"Boss, it's so hard for you to hide us. If I knew that Senior Sister Zhang had such a great background and terrifying strength, how could I, Han Yue, bring shame on myself?"

There was a hint of regret on Han Yue's face, as if he was hesitating for something, and finally bowed to the ruthless man, handed over a blue storage ring, and said softly: "Senior Sister Zhang, how many times did I have before? If I have offended you, please forgive me, the five thousand king-grade spirit stones are my entire wealth, and I have the right to apologize to my senior, so please accept them.”

Deity Academy, strength is respected, no matter whether it is early or late, the cultivation base is high or low, as long as you are sure that the opponent is stronger than you, you should call it respect, otherwise it is disrespectful.

Han Yue, the arrogance of the Holy Land of Fluctuation, was the first to surrender, and suddenly there was a commotion, Wang Xiao's face changed, and he could only feel the resentment in his heart, bowed his head and said: "Senior Sister Zhang, my Wang Xiao has eyes and does not know Mount Tai. I apologize here. This flaming gem was obtained from a ruin in the outer world. It is the top-level refining material of the imperial rank. I wanted to create a divine weapon of the imperial rank. Now it is given to the senior sister. The spirit sword harmonizes yin and yang, making it more compatible with sword art."

The students onlookers were stunned for a while. They thought that Han Yue took out [-] king-grade spirit stones and it was already a big hemorrhage, but they didn't expect Wang Xiao to be even more ruthless, which was equivalent to sending out an imperial weapon.You must know that many, many legendary kings have spent their entire lives and have not been able to obtain a royal rank magic weapon.

Of course, the materials are the materials, and it is not so easy to build an emperor-level magic weapon. There are only a few refiners with this ability in the entire Eastern Wilderness.

Such a precious treasure was placed in front of him, but the ruthless man did not use it at all.Because she knows very well that these people are not afraid of her, but her father. That is the real powerhouse. You don't need to show up in person. All the arrogant Tianjiao bowed their heads and admitted their mistakes!

That kind of powerhouse, a powerhouse like her father, is her goal!One day, she will reach such a height that the enemy will bow down just by hearing her name!

The successive apologies of Han Yue and Wang Xiao undoubtedly forced Lin Kun into a very embarrassing situation. At this time, Lin Kun really wanted to give himself a big slap. Why did he take the initiative to provoke him when he didn't know the details of the other party? Now, it has provoked a arrogant who is likely to have a supreme sage behind his back.

How terrible is the wrath of the Great Sage?That should be a million corpses in an instant, blood flowing for thousands of miles.

Even if the princely father, who loves him very much, knows what happened today, he will definitely waste half his life to quell the anger of the ruthless father!There will never be any softness. , , .

Chapter 89 Kendo is like a long night!

"Senior Sister Zhang, I...I..."

Lin Kun's face turned purple, and he knelt down with a 'puff', took out the image of the gods that had not yet had time to inspire, and said in pain: "This image of ten thousand swords is an ancient sword king. The treasure of inheritance, seals all the sword intent that the sword king has learned in his life, please accept it with a smile!"

This divine picture has an astonishing origin. It seems to involve the most shining swordsman of all ages. Even his father was tight-lipped about it and did not dare to say a word.

If Lin Kun can successfully activate this divine map in the battle just now, he will not be unable to catch the sword of the ruthless man. Even so, he is also the least injured of the three, which can be seen. Zhang Shentu is powerful.

Originally, this divine map was specially prepared by the prince for Lin Kun to refine and break through the half-step legendary realm. At that time, he could accumulate an extremely strong foundation and even break through to the legendary realm in one fell swoop.

But today, Lin Kun had to give up this divine image, just because behind the ruthless man, there was an existence he couldn't afford to offend!

Looking at the map of Wanjian so closely, Ruthless Man felt that his heart shrank suddenly, as if he was about to stop beating, and an incomparable longing was born in his heart.In particular, the Taiyin Sword Qi and the Great Sun Sword Qi in the body were eager to try, almost bursting out.

Even when facing the Blazing Gem just now, the violent fluctuation of the Great Sun's sword energy was less than [-]% of what it is now.

"This is definitely a treasure!"

The ruthless man's breathing was rapid, and there was an urge to grab the Shentu directly. After a while, he calmed down, and solemnly accepted all the things that Han Yue and others handed over, and said in a low voice: "From now on, everyone will be in the same party. We should support each other, this is unpleasant, just let it go with the wind."

"Yes, yes, yes, what Senior Sister Zhang said is very true."

