Thinking like this, Zi Yan's aura was also invisible, as if there were dragons, phoenixes, and Kunpeng roaring in the void, fighting against this tyrannical will.

"Little witch, you're crazy..."

Yun Xi was surprised. She didn't expect that the little witch was still not convinced by this time, and she couldn't help but feel anxious and worried while she was in awe.

The two little girls didn't realize that the figure in the flame was looking at them with a smile on their faces. Where is the spiritual body?

In the Xutian Temple, Gu Taxian looked at the picture in the ancient mirror and laughed dumbly. At the same time, he also felt a little emotional. The Emperor Buried Heaven was really considerate to the little princess, and even sneaked into the temple to replace the spiritual body, deliberately teasing the little princess. , such a move is very different from the Eternal Emperor, who is in his memory of the nine great mountains and seas, and I am afraid that only the little princess can make Emperor Burying spend so much thought.

Thinking like this, Gu Taxian raised a little bit of vigilance. The virtual world is the best trial ground for Tianjiao. The little princess may come often in the future. With her character, she must provoke those huge ancient forces. , you have to keep an eye on it.

If something happened to the little princess here and angered the Emperor Burying Heaven, he really couldn't imagine the consequences.

At this time, in the temple, Zhang Tian had a faint smile on his face, looked at Zi Yan with a stubborn face, and said solemnly: "Little guy, what's your name and what's going on here?"

"My name is the little witch, but I'm not a little guy. I came here to get the bones of the god emperor. Anyway, that thing is useless to you, so give it to me."

Zi Yan felt that the pressure on her body had eased a bit, and she suddenly regained her nature and was lawless.

Zhang Tiandao: "If you want to get the God Emperor Bone, you need to defeat me first. Are you sure?"

Zi Yan showed hesitation, and then said loudly: "I'm not sure, but I want to try!"

"it is good!"

Zhang Tian grabbed forward with his palm shrouded in the flames, plunged directly into the void, and took out a piece of purple-golden bone from it.

This bone is only over a foot long, and the surface is covered with intricate divine patterns. The whole body exudes a strong divine brilliance, which is so thick that it condenses into a spiritual liquid, and it keeps dripping down.

"This is the god emperor bone!"

Yun Xi exclaimed, and the jade body trembled uncontrollably. This was not an ordinary God Emperor bone, but a natal backbone fused with the essence of the whole body of the God Emperor. The secret method of the God Race contains millions of years, and it may be able to revive the God Emperor, so that the nine great mountains and seas will have an invincible God Emperor who can cover the quasi-immortal emperor.

Especially for her, this god emperor bone is a priceless treasure. If it can be integrated into her body with a secret method, she has a certain chance of inheriting the goddess of this god emperor and becoming the unparalleled goddess emperor in the world! 5200 Novel Network

Such a heavy treasure even made her forget her fear for a moment, her eyes staring at the God Emperor Bone, her eyes full of desire.

Yun Xi is still like this, not to mention Zi Yan, a little money fan, her eyes are about to burst into flames, her body is slightly bowed, like a little lion ready to go, roaring: "This god emperor bone its mine!"

"As long as you beat me back one step, this God Emperor bone is yours."

Zhang Tian threw the God Emperor Bone into the air, put his hands behind his back, and said with a smile,

If other invincible Tianjiao heard this, they would feel insulted, because they thought they were invincible existences of the same rank, but Zi Yan didn't think so. For her, it is a fool to take advantage of it.

"Look at me, I'm just a child. You are so strong, but you can't bully me. Why don't you close your eyes again, it will also make you look powerful."

Zi Yan bargained, she felt that this spiritual body was not terrifying, but rather kind.

Yun Xi was stunned, this time she was completely convinced by the little witch. In front of this spiritual body, she didn't even dare to breathe out a breath, but this girl dared to make a request and made everyone close her eyes. Could it be that she knew the boy of the Emperor Buried Heaven. At that time, he was famous for his pupil technique?

"According to your."

What shocked Yun Xi even more happened, this spiritual body actually agreed?Is there such a good talk?The ancient books of Tianshen Mountain have never recorded that this spiritual body will release water.

Or is this little witch a special case?Cute enough to be tolerated by Emperor Burial?

There must be something wrong here!

"A word is settled!"

Zi Yan didn't give Zhang Tian a chance to change his mouth, and the moment the voice fell, it turned into a rainbow and flew out, as if a powerful Kunpeng was fighting against the sky, with a great momentum.

"Fist gun!"

Zi Yan shouted loudly, mobilized the divine power of the whole body, burst out with a punch, and instantly turned into a dark golden gun, like an ancient divine weapon, exuding an ancient and time-honored breath, and brazenly stabbed the man in the flame.

This girl looked cute when she was bargaining before, but she was ruthless when she made her move. When she came up, it was a killing blow!

Zhang Tian closed his eyes, smiled slightly, raised his hand casually and swiped forward, Zi Yan's fist and gun shattered directly, turned into a little divine light and disappeared, the hand took advantage of the situation to move forward, in her smooth door of light lightly tapped.


Zi Yan screamed and flew out, covering her head with her hands, screaming loudly.She was very angry that this person liked to play her head just like her father and couldn't tolerate it.

Yun Xi was first shocked by Zhang Tian's terrifying strength, and then seeing Zi Yan's embarrassed appearance, she couldn't help but raised her hand and touched the bag on her head. Although the swelling was almost gone, pressing it hard still felt a little painful.

Looking at the appearance of the little witch again, Yun Xi suddenly showed a very bright smile.

Feng shui took turns, I didn't expect her little witch to have today.

This is so frustrating! , , .

Chapter 703 The Emperor Buried, Come Out For Me!

Zi Yan was extremely furious, like a burning little lion, with a strong fire coming from her whole body, and her body that flew upside down suddenly stopped in the air.

"Yeah, I'm mad at me!"

Zi Yan shouted, her toes pointed towards the void, and the void behind her exploded like a mirror, shattering countless huge cracks and twisting into a black hole, and Zi Yan had already rushed out.

Sun Peng Fist!

Taiyin Kunpeng!

Zi Yan killed again, her right fist exuded the power of flaming yang, and her left palm turned into a sea like a sea, attacking both sides at the same time.

This power is very terrifying, distorting the void, and vaguely, there seems to be a phantom of a Kunpeng behind Zi Yan, who dominates the world like an ancient emperor.

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