The god emperor shouted angrily, two divine fires appeared in his eyes, he held his right hand horizontally, a divine spear condensed in his palm, and stabbed Zi Yan with a bang.

This spear is monstrous, manifested by a peerless god emperor technique, with the aura of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, destroying Zi Yan and even this world.

"Fist gun!"

Zi Yan shouted not to be outdone, and threw a fist to meet it. Just as the fist was about to approach, it suddenly turned into a magic spear, shining in all directions, shining in the world.

This blow is not a pure magic trick, but condenses all the powers such as dragon power, phoenix power, phoenix power, and Kunpeng power in Zi Yan's body.

Gun to gun!

Break with force!

Yun Xi stared at the battlefield with wide eyes, unwilling to miss any detail. A jade slip was suspended in front of her, exuding a faint glow, covering the audience, recording this glorious battle. , , .

Chapter 700 Challenge the Emperor Burial!


A huge explosion sounded from the ground, the god emperor vomited blood and flew upside down, the magic spear was broken, the entire void was blasted, and all kinds of gods thundered across the sky, swallowing everything.

Zi Yan is also in a bad situation, her whole body seems to be falling apart. Although it can't be seen from the outside, the flesh and blood under the skin has actually cracked, and even the bones have cracks.

This is a very terrifying power. You must know that with her current physical defense, she is by no means inferior to the Emperor Zhun, but there are still some incarnations of god emperors who only have the realm of king level.

It can be seen how terrifying this god emperor is. Even if he is only in the realm of a king, he still has the power to suppress the quasi emperor.

"Tianfeng Nirvana Law, the first change!"

Zi Yan screamed in the sky, and raging flames erupted from her whole body, swallowing her whole body. This is not the flame of destruction, but the flame of life. It belongs to the Tianfeng family's life-saving art, which can quickly replenish life energy and even break it. Stand up, go to the next level.

"This little witch is even proficient in the Heavenly Phoenix Clan's natal art. It's too enchanting."

Seeing the flames on Zi Yan's body, Yun Xi couldn't help but stunned. Before, the little witch had used the natal art of King Peacock Ming, as well as the natal art of the Kunpeng clan. At this time, she even used the Tianfeng clan of the ancient three clans. Her life is a treasure, and her body is an ancient dragon. How much precious blood does this guy have, and where did he learn these tyrannical treasures.

However, Yun Xi was relieved because of this. Among the demon clan, the defense power is respected by the dragon family, the attack power is respected by the kylin family, the recovery power is respected by the phoenix family, the speed is the Kunpeng family, and the little witch is also the dragon family. , Feng clan, Kunpeng clan's life-skills, unless she can kill her with one blow like before, her lasting combat power will definitely be very terrifying.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the flames of the phoenix on Zi Yan's body to be withdrawn from the body, and the whole body exuded a golden Shen Xi, the momentum was like a rainbow, not only returned to its original state, but even stronger.

"Come again!"

The dragon flashed in Zi Yan's eyes, roared and rushed to the temple again, punching out, breaking the sky and breaking the ground, like a round of scorching sun falling from the sky.

The god emperor turned out an ancient golden mirror to block it, the mirror surface shattered directly, and one arm was blown into blood mist.

Taiyin Kunzhang!

Zi Yan's power was unforgiving, and she slammed a palm again, like a sea of ​​waves, sweeping the sky, rumbling, and swallowing the emperor.




The battle came to a climax in an instant. The initial momentum of the god emperor was stronger than Zi Yan, but it was unable to cause fatal trauma to Zi Yan, who possessed the treasures of the dragon and the phoenix. Instead, because of minor injuries, Zi Yan used Nirvana. The law continuously activates the energy accumulated in the flesh and blood, and the combat power is getting stronger and stronger.

On the other hand, the God Emperor, although there is also a lot of God Emperor bone marrow energy in the body, but it uses a little less, and the momentum is getting weaker and weaker, so that the initial suppression of Zi Yan has turned into a comprehensive defense, and occasional attacks.

"Tianfeng Nirvana Law, the fourth change!"

Zi Yan was blown away again, and used the "Nirvana Method" to recover her injuries again, changing the Nirvana method in four ways. This is the limit of her mastery of this precious technique. After exerting all her strength, not only the injury will be healed, but also the battle can be doubled. Power, this is the power of the Heavenly Phoenix Clan's life-saving art.


The strengthened Zi Yan, like a god of war, stepped out in one step, shattered the void directly, came to the god emperor, and slapped the god emperor out.Xixi Novel Network

"Fist gun!"

Zi Yan transformed into Kunpeng, catching up with the god emperor who was flying upside down, condensing her whole body's divine power, her right fist collapsed, and instantly turned into a dark golden gun, stabbed into the god emperor's body suddenly.


A burst of explosions sounded, and Shen Xi on the surface of the Divine Emperor's body completely disintegrated, the divine light in his eyes dimmed, and his flesh and blood were torn apart, leaving only a fist-sized purple-golden sphere.

Zi Yan quickly grabbed the ball and placed a seal to prevent it from evolving into a god emperor again.

After doing all this, she breathed a sigh of relief, and carefully looked at the purple-gold orb. Although it was not as big as the previous dark-golden orb, the energy it contained was several times stronger. It was hot, like holding a stove, and like holding a volcano that was about to erupt.

"I'm afraid there will be three or four hundred drops of God Emperor bone marrow." Zi Yan thought happily, her beautiful big eyes bent into crescent shapes.

"You actually killed the incarnation of the god emperor."

Yun Xi flew over and looked at Zi Yan in a daze. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never have believed such a thing, and even thinking about it now, she still felt that everything was like a dream.

Originally, she brought Zi Yan to the forbidden area of ​​​​God Bone, but just wanted to sneak to the temple by the hidden path recorded in the ancient books of Tianshen Mountain, and then take a few drops of God Emperor bone marrow, who knew that what happened later would be so subversive.

First, the divine tide broke out, and the little witch actually went against the trend and rushed all the way to the temple. No pu demon tree and open-armed divine monkey could stop it, and even grabbed more than ten bottles of ten-million-year-old monkey wine.

Then there was a slaughter and harvest in the temple, and hundreds of drops of the god emperor's marrow were plundered.

After that, she broke through to the half-step demon saint realm with the bone marrow of the god emperor, and even the incarnation of the god emperor was killed. She didn't even dare to think about such a thing.

"Take this jade slip back, I'm afraid it will frighten all the people in Tianshen Mountain."

Yun Xi thought about the jade slip that completely recorded Zi Yan's battle with the god emperor, and had some expectations in her heart, what the expressions of the ancient gods of Tianshen Mountain would look like after reading it.

"Hmph, the main reason is that I don't know the life-skills of the Qilin family, otherwise I will solve him with two punches." Zi Yan said with some regret, the Qilin family is most famous for its attack power, and the power of the life-skills is not the dragon, the phoenix, the Kunpeng. These races are comparable.

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