"Heaven does not give birth to me, Li Chungang, swordsmanship is like a long night!"

The ruthless man murmured, only to feel an infinite domineering rushing towards his face, what a rhetoric this is, covering the arrogance of the swordsmanship of all ages, I am the only one!

There was also a look of reminiscence in Zhang Tian's eyes, and he sighed softly: "This person can be called a peerless genius, the first sword king of all ages. Two sleeves green snake dance, one sword opens the gate of heaven, it is this person who opened up the avenue of sword cultivation. , and all sword cultivators after him should call him ancestors."

The ruthless man wondered: "What is the Dao of Sword Cultivation? Hasn't this Dao of Sword always existed?"

When Zhang Tian saw Ruthless being successfully distracted, he couldn't help but secretly rejoiced, and then said: "In fact, before Li Chungang, there was no real sword cultivator. Because of the age of gods and demons in the ancient times, those descendants of gods and demons were born powerful, He pursued the method of proving Tao by strength, and there was no one who used a sword at all. Later, the Emperor Buried Heaven killed the gods, established the ancient heaven, and created the method of proving the Tao by martial arts. Only then did martial arts and supernatural powers become popular.

Most of the monks began to abandon the blind cultivation of the physical body and turned to martial arts. From this, on the basis of the martial arts method, they developed a unique method of proving the Tao, such as the Buddha's wish to prove the Tao and the Dharma to prove the Tao. , Demon cultivator's killing me to prove Tao, etc., but there is still no Tao dedicated to sword cultivator until Li Chungang was born. "

The ruthless man only felt that his heart was about to jump out, and said excitedly: "Then what?"

Zhang Tian's eyes became blurred again, and he said slowly: "Li Chungang is a person who is obsessed with swords. When he found that sword cultivators had nowhere to go, he swore angrily that he would pioneer the path of sword cultivating for the world! This wish shocked nine Da Shanhai, the leader of Buddhism at that time, visited the Eighth Mountain and Sea Realm in person, invited Li Chungang to join Buddhism, and opened the road of sword cultivation with the strength of Buddhism. But Li Chungang said that he wanted to let Jianxiu and Buddhist cultivation stand side by side!"

"So he succeeded?"

"Yeah, he finally did what he said, two sleeves green snake dance, one sword opened the gate of heaven, he just used the sword in his hand to open up a way of proving the way for the sword cultivator, the sword soul certificate. Dao Fa. Haha... He has big ambitions, trying to make Jian Xiu and Wu Xiu juxtaposed, but unfortunately he was unable to break free from the framework of the Martial Soul Demonstration Method of Burying the Heavenly Emperor in his entire life."

"It's really a pity..." The ruthless sighed softly, as if he also saw the figure of a hundred schools of thought contending in antiquity, a arrogant sword cultivator, looking at the vast road ahead, resolutely advancing.

"No!" The ruthless man suddenly noticed that something was wrong, and said strangely: "Dad, since this Li Chungang is so powerful, why is there no emperor?"

She has read some ancient books, and knows that in ancient times, titles were very strict, and it was not like now that she could take titles at will.In the ancient times, all the most powerful people had the title of emperor, but the title of king was one grade lower, and the strongest person was no more than the supreme king of immortals.Long time reading www.kanshu99.com

Zhang Tian frowned slightly, as if he didn't want to mention this matter, but seeing the eager eyes of the ruthless man, he still said slowly: "Because this Li Chungang is the first-class and arrogant person in the world, he created the way of sword cultivation, The strength has reached the quasi-immortal emperor realm. But he is not willing to prove an emperor at will, he wants to prove the name of the sword emperor! However, at that time, the number one person in the swordsmanship recognized by the nine mountains and seas at that time was... the emperor buried."

"Silk..." The ruthless man sucked in a breath of cold air. She vaguely guessed the result. The more people who know the ancients deeply, the more they will feel the horror of the Heaven Burial Emperor. , an invincible existence that makes people unable to even have the courage to confront them.