Lin Kun, Wang Xiao, and Han Yue nodded hurriedly, with soothing expressions on their faces.According to the default rules, since the ruthless took their apology, it means that they will not pursue today's festival. For them, this is excellent news.

Seeing the ruthless man's great harvest, especially that the Wanjian map fell into the hands of the ruthless man, Su Ziming couldn't help but show a touch of envy, and immediately restrained his expression, chuckling: "You may not know, Junior Sister Zhang joined the Deity Academy, He’s only just over a year old, and he’s not even 15 years old this year, he’s a true peerless genius, even more genius than that Yan Qingxuan from the Heaven-shading Alliance!”

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately caused a sensation. The core students who were not 15 years old simply broke the record of the Deity Academy, so everyone was more certain. Ruthless had a very large background and was in awe of her.

This is exactly the effect Su Ziming wanted. When everyone was quiet, he suddenly said solemnly: "Everyone knows, since the Seventh Prince left the academy, the power of my gentleman's party has been on the decline. The Gujian League and other parties are suppressing everywhere and urgently need to get rid of the predicament. Therefore, after careful consideration, I decided to let Junior Sister Zhang serve as the fourth supervisor of the Gentleman's Party to make up for the lack of high-level combat power!"

"What! Fourth Inspector?"

The members of the Gentlemen's Party were whispering again, and even Han Yue and other core students' faces were unpredictable.

Su Ziyue leaned in front of the ruthless man and said in a low voice, "Senior Sister Zhang, the supervisor is the post of our gentleman's party second only to the leader, and has the power to supervise and execute students within the party. Before, my eldest brother was the fourth inspector, but after the seventh prince left the academy, the eldest brother took over the position of leader, and there were no new true students in the party, so this position became vacant."

At this moment, Han Yue suddenly stepped forward and said, "Senior Sister Zhang is a genius of the world. She was promoted to a core student within a year of admission. Her combat power is even more terrifying. It won't be long, so I agree with her as the fourth inspector!"

This is also Han Yue's cleverness. This time, the water spirit orb of her life was damaged, her foundation was greatly damaged, and she didn't know when she would be able to restore her cultivation. For the ruthless, just to ease the contradiction between the two.

Wang Xiao and Lin Kun also quickly thought of this, and they hated that Han Yue had taken the lead, and quickly said, "I also agree with Senior Sister Zhang as the fourth supervisor!"

Seeing this, the rest of the elite students also said, "I agree with Senior Sister Zhang as the fourth supervisor!"

The smile on Su Ziming's face became even stronger, and he said to the ruthless: "Since everyone has no objection, then this matter is settled. Junior Sister Zhang, the identity token of the fourth supervisor will take some time to be customized. Today, I will do it first. How about celebrating for you?"

The ruthless man nodded slightly and said, "Everything will be arranged by the leader."

Afterwards, Su Ziming held a grand banquet at the headquarters of the Gentleman's Party, not only to celebrate Ruthren's promotion to the core student, but also to celebrate her joining the Gentleman's Party as the fourth supervisor.

Fang Lin, Li Ming and others firmly played the role of followers, blocking all the members of the Gentleman Party who wanted to curry favor with the ruthless, and handled it very decently, saving the ruthless a lot of trouble.

As soon as the banquet was over, the ruthless man took the temporary inner door token and couldn't wait to return to his home in the City of Liberty.

I saw that Zi Yan was practicing the magical powers in the yard, and the surrounding air was boiling, violently tumbling and fluctuating. It was a terrifying effect caused by pure power, which made people feel frightened.

"Dad, you are lazy again, didn't you let you guide Zi Yan to practice?"

The ruthless man landed in front of a wooden reclining chair in the corner of the yard and complained to Zhang Tian who was lying on it and was sleeping late.

"not good!"

The alarm bell rang in Zhang Tian's heart. He didn't expect that the ruthless man would come back early today. He was caught for being lazy, and he immediately began to think about how to deal with it.

At this moment, Zhang Tian suddenly raised his eyebrows, looked at the ruthless man, and said in a condensed voice, "You...have the aura of the Sword King."

"Sword King? Which Sword King?" The ruthless man showed a curious look.

Zhang Tian said with a serious expression: "There is only one person who can be called the King of Swords by your father. From time immemorial to now, there is only one. Have you ever heard that famous swordsman saying?"

The ruthless man asked suspiciously, "What famous saying?"

"The sky does not give birth to me, Li Chungang, the swordsmanship is like a long night!" ,, ..

Chapter 90 There is no emperor in the sword gate!

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