the Emperor Burial

In the forbidden area of ​​​​God Bone, Yun Xi and Zi Yan walked all the way, and soon reached the foot of the temple.

Looking around, it is a huge gate of light, dozens of feet high and tens of feet wide, and the whole body is surrounded by flames. After a closer look, you can find that it is not a real flame, but that the divine brilliance is extremely rich. Realized horror images.

"It's so rich in divine aura, ten times more intense than on Tianshen Mountain."

Yun Xi showed a hint of surprise. She is a real goddess, and she can directly absorb these spiritual qi to cultivate. For her, this place is tantamount to the top-notch paradise.

At this moment, a strong wind roared, and behind the Gate of Divine Flame, dozens of ferocious beasts with wings appeared. These giant beasts were very ugly, like fat bats, but their skin was white and silver. It's like wearing a layer of silver armor, the breath is like a prison, and it is unfathomable.

Yun Xi and Zi Yan stood outside the gate of Shenyanguang without acting rashly, but looked inside carefully.

"Are they servants of the gods?"

Zi Yan leaned over to Yunxi and whispered, she felt that the power of these silver beasts was very surging, but they were not the same as the servants of the gods in the [-] mountain, but they were the gods that Yunxi brought to the Taikoo God Garden. Servants are somewhat similar.

Yun Xi shook his head and said solemnly: "There are also many kinds of servants of God, the Pu Demon Tree in the [-] Mountains and the God Monkey with Arms are one kind. They were originally dead undead, and they came to life with the mysterious creation of divine power. However, it has no intelligence, just a puppet, it is difficult to break through the original realm, and it is the lowest level of god servants. And our god servants of the mountain are all infused with divine power in the bodies of those living alien powerhouses, so that they can achieve extraordinary evolution. , it is not impossible to achieve the throne of the emperor in the future."

"What about these, are they alive or dead?" Zi Yan asked.

"None of them! They have no body, they are made of divine power, and their body structure is almost the same as that of a real god, but they don't have the most crucial divinity. This kind of existence is very rare. Only the burial places of gods will appear. The derivatives on the corpse of the gods can also be called - false gods!"

Yun Xi's eyes were bright, staring at these silver behemoths. In fact, it was the first time she had seen a false god, a creature that only existed in ancient books.

After all, the divinity is immortal, and the gods are immortal. As the most difficult race of the nine mountains and seas to kill, except for some very extreme means, it is impossible to obliterate the powerhouses of the gods, so false gods can be said to be very few in this world. .

"So, they are full of divine source fluid in their bodies?"

Zi Yan's eyes lit up all of a sudden. Since she ate a divine hand in the bloody cave, she has developed a very strong interest in the divine source fluid. It is the purest energy in the world, and no precious medicine can In comparison, I have long wanted to repay it again.

Although Yunxi is an out-and-out goddess, and her face is beautiful, her skin is crystal clear and slippery, like white jade carving, but she is a human shape, which is unacceptable to Zi Yan. At this time, she finally saw a beast-shaped god, even if it is a true god Still a false god, eat it first and then talk about it.

"Outsiders, you are the first batch of people who rushed to the temple in the god tide in the past [-] years. I hope you can achieve excellent results in the temple trial and take away more god emperor marrow."

The silver behemoth headed by the vicissitudes of life said in a cold voice, unaware that he had been booked as a dinner by Zi Yan.


Zi Yan originally planned to kill immediately, but she couldn't help but be stunned when she heard this sentence, how could this silver behemoth seem to encourage her to take the bone marrow of the god emperor.

This is unscientific, shouldn't they be the guardians of the temple?No.7 Novel Network www.[-]

Next, the action of the silver behemoth further proved her guess. I saw those silver behemoths lined up in two rows and took the initiative to open the door of light.

"Outside brave men, follow the agreement, you can enter the temple. The temple is divided into four floors, each floor has a chance to challenge, kill the pseudo-divine beasts in the first three floors, you can get the corresponding bone marrow of the god emperor, if you fail once, you will be killed. Send it out, and then trespass into it, and kill without mercy."

The silver behemoth headed said again, as if he had witnessed countless years, his voice was indifferent and did not contain the slightest emotion.

"what's going on?"

Zi Yan turned her head to look at Yun Xi, a little confused.

"These silver behemoths are not hostile, let's go ahead and talk about it."

Yun Xi said calmly, she has already come here, no matter what, she has to find out.

The two walked through the Gate of Divine Flame Light together, and as expected, they were not attacked in the slightest, and walked all the way to the gate of the temple.

"I see!"

Yun Xi suddenly remembered the contents of an ancient book that he had seen in the secret library of Tianshen Mountain. Combined with personal experience, he finally grasped the main points.

"Little witch, do you still remember what I told you about the origin of the god emperor bone?" Yun Xi said.

Zi Yan nodded and said, "Of course I remember that this god emperor bone was buried in the god emperor's bone that was killed when he was young. Because of his immortality, he couldn't kill it completely, so a central temple was established to suppress it."

"That's right, that's the point. The Emperor Burial did not build the temple to enshrine this god emperor bone. On the contrary, he wanted to completely wipe out the remaining divinity in the god emperor bone. Although divinity is immortal, it needs to have The divine object is attached, otherwise it will be like a rootless grass, unsustainable. If I expected it well, the Emperor Buried wants to let future generations continue to take away the bone marrow of the god emperor and weaken the energy of the god emperor bone until there is no trace of bone marrow, then Divinity will not attack and destroy itself.”

Yun Xi finished speaking in one breath, feeling that she had figured out everything.

Why did Pu Demon Tree, Tong-armed Monkey and others dare not set foot on the aperture of the temple, because they are not in the same group as the silver beasts in the temple. The latter, however, obeyed the will of the Emperor Burial, and opened the door to welcome others to take the bone marrow of the Emperor.

"The burial of the Heavenly Emperor is so poisonous, I want to completely dismember this God Emperor!"

Zi Yan was stunned. She, who has always been fearless, was also a little scared at this time. This plan is equivalent to using the power of all the kings and arrogances of the nine mountains and seas from ancient times to the present, which not only weakens the god emperor, but also makes all the arrogances owe him a favor. .How can it not be astonishing that this kind of sky-defying situation actually came from the hands of a king-level human race.

Yunxi also sighed: "The wisdom of the Emperor Buried is beyond our reach. It is no wonder that he was able to overthrow the realm of the gods and suppress the nine great mountains and seas for tens of millions of years. Thousands of years, when you can meet the Emperor Burial here..."

Speaking of the back, Yun Xi's voice became smaller and smaller, her cheeks were crimson, and even her ears were stained with a layer of blush, but her mind kept flying, thinking about how beautiful it would be if she could meet the Emperor Burial when she was a teenager. Scenes.

"Unfortunately, I didn't give birth to you..."

At this moment, Yun Xi seemed to sense that [-] million years ago, countless goddesses and saints who came here, sighed in the dark. , , .

Chapter 695 The Emperor Appears!


The spiritual light flickered, and the bodies of Yun Xi and Zi Yan passed through the door of light and disappeared directly. The next moment, they appeared on the first floor of the temple.

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