Yunxi is speechless, this little witch is really greedy, and the birthright magic of the dragon, phoenix, and Kunpeng clan is not enough, and she even cares about the birthright magic of the Qilin family.

You must know that this kind of life treasure is related to blood essence and is the most fundamental treasure of a family. It must not be spread. If these life treasures on the little witch are leaked, the big races such as the Feng Clan and the Kunpeng Clan will definitely look for her desperately.

"Disassemble this purple-golden ball first, and give me my share." Yun Xi reminded, afraid that the little witch would default on her debt in a while.

Zi Yan snorted softly: "What's the hurry, my little witch has always been righteous and unequivocal, this is something that all the nine mountains and seas know, how can I be greedy for your treasure?"

"You can pull it down. I've never met anyone who is more obsessed with money than you. It is said that the number one bear child of the Nine Mountains and Seas is almost the same. Hurry up and give me my share."

Yun Xi is not polite to Zi Yan. After so many days of getting along, she has already seen that to be reserved in front of this little witch is to find guilt for herself.

"Don't worry, when I defeat the Emperor Burial, yours is not mine." Zi Yan still didn't plan to break down the ball.

Yun Xi stared at him and said, "Are you really going to challenge the Emperor Burial?"

Chapter 701 The Emperor of Heaven Burying as a Teenager

"Of course, it's already here, it would be a pity not to challenge." Zi Yan said as a matter of course.

Yun Xi said: "You are really daring, that is the Emperor Buried Heaven, the most powerful person in the Nine Great Mountains and Seas from ancient times to the present, the spiritual body he left behind, no one can break it for [-] million years, you have done your best to defeat the Emperor, how can you still If I have the energy to challenge the Emperor Burying, I am afraid that I will be instantly killed."

She had already said that Zi Yan was just talking, but she didn't expect that she really had the mind to challenge. I really didn't know what to say about her.

You must know that martial artists and immortals, although they pay attention to bravery and diligence, and facing difficulties, but not everyone can challenge, especially for Tianjiao, being defeated by a powerhouse far superior to oneself at the same level will be a huge challenge. The heart of the Tao is damaged, and it can even be completely devastated.

In the ancient and early days of ancient times, those quasi-immortal emperors who left their names on the Emperor Mark Stele were often the unparalleled existences in their respective fields, with absolute conceit, and most of them would use this to challenge the Emperor Burial.

For example, the ancient sword king stepped on the heavenly court to compare swords with the buried emperor, the wrath immortal emperor stepped on the heaven and competed with the buried emperor for physical strength, the Yan Emperor and the buried emperor discussed the fire way, and the Lin Wu emperor and the buried emperor discussed the martial arts...

All of these amazing and brilliant quasi-immortal emperors, with the same idea as Zi Yan, plan to challenge the highest monument in history, the Emperor Buried.

If you win, your name will move the world, and your name will last forever.

If you fail, you can also gain knowledge, and you can stand up after being broken.

But the result is that all these quasi-immortal emperors were bombed and killed. In the field that he was best at, the buried emperor was ruthlessly defeated with the same level of strength, and it was a crushing defeat, and there was no hope of catching up. beat.

Such a huge sense of gap, even those quasi-immortal emperors who have cultivated for millions of years, are unbearable.

Therefore, in the middle and late period of ancient times, there are very few quasi-immortal emperors who have challenged the Emperor Buried Heaven. In addition to knowing that they are invincible, more, they do not want to see with their own eyes the abyss that they can never spy on.

Yun Xi told Zi Yan all this, hoping to dissuade her. Although she wanted to see Emperor Burying teach Zi Yan a lesson before, but now that she has regarded Zi Yan as a friend, she does not want her to take risks. .

In her opinion, Zi Yan has an invincible heritage, and in the future, she has the opportunity to become a great immortal emperor as glorious as the Unbeginning Heavenly Emperor, but she can't bear to see her martial arts will be hit.

After listening to Yun Xi's words, Zi Yan fell into silence for a while, and said after a long time: "My father once said that the road in this world has to be walked before you know the end, just like many people say that the road to the Immortal Emperor has no end. But in fact, no one tried to really reach the end of a road at all, they just couldn’t see it at a glance, and they said there was no road.”

"Your father's tone is not small. He dares to say things that all the quasi-immortal emperors have acquiesced in? Could it be that he has found a way?"

