Feeling the crisis at this time, she immediately sacrificed the ancient water spirit orb, hung it on the top of her head, and cooperated with the Vast Sea King body to transform her body into endless waves, wrapping her whole body.Although this wave barrier is not comparable to the realm power of the legendary six-transformation king, it is also close to the realm, even a half-step legendary realm powerhouse is difficult to break.

However, this indestructible defense, in the face of the ruthless man's ice and fire sword light, has no power to resist. The huge ice and fire sword energy directly divided the infinitely mysterious ocean waves into two, and slashed at the top of Han Yue's head. On the ancient water spirit orb that shines with divine light.


The continuous screams came out, and Lin Kun, Wang Xiao, and Han Yue were all blasted out by this overwhelming force, rolling up countless storms, and smashing them on the stone wall in the center of the hall.

The skin of Lin Kun's front was blown open, and flesh and blood flew, and a terrifying sword mark was faintly visible.

Wang Xiao was even more miserable. He turned into a huge black wolf and smashed directly into the stone wall. One wolf claw was cut off by Qigen, and the blood flowed like a stream. , the right half was frozen into ice cubes, making the scalp numb.

Han Yue is the most respectable person among the three. When he was about to touch the stone wall, a stream of water-line infuriating energy erupted from his body, forcibly offsetting the momentum, only a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

But anyone with a little eyesight can see that she is the one who was injured the most among the three. The ancient water spirit orb had been forged into one by her, but was split into several cracks by the ice and fire sword energy, and her foundation was also After being seriously damaged, the cultivation realm has to drop by at least three levels, and I don't know when it will be able to make up.


Everyone looked at the ruthless man with horror on their faces, as if she was the Shura who came out of hell, burning the sky with a sword!

Even Su Ziming's pupils shrank, the sword light made him feel a little palpitated, and the most important thing was that he could faintly feel that the ruthless man didn't use his full strength!


The ruthless man returned his sword to its sheath, and said in a low voice, "It seems that I won." Scale Literature www.chidwx.com

Lin Kun struggled to get up, took out a few spiritual pills with strong spiritual energy from the storage ring, swallowed them whole, his face recovered a little, looked at the ruthless man, his eyes full of resentment and said: "Okay. , Well, it really is a boy from a hero since ancient times, I, Lin Kun, admit it!"

The surrounding gentleman's party members sighed for a while. This Lin Kun is said to be the illegitimate son of a certain prince. The prince gave him a great help out of compensation, attacking treasures, defense treasures, and all kinds of elixir. It can be said that all the way It was smooth sailing, I didn't expect to be beaten so miserably today.

"What a powerful sword qi, at least it's a high-level imperial sword technique. It seems that Junior Sister is also a person with great luck. For that temporary inner door token, I, Wang Xiao, won't fight!"

Wang Xiao turned into a human body again, his face was as pale as paper, he picked up the severed palm on the ground, the breath on his body was like a prison, obviously his heart was far less calm than he had shown.

"Senior Brother Wang has also softened."

All the members of the Gentlemen's Party had a feeling of 'changing the sky', and they all looked at Han Yue, wanting to see the attitude of her genius from the Holy Land of Flushing Light.

Facing everyone's eyes, Han Yue's face was very ugly, with a bit of misery, and she said sadly: "I underestimated the heroes of the world, and I should have been hit hard by this. I also gave up this temporary inner door token. "

This time, she was about to cry without tears. A temporary inner door token was just a trial opportunity for the arrogant genius in the Holy Land of Fluctuation, but she damaged her foundation for this. I don't know when I can make it up, and I don't even think about being promoted to the legendary realm.This is the consequence of offending those who should not be offended.

Su Ziming showed a smile and said loudly: "Since the junior and junior brothers are no longer fighting, then I announce that this temporary inner door token will be allocated to Zhang Rurenren Zhang junior sister."

Lin Kun has been nourished by many high-grade elixir, and his blood has recovered by most, but the anger in his heart has not diminished at all.He has always been arrogant and indomitable, but now he was slapped in the face by a young girl who looked young, so that he could swallow it in one breath, and almost immediately regarded the ruthless as a mortal enemy!

Although Tianshen Academy has a lot of power and dignitaries, the relatively large number of ordinary students are still a minority. Basically, everyone has a name and a surname, and there is absolutely no one called 'Zhang Ruren'.

Therefore, Lin Kun concluded that Zhang Ruren was just a civilian with some luck. He was lucky enough to get a fortunate encounter, and this is why he has the power to defy the sky, but in front of a powerful child like him, he is still scum!

