Zi Yan took the divine jade handed over by Yun Xi, and said suspiciously, "This is true magic? You didn't fool me, did you?"

Yun Xi rolled her eyes at her and said angrily, "You think I'm like you! Tell you, this is a god-king technique, which my father found from a ruin, called "God-king Yu Shi Jue". Once you have mastered it, you can transform into an ancient god-king dharma, and take charge of the nine ancient gods, which is unparalleled. However, my father and king only got a part of it, and can only transform into one magic weapon, but it is definitely better than ordinary true magic. cut."

"Really?" Zi Yan asked, raising her eyebrows.

Yun Xi said angrily: "Don't forget it, if it wasn't because this magical technique is unique to my father and does not belong to the secret legend of Tianshenshan, I wouldn't pass it on to you. If you don't believe me, I'll change it for you. Separate." ,,..

Chapter 698 God King War God Emperor!

"Don't, don't, just this, I believe you." Zi Yan said quickly.

Yunxi rolled her eyes, believing that you are talking nonsense. You are really mad at her. She feels that she is less and less ladylike when she is with her.

Seeing that Zi Yan began to look at the determination of the exercises in Shenyu, Yun Xi added: "It stands to reason that you are not from the gods, even if you have some gods in your body, it is impossible to learn the gods, but this The door god king technique is different."

"According to my father's inference, the person who created this god-king technique should be a genius of my god clan. The principle is to condense divine power into a weapon, which can be learned even if the cultivation base is very low. The stronger the weapon, the more powerful it will be, if one can really cultivate to the realm of great achievement, and transform into the legendary Nine Weapons of the Ancient Times, even if the god emperor is afraid, he will retreat."

Yun Xi repeated what Yuntian Divine King said. In fact, she did not learn this incomplete Divine King technique, because this technique requires mobilizing the divine power in her body to condense weapons and then use weapons to fight, which consumes too much divine power. big.

And as the daughter of the God King, a descendant of the Tianshen Mountain, she is proficient in countless powerful divine arts, and her divine power is not enough to distribute, so naturally there is no need to learn this super-expensive, and not necessarily particularly powerful, incomplete divine king art.

But Zi Yan is different. This girl has swallowed nearly a thousand living god servants and accumulated a lot of divine power in her body. If she swallows dozens of drops of god emperor bone marrow, the divine power she possesses will be very terrifying, and this divine power is the essence of god emperor. Condensed and pure to the extreme, it can't even match the real gods.

However, Zi Yan is not a member of the Protoss, and she does not know any magical techniques. It is difficult to use a lot of divine power in her body. This incomplete divine king technique is perfect, allowing her to use all the divine power in her body.

On the other hand, Zi Yan accepted the divine instillation in the divine jade, and fell into a state of comprehension, and her soul was pulled into a chaotic space.

In the chaotic space, two people are fighting, one is a god emperor, the other is a god king, both are shrouded by Shen Xi, and their power is sky-high.

"Fist gun!"

The Divine King shouted loudly and punched out a punch, which turned into a dark golden spear, which stabbed the Divine Emperor as fast as a dragon, but failed to shake it.

"Finger sword!"

The god king drank again, his fingers turned into divine swords, and the sword slashed out, instantly shooting out tens of thousands of sword qi, overwhelming the sky and the earth.

"Leg axe!"

The King of God shouted, his body as huge as a mountain spun and kicked, and his right leg turned into an axe that opened the sky, and it fell down like the top of Mount Tai.

"Foot knife!"

The god king slashed hard, and a golden foot turned into an endless divine sword to attack.

"Rib whip!"

The God King twitched his waist and shot a dark golden whip, like a dragon in the sky, more like the whip of Thor's judgment, full of spirituality, and slashed at the God Emperor fiercely.

"Shoulder shield!"

The **** king raised his shoulders and turned into a simple and thick dark golden aegis, blocking the **** emperor's blow to the sky.

"Indestructible Armor!"

The God King snarled and hissed, his body transformed into a pair of dark golden armor, which blocked the God Emperor's thunder blow and flew out backwards. 520 Novel www.520fsxs.com

"The left arm is hooked to the moon!"

"The right arm shoots the sun crossbow!"

The **** king who flew out, turned his left arm into a dark golden hook, angling for the heavens, directly locking the body of the **** emperor, and his right arm turned into an incomparable crossbow, which used divine power as an arrow and shot out.


With a loud bang, everything was calm, and Zi Yan also broke free from her comprehension. She felt extremely shocked. This magical technique was so powerful that she could use the body of a god king to shake the god emperor, which was unparalleled.

"How is it? I didn't lie to you. This is really a powerful divine art. At the beginning, my father said that if I could concentrate on practicing this divine art and transform into the Nine Ancient Armies, it would be comparable to the divine emperor art."

Yun Xi was thinking, she wanted to let this little witch know that she was different from her, but she was very generous, so as to make the other party feel ashamed.

"You should listen to your father. This magical technique is indeed invincible. It is much more useful than the messy magical techniques you practice. Haven't you heard of one power and ten skills? Specialization is the kingly way."

Zi Yan instructed Jiangshan in an old-fashioned manner. In fact, these were all given to her by Zhang Tian. For example, when she learned the Kunpeng method before, she only let her learn a few powerful and simple treasures.

Yun Xi said angrily: "I still use you to teach this. If this "God King Yu Shi Jue" is complete, it would not be impossible for me to specialize in learning, but it is a incomplete version, and it is very incomplete. If you want to get together, it is more difficult than reaching the sky, and this small part is not as good as the Divine King Art I learned."

Zi Yan nodded and happily put Shenyu in her pocket. Although Yunxi, the incomplete god king, did not look down on it, it was a treasure to her. If she tried to find a way to get it together in the future, it would be the magical power at the bottom of the box.

Yun Xi snorted twice, spread her hands, and said, "I have already separated out the bone marrow of the God King, exactly one hundred times. This is your eighty drops, take it."

Zi Yan took the jade bottle and looked at it, and asked, "What about your twenty drops?"

"You don't need to worry about my things. I will slowly refine them when I return to Tianshen Mountain." Yun Xi raised her crystal-like snow neck, feeling quite proud. This is a very precious treasure. All kinds of secret medicines are refined together, which is enough to double the effect, and the enhancement of the background is very considerable.

"Oh, that's good, don't forget that if I get the god emperor bone, your god emperor bone marrow is also mine." Zi Yan reminded again.

"Let's beat the incarnation of the god emperor first." Yun Xi's teeth were itchy, no wonder the bear child asked himself about the twenty drops. It turned out that he wanted to catch it all in one go, and he was really greedy for money to the extreme.

Time was pressing, Zi Yan didn't delay, adjusted her breath a little, then sat cross-legged, took out two drops of God Emperor bone marrow and swallowed it, and suddenly felt a surge of majestic energy rushing around in her body.

The next moment, a strong Shen Xi radiated from her whole body, like a miniature dragon entering and exiting between her nose and mouth, it was the gas condensed by Shen Hui, which moved with her breathing.

As time passed, Zi Yan devoured more and more bone marrow of the god emperor, and the radiance overflowed. Shen Xi drowned her whole body, and all seven orifices were flowing with divine glow, which looked very miraculous.

"Who the hell is the goddess!"

Yun Xi sat on the side boredly, and the violet skirt slid down, outlining her beautiful outline that was born from the spiritual energy of the world, like Chuanyue, and when she saw this scene, she couldn't help but complain.

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