Zhang Tian also recalled those passionate years, and said with a slight smile: "So this Li Chungang personally set foot on the desolate ancient heaven and challenged the Emperor Burial. At that time, the Emperor Buried greatly appreciated and respected Li Chungang, so he He gave Li Chungang the opportunity to suppress his cultivation to the same realm as Li Chungang, and only used kendo. On that day, almost all the great emperors and immortal kings of the nine great mountains and seas arrived just to witness this shocking battle. It seems that this battle is the most likely battle for Emperor Burying to lose."

Ruthless Man said with emotion: "With the same realm, using swordsmanship to fight against the ancestors of swordsmanship, Emperor Futian deserves to be the first emperor of all ages. This kind of spirit can also be called the first emperor of all ages."

Zhang Tian smiled bitterly and said: "Unfortunately, the Emperor Buried the Heavens won in the end. His vision was much higher than Li Chungang's. The so-called swordsmanship, in his eyes, was nothing but a little Daoyle. But Li Chungang's defeat was a blow to Jianxiu. It is extremely deadly. Li Chungang also became the only person in the ancient times who left his name on the Emperor Mark monument, but did not have the title of the emperor. He not only blocked his own way, but also blocked all the paths of sword cultivation. From then on... sword There is no emperor in the door."

"Jianmen has no emperor." The ruthless man repeated, the simple five words contain extremely heavy meaning.A school that can prove the Tao, there is no emperor, what a shame this is.

Zhang Tian sighed: "Jianmen has no Emperor Venerable. The impact of these five words is far more serious than you think. This is the biggest regret in the hearts of all sword cultivators, and it is also one of the regrets of the Emperor Buried."

The ruthless man spread his right hand, and Lin Kun's picture of Wanjian appeared in his hand. Looking at the mysterious sword in the picture, he couldn't help but sigh: "When I saw this picture, I felt a burst of turmoil in my body. The Taiyin sword qi and the great sun sword qi almost broke free, as if the subjects saw their emperor. It is hard to imagine that the legacy of the ancient sword king Li Chungang, the ancestor of the dignified sword cultivator, will be reduced to such a wasteland. "

"Star Ten Thousand Swords Map?"

Zhang Tian raised his eyebrows and said with a chuckle: "You are lucky, this Star Ten Thousand Swords Diagram, even in ancient times, was a hot treasure, and every time it was born, it would cause a bloody storm. Those Sword Sect cultivators, for the sake of these stars It can be said that Wanjiantu has traveled all over the nine mountains and seas, and has gone through countless hardships, and it is estimated that Li Chungang has been scolded thousands of times in his heart."

"Huh? Dad means... this picture is not the only one?" The ruthless man showed a look of astonishment.

"Haha, silly girl, if this picture is the only inheritance of the Sword King, now I don't know how many Immortal Kings and Immortal Emperors have come to this plane."

... ,, . . .

Chapter 91


The ruthless man showed a look of resignation, and then sighed lightly: "It's even better. If the inheritance of the ancient sword king is only this level, I will be disappointed."

Zhang Tian said slowly: "Although the Sword King opened up the way of sword cultivation, he is not keen on promoting his own line of Taoism. After he was defeated by the Emperor Burial, he was sorely relieved that he wanted to use the sword way to evolve the world's ten thousand Taos, and created countless kinds of things. Sword Intent, but in the end it is still far from being comparable to Martial Dao's Haina Baichuan, so according to the trend of Zhou Tianxingdou, all Sword Intent is stored in the Star Ten Thousand Swords Map, and this map is divided into countless parts, scattered in the nine mountains and seas. "

"May the world be a sincere swordsman, and everyone can use the sword to open the gate of heaven. The sword king has great ambitions, and he wants to use the power of sword cultivation in the world to perfect the swordsmanship for him. When all the sword lights on this star map are lit, it means that There is no shortage of swordsmanship, and it can be equal to martial arts..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Tian couldn't help showing a smile, shook his head and said: "But the sword king made a mistake, while the swordsmanship is improving, the martial arts is also constantly improving itself. Including today's martial arts. Instead, because of this move, it will destroy the foundation of the Sword Sect."

