Suddenly, a roar came from Zi Yan's body, as if [-] volcanoes erupted at the same time, their essence was soaring to the sky, running through the sky, and ten round seas manifested at the same time, spewing light of various colors, complementing each other.

"This is about to break through, such a terrifying vision, like the God King opening the sky."

Yun Xi exclaimed, there was an urge to worship the little witch. , , .

Chapter 699 Dragon Immortal Birth Destroyer God Emperor!

Ruixia gushed, and the divine rune turned into a galaxy, flying around Zi Yan.

The scene became more and more mysterious and astonishing. In the end, all kinds of divine birds and beasts, such as Jiezhen, Qiongqi, Bai Ze, Suan, Ouji, Ou, Dapeng, etc., evolved in the galaxy.

This is a very terrifying breakthrough, which broke out all of Zi Yan's previous accumulation. Those ancient creatures who were swallowed by her all have magical blood. At this time, this power was stimulated, mixed with the divine source and integrated into Zi Yan's body. in the blood vessels.

A fairy-like breath was uploaded from Zi Yan's body, sweeping across the four directions, exuding endless coercion.

Yun Xi was amazed, she naturally knew that this was not the little witch who broke through to the fairyland, but raised her bloodline to the fairy level, which is an even more rare creation.

The Monster Race is the race that pays the most attention to bloodline among all the races. Similar to the Godhead of the God Race, it represents a kind of potential and also a kind of strength.

Originally, after Zi Yan devoured the blood of the Heavenly Phoenix at the peak of the True Immortal in the ancient land of Tianfeng, the bloodline was upgraded to the Dragon Emperor level, and now it has merged the bloodline of a large number of ancient creatures, as well as the essence of the God Emperor, and finally upgraded again, reaching The Dragon Immortal!

This kind of bloodline dignity is very rare even if you look at all the monsters in the nine mountains and seas, which means that even if Zi Yan does nothing, she can easily become an immortal by lying down and sleeping every day. Kings and Immortal Emperors are not impossible.


I don't know how long it took, the roar in Zi Yan's body gradually disappeared, and the ten beautiful Lunhai lights converged and submerged into Zi Yan's Tianling cave again.

She slowly opened her eyes, as if two golden dragons had flashed away in her pupils, and with a loud roar, the entire void resonated, and the temple trembled.

"I broke through!"

Zi Yan clenched her fist and said excitedly, only to feel the incomparably abundant power flowing in the body, dragon power, phoenix power, phoenix power, Kunpeng power... and divine power, mixed together, surging in the body like rivers and seas.

"So strong."

Yunxi looked at the little witch like a monster. This guy is simply a monster. When the two first met, her strength was far from that terrifying, and she was almost the same as her. The wrestling was a tie, but it was only a month later. , but it has risen to such an incredible level, even stronger than the Pu Demon Tree, like a heavenly god.

Such a speed of improvement, looking at all the arrogances of ancient and modern times, I am afraid that it is very rare. It is hard to imagine how much she will grow in the future.

"Next step……"

Zi Yan didn't get up, but muttered, took out the divine jade from her pocket, and put it on her forehead to feel it.

Yun Xi's eyes widened. Does this little witch actually plan to learn this divine art now? This is a divine art. Even if it is incomplete, it will take hundreds of thousands of years for most people to master it.


The energy in the divine jade erupted in Zi Yan's mind, forming an immemorial god king with a height of tens of thousands of meters. The whole body was shrouded in divine flames. It was not a real flame, but a vision created by Shen Xi's extreme concentration.

Fist gun, finger sword, leg axe, foot knife, rib whip, shoulder shield, indestructible armor, left arm with moon hook, right arm shooting crossbow.

One piece of powerful divine weapon evolved from the body of the ancient god king. The divine body was formed by the condensed source of the gods. These nine ancient divine weapons were also condensed from the divine source, so the body was a weapon!

Just when Zi Yan wanted to look closely, these weapons were shattered one by one. As for the part of the fist gun, it still glowed. Obviously, this is a incomplete magic technique, and only the training method for the fist gun part.

Zi Yan did not delay. With the help of the short-term epiphany obtained when she broke through to the semi-sacred state, she immediately began to specialize in this magical technique.

One day, two days, seven days, ten days...

Half a month passed, Zi Yan finally finished her enlightenment, opened her eyes, and exclaimed: "What a powerful magical technique, it took me half a month. It takes two or three years to realize." Xixi Novel Network

Yunxi is speechless, this girl is truly a monster with talent, and it takes two or three years to comprehend an incomplete divine king technique. This is already a level against the sky.

"Little witch, how are you feeling now? Can you beat the god emperor?" Yunxi asked, this is something she cares about a lot. If the little witch can kill the god emperor, she can also get a generous amount of god emperor bone marrow. .

"I can beat him now!" Xiao Ziyan looked contemptuous, with an invincible attitude of arrogance.

Yun Xi said angrily, "You'd better be careful. Remember, if you can't win, run to the next floor immediately, or your life will be in danger."

"Do not worry!"

Zi Yan was in high spirits, like a young god standing in the sky, striding into the third floor of the temple.


At the moment when Zi Yan's body appeared, she immediately felt an extremely hot breath blowing towards her face, but it was the god emperor who performed a fire magic technique, like a fire dragon, overwhelming the sky.

"Good come!"

Zi Yan let out a long whistle, opened her small mouth, and spewed out a purple-black dragon breath, which was countless times stronger than the previous purple-red dragon breath, and collided with the fire dragon fiercely.


With a loud bang, the entire shrine was swallowed up by raging flames, and the god emperor was directly knocked out and smashed on a corridor, making a rumbling sound, and several huge cracks appeared on the corridor. change.

Although Yun Xi was well prepared, he still suffered a big loss in the aftermath of the collision. One of his golden wings was burned, and even part of the violet robe on his body was burned away, revealing a pair of white jade-like long clothes. Legs, slender and straight.




The battle reached its peak in an instant, Zi Yan turned into a round of sun, slammed into the god emperor fiercely, punched out with a punch, each attack seemed to be roaring from the ancient Kunpeng, fighting the sky, knocking the god emperor back step by step, A large piece of divine light burst, as if the end of the world.

Zi Yan, who has broken through to the semi-sanctified realm, has crushed the Pu Demon Tree with all-round strength, and even fights with the incarnation of the god emperor and still has the upper hand.


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