Fang Lin and the others looked at each other and said solemnly, "I am willing to follow Senior Sister Zhang to join, but when Senior Sister Zhang leaves, I will not stay!"

"A word is settled!" Su Ziming's eyes flickered, obviously Fang Lin and others also valued it very much.

After the negotiation was over, Su Ziming took the ruthless people to the headquarters of the Gentleman's Party. As soon as he entered the main hall, he saw several groups of people arguing loudly and glaring at each other.

Seeing Su Ziming's return, these people restrained a little and saluted: "See the leader."

"What's going on?" Su Ziming frowned slightly, showing a hint of anger.

An elite student dressed in yellow immediately greeted him and whispered: "There is a trial ruin in the inner courtyard about to open. His Royal Highness the inner courtyard has issued ten temporary inner door tokens, and our gentleman's party has allocated one. , but the three core senior brothers all want to ask for it for the younger generation of the family, so..."

"There are only ten, so few?"

Su Ziming frowned even more, glanced at the audience, and said solemnly: "I have decided to distribute this temporary inner door token to the newly joined core student Zhang Ruren, all juniors and brothers, please feel wronged first and wait for the next opportunity. ."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the hall instantly became solemn, and everyone glared at Ruthless Man. , , .

Chapter 86 Another challenge, one enemy three!

In the hall, the atmosphere is solemn.

One of the young men in brocade clothes strode out and said loudly: "Leader, there are core students to join, I would warmly welcome, but our gentleman's party is clearly rewarded and punished. A precious temporary inner sect token, I'm afraid this is a bit unruly, right?"

This young man's name is Lin Kun, and he is also a core student. He has a prominent family behind him, and has many followers in the Gentleman's Party. He is extremely authoritative.

"That's right, if the leader can't give a reasonable statement, I, Wang Xiao, don't agree either!" Another core student stood up, but when he saw that he had a wolf head, he was nearly three meters tall, and his body exuded a very fierce look. Breath, is a powerful monster.

Su Ziming said in a low voice, "I know the rules of the gentleman's party. Any core student who is invited to join can get a piece of heavy treasure as a dowry gift for free. Don't they forget it?"

"It is true that this rule is true, but this temporary inner door token, I have to, the leader can choose another treasure to give to this newly joined junior sister." A beautiful woman wearing a moon-white robe The women competed against each other. Her name was Han Yue, and she was born in the Holy Land of Fluctlight.

Among the core students, there are also three, six, nine, etc., especially in a party like the Gentleman's Party, the competition is not only for strength, but also for background.These three dared to stand up to refute Su Ziming, which was naturally extraordinary. Not only did their cultivation level surpass that of ordinary core students, but there were even more prominent forces behind them, and there were many supporters in the Gentleman's Party.

I saw that after Lin Kun, Wang Xiao, and Han Yue stepped out, a large group of elite students behind them also raised their momentum and expressed their position in this way.

Su Ziming sighed lightly: "I thought that this time, the temporary inner door token would be distributed as usual in a few hundred pieces. Our gentleman's party can get at least ten pieces, and it's not a big deal to distribute one to Junior Sister Zhang. Who would have thought that I've cut so much, you won't want me to break my trust, right?"

Lin Kun said with a gloomy face: "It is said that the trial ruins this time are very extraordinary. Even the nineteenth prince will participate in person. The elders of the inner courtyard do not want outsiders to participate, but because of the rules, they reluctantly took out ten temporary tokens. Perfunctory. I don't want to fight with the leader, but the elders of the family told me to get this token."

"The Holy Land of Fluctuation also means the same thing. There is a Tianjiao who plans to hone again before the blood test. The Holy Land has high hopes for this Tianjiao and specially entrusts me to take this token. If this junior sister is willing to withdraw voluntarily, I can give out five hundred King Grade Spirit Stones as a reward." Han Yue said softly.

All the students in the hall sucked in a breath of cold air, secretly saying that the Holy Land of Fluctuation was really rich.The Wangpin Lingshi is specially used for the cultivation of legendary kings. Five hundred kingpins, even if they are taken out by ordinary legendary kings, are a bit painful, but Han Yue gave them away without blinking, just to let the ruthless withdraw voluntarily. , can be said to be rich and willful.