Immediately, Lin Kun narrowed his eyes and said negatively, "In the future, everyone will be a gentleman, and I would like to ask Junior Sister Zhang to take care of me!"

He deliberately emphasized the word 'care', and the surrounding members of the Gentleman's Party understood it and cast sympathetic glances at the ruthless man.In the identity of Lin Kun, it is really not difficult to mobilize one or two low-level powerhouses in the legendary realm to plot against the ruthless.

This is the difference between the children of the powerful and the commoners.Civilians can only be oppressed, and the end result of fighting back is to face even more terrifying revenge!

The ruthless man raised his eyebrows, and before he could answer, a member of the Gentleman's Party rushed in from the outside and said loudly:

"Big event! Just now at the Holy Academy, a young girl beat Qin Haoran to death in front of a group of core students of the Tiantian Alliance, and both arms were cut off. What a miserable old man. ." ,, . . .

Chapter 88 Ruthless Dad is Terrifying!


A single stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the entire hall was filled with more intense noise than the ruthless man's sword burning the sky just now.

Who is Qin Haoran?The son of King Pingcang of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty, King Pingcang is one of the eight kings with different surnames of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty. He leads dozens of princes, and has an army of one million. It is those ancient sect holy places, and you should be respectful when you see King Pingcang.

What is the Zhetian League?The first party of the Deity Academy, covering the sky and the earth, is the only one who dominates, only they bully others, rely on the strong to bully the weak, when will it be someone's turn to step on their heads?

But now, someone said that a little girl cut off Qin Haoran's two arms in front of the Holy Academy, in front of the core students of the Zhetian Alliance. Wouldn't this be a huge turn of events?

The man went on to say: "This is nothing! The more powerful ones are still behind. Those people from the Heaven-Covering Alliance were outraged, but they secretly informed the elder Yin, one of the three elders of the Law Enforcement Hall, that he wanted to give that little one. The girl is accused of maliciously mutilating core students!"

"Sure enough."

Lin Kun and other powerful children couldn't help sneering, like this kind of collusion with the Law Enforcement Hall to frame the enemy, they also often do it, the crime is not important at all, as long as people are brought into the Law Enforcement Hall, the rest is not left to them. Get it right?

It's just that their power is far inferior to that of the Zhetian League. They can invite a great god like Elder Yin, and at most a law enforcement captain to be strong.According to expectations, the little girl should have already experienced life rather than death by now.

The student took a deep breath and said excitedly: "And guess what? Just when Elder Yin was about to take the little girl, the law enforcement Tianzun suddenly appeared, and he immediately removed the position of Elder Yin to protect the little girl. Girl, don't give any face to the Heaven-shading Alliance and the Prince's Palace of Peace!"


The students in the hall were also agitated by the ups and downs of the plot. The little girl who thought she was going to die unexpectedly turned into a powerful crocodile!

Lin Kun said with a sneer: "The Zhetian Alliance has always been rampant, but this time it was kicked on the iron plate. Then Qin Haoran is the prince of King Pingcang, and one of the top dignitaries in the Holy Ancestor Dynasty other than the royal family. In this situation Now, the law enforcement Tianzun still dares to protect the little girl, which is enough to see how terrible the background of the little girl is."

The student who sent the message nodded and said, "Senior Brother Lin, according to the students at the scene, the law enforcement Tianzun admired the little girl very much, and even said 'hello to Lingzun on his behalf' in a very respectful tone."

Everyone was amazed again, and Lin Kun sighed: "The little girl's father is definitely a supreme saint, and he is also a strong man in the great saint! Only those people can make the law enforcement Tianzun willingly bow his head. I don't know. Has this little girl joined the party, and if she can be drawn into our gentleman's party..." Niu Niu Chinese Website www.nnzw.net

A flash of light suddenly flashed in Han Yue's mind. Looking at Su Ziming, who was smiling but not smiling, he became more sure of his guess, and asked in a trembling voice, "Do you know the name of that little girl?"

When the student saw that Han Yue was questioning him, he immediately showed a flattered expression, and quickly said, "I heard that the little girl is very famous in the outer courtyard. What is her name Ruren Wang? Her real name seems to be Zhang Ruren."

"Zhang Ruren, why does this name sound familiar? I seem to have heard it somewhere."

All the members of the Gentlemen's Party showed thoughtful expressions, and in the next moment, they were all dumbfounded and looked straight at Zhang Ruren.

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