If the ruthless man realized something, the Sword King was the ancestor of the sword cultivator, and the Star Ten Thousand Swords Map that imprinted all his sword intentions was naturally the supreme inheritance of the Sword Sect.But he did not leave this inheritance to Jianmen, but scattered it all over the world, so there is no reason for Jianmen to be chaotic.

Zhang Tian sighed: "During the heyday of the King of Swords, the power of Jianmen was almost comparable to that of Buddhism, Daomen, and the ancient beast tribes of the Yaozu. However, in order to snatch the Star Ten Thousand Swords Map, the entire Jianmen was torn apart, although the Immortal Sword was also born during this period. There are peerless giants such as Wang, Xingchen Sword King, Destruction Sword King, and Time and Space Sword King, but in the end no one can reintegrate the sword gate. So many sword cultivators today, but very few of them are sword cultivators."

"Jianmen has no emperor's honor..." The ruthless man whispered, maybe Jianmen can't be unified, just because of these five words, if you are powerful, how can you be able to convince the public without the emperor's name?

For a time, the ruthless man only felt that the Star Ten Thousand Swords Diagram in his hand was tens of thousands of heavy, and what was placed on it was the ideal of the ancient sword king, and it was also the hope of the entire Sword Sect.

Zhang Tian stood up and said solemnly: "The Star Ten Thousand Swords Diagram is the treasure of sword cultivators, all sword practitioners who possess the Star Ten Thousand Swords Diagram will sense each other and can plunder the sword intent perception in the other side's sword diagram, so as to improve themselves. Kendo. So if you want to refine this sword map, you must be ready to compete with the world's amazing sword cultivators. Among these people, there are many peerless figures who can shake the nine mountains and seas."

Ruthless Man's eyes flashed with two rays of light, and he firmly said: "The road to the Sword King is too lonely, which is not my liking. My goal is to bury the Emperor of Heaven, allow the sea to accept all rivers, use martial arts to prove the Tao, and suppress the ancients."

Zhang Tian raised his eyebrows and said, "That is to say, you don't plan to refine this map of stars and swords?"

"No, I will refine it, and I will rely on it to compete with the swordsmen!"

"Didn't you just say..."

"Because!" The ruthless man showed a touch of determination: "Kendo is a branch of martial arts, that's all."

"Well said! You remember, boxing is martial arts, spear-doing is martial arts, and kendo is martial arts. Uphold this belief, you should not be affected by the stars and the sword map. Otherwise, you will only be controlled by the sword map and become kendo. A slave." Zhang Tian's eyes showed a deep sense of relief.

At this moment, Xiao Ziyan suddenly jumped up and said loudly: "Dad, I'm starving to death, why doesn't the second sister come back to cook!"

"Eat, eat, and eat! Have you practiced the two treasures I taught you this afternoon?" Zhang Tian tapped Zi Yan's head gently, and said righteously.Trade Wind Literature Network www.xinfengwenxue.com

"Ouch!" Zi Yan covered her head, blinked her eyes at Zhang Tian secretly, and said confidently: "Those two treasures... I have already mastered them!"

Ruthless Man's eyes lit up, and he said with great interest: "What magical powers have you learned, show me!"

"This..." Zi Yan pulled the corner of her clothes with both hands, showing a very embarrassed expression, secretly looking at Zhang Tian.

"Cough, your eldest sister asked you to demonstrate, you can demonstrate it to you, pick a few doors that are less powerful, and don't demolish our yard." Zhang Tian pretended that the old god was there, and secretly moved towards Zi Yan made a fist move.

Ruthless Man's eyes flashed with suspicion, and he said in a low voice, "Don't worry, didn't Dad bless our yard with the Holy Dao Qi Formation last time, it won't cause any damage, you just choose the most powerful demonstration!"

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