Yun Xi said angrily, she had heard too much about Zi Yan bragging about Zhang Tian on the way, what caught the holy soldiers of the extreme path, what suppressed the Ice Emperor, what was slaughtering dragons in the North Sea, what was sitting in Zhongzhou, to put it bluntly, no Is it the emperor of a small world? U9 eBook

Such a character may have a very strong background, and he is an invincible emperor who can smash through the nine mountains and seas, but his knowledge is not comparable to the immortal kings and immortal emperors who have survived for millions of years. The two are not at the same level. Such words will only make her feel that this Zhang Tian has a very high self-esteem and is watching the sky.

"You are not allowed to speak ill of my father!" Zi Yan grinned and made a vicious look.

"I know, I know, your dad is invincible, isn't it, but he can't say everything right, and even if your dad is here, he probably won't approve of you going up." Yun Xi waved his hand and announced Surrender, but she knew how obsessed the little witch was with her father, and it would be fruitless to argue with her.

"Impossible, Dad will definitely agree with me going up. There are four floors in this temple. If I don't go up, how can I know what the fourth floor is like? Maybe the god emperor bone is there for me to take." Zi Yan said.

"Beautiful, you are a little money fan. The guard on the third floor is the incarnation of the god emperor, and the fourth floor must be the spiritual body of the buried emperor. If you are not so invincible, go up and try it, but with your current background, He has the aura of contempt, once it is interrupted, the consequences will be very serious." Yun Xi said earnestly.

"If I retreat now, it will also weaken my invincibility. I want to see how strong this Heaven Burial Emperor can be." Zi Yan continued to insist and walked to the fourth floor.

Yun Xi could only sigh lightly when she saw this, and followed up. Anyway, every floor has a chance to fail, and at least she and the little witch will not have to worry about their lives.


Aura flashed, Yun Xi and Zi Yan appeared in the fourth-floor temple at the same time.

As soon as they entered, the two immediately felt an incomparably terrifying aura of oppression. A man whose whole body was shrouded in golden light stood with his hands behind his back and his back turned to them. Although he was just an ordinary person, he had a kind of immeasurable power like a sacred mountain. The invincible state made it difficult for them to breathe, and even their thoughts were stagnant.

"Fun, burial... Uh, thank you for helping out outside the temple before, little girl Yunxi, thank you very much."

Yun Xi said in a cluttered manner, her eyes were full of little stars. She wanted to call him 'Tian Tian Di', but suddenly realized that the teenage Tian Tian Emperor would definitely not be called this name, and she couldn't help blushing with shame.

If outsiders saw this scene, they would definitely drop their jaws. Yunxi, as the descendant of Tianshen Mountain, the daughter of the god king, has always been the snow lotus of the iceberg, and is known for her noble and glamorous.She has seen the four god kings of Tianshen Mountain, and even an ancestor of the god emperor, and she has never shown such an expression of admiration and admiration.

"How is it possible, how could the Emperor Burying Heaven be so strong when he was a teenager? This is unscientific!"

Zi Yan screamed strangely, her eyes were round and round, she didn't believe that a person with only a king's cultivation base would have such a terrifying aura. This is simply too strong. In front of this figure, they are as small as ants, and they can be destroyed easily.

Even if this figure is a great emperor, a true immortal, and an immortal king, Zi Yan has no doubts!

How can she defeat such a person? , , .

Chapter 702 Cute enough to be tolerated by the Emperor Burial

"You guys are so brave to break into my territory?"

The figure shrouded in the flames slowly turned around and made a low, majestic and domineering voice.

His face was shrouded in flames, and it was difficult to distinguish. He could only feel the tyrannical aura, such as the gushing rivers, the vast ocean, the endless abyss, and the unclimbable peak of the gods. Just looking at it made people dizzy and gave birth to a heart of awe and admiration.

Yun Xi was trembling and stood aside with low eyebrows pleasing to the eye, not knowing what to say, the aura of the figure in front of her gave her a feeling even more terrifying than the ancestor of the god emperor of Tianshen Mountain.

This is a very strange situation. Even if the ancestor of the god emperor did not deliberately spread his aura, it was enough to shock a group of gods and true gods, but her thinking ability was almost stagnant at the moment, and she could not detect this abnormality.

Zi Yan was also oppressed by this momentum, but she was stubborn in her heart. If she really buried the Emperor, it would be fine, but this is just a spiritual body left behind when she was a teenager. Maybe it was about the same size as herself, why? Can you succumb to his feet?

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