Just when everyone thought that the ruthless man would definitely choose to withdraw with the rich spiritual stone, the ruthless man shook his head and said: "The main reason I joined the gentleman's party is to get this temporary inner door token, the more precious it is, the more precious I am. The more imperative it is.”


All the students in the hall felt that Ruthless was too arrogant. They could get five hundred spirit stones and three favors for nothing, but they chose to fight each other and set up three great enemies for themselves.Also say 'the more precious it is, the more I have to do it', isn't this obviously contradicting!

"It is estimated that this person has only been promoted to the core student, and he still does not know the prestige of the three brothers Lin, Wang and Han."

"Too young to offend Senior Brother Wang. Even if she is sheltered by the leader, she will not be able to stay in the gentleman's party." Dream Island Library

"I actually want to compete with Senior Sister Han for the token, so shameless, it's just courting death!"

The ruthless rants also made the faces of the three core students suddenly turn cold.

There was a cruel look in Wang Xiao's eyes, and he said negatively, "It seems that this junior sister is determined to win the token. Then Wang is also willing to be an adult beauty, as long as... the junior sister can defeat me."

"Haha, it's interesting, I, Lin Kun, mean the same thing. Don't say that I bully the small, as long as the junior sister can hurt me in the slightest, even if I lose! But if I accidentally hurt the junior sister, I can't blame anyone. "Lin Kun said arrogantly, obviously self-confident in martial arts, and did not put ruthless people in his eyes.

All the members of the Gentleman's Party sneered and sneered, wanting to see how the ruthless would end.

The ruthless man raised his head, looked at Han Yue, and said in a low voice, "Is that what Senior Sister Han meant too?"

Being stared at by the eyes of the ruthless man, Han Yue suddenly thumped for some unknown reason, and a bad premonition emerged.Especially Su Ziming's disregarding attitude made her feel a little strange.

But she carefully searched the memory in her mind, and she didn't find any powerful characters in the core students who had the same appearance as ruthless people. If they were new core students, how powerful could they be?You must know that she is not an ordinary core student.

Thinking of this, Han Yue also said slowly: "Yes, as long as Junior Sister can defeat me, I am willing to give up this temporary inner door token."

"Very good!" The ruthless man pressed his right hand on the hilt of the sword, and the momentum on his body suddenly became fierce, and said softly: "The three of you, let's go together."


The whole hall was shocked, and all the members of the Gentleman's Party widened their eyes. What did they hear?In front of this little girl who has just started, not only accepted the challenge of Wang Xiao and others, but also decided to fight the three of them at the same time!

One against three!

They feel that ruthless people are not only arrogant, they are already defiant and unscrupulous!

Wang Xiao and the others were also stunned, and then their anger rose to the sky, and shouted: "Okay! Let me wait and see Junior Sister's unique trick!"

Almost at the same time, Wang Xiao, Lin Kun, and Han Yue rose up in rage, and each launched an extremely powerful attack on the ruthless man, and the fierce power covered the entire hall.

At the critical moment, the aura of the ruthless man suddenly erupted, the spirit sword was unsheathed, and hundreds of dragons roared out, crushing the void, condensing into a huge sword light of ice and fire, traversing the heaven and earth, covering the sky, and crashing down. ! , , .

Chapter 87 A sword burns the sky!


A huge explosion sounded from the ground.

Lin Kun transported a picture of a god full of swords of various colors. Before he could be stimulated, he was torn to shreds. The powerful sword light slashed on his body, instantly shaking the coat into powder, and even the body protection treasure inside. A, also shattered into countless fast, dim light.Jianguang's castration continued unabated, and it exploded on him.

The moment before the sword light appeared, Wang Xiao felt extremely dangerous in his heart, and subconsciously transformed into his true body, a huge black fierce wolf, raised its wolf claws and grabbed it towards the sword light. Refining the body, a wolf claw is stronger than a king-level magic weapon.Unexpectedly, this sword light was extremely sharp, and it directly cut off the wolf claws at the root.

Han Yue is the strongest person among the three, and has reached the ninth level of the Transcendent Realm. He even got the help of the Holy Land of Fluctlight to refine an ancient water spirit orb and cultivate it into the Vast Sea King Physique.

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