"Okay, okay."

Zi Yan sighed helplessly, walked slowly to the center of the yard, looked awe-inspiring, and slammed out a fist, the void roared and vibrated in an instant, and a violent flame of yang burst out, as if to burn nine days.

At this moment, Zi Yan slapped the palm of her backhand, faintly carrying the sound of the tides of the sea, as if there were vast rivers and seas roaring and roaring, trying to drown the vast land, the power one after another, getting stronger and stronger, bursting layer by layer, The void where it hits is directly distorted.

Then Zi Yan punched again...

The ruthless man watched from the side, nodding slightly at first, his eyes were full of amazement, then he felt that something was not right, he frowned slightly, and in the end, his eyes were even more evil!

"Zi Yan, Taiyin Kunzhang, Taiyang Pengquan, you have demonstrated it three times. Apart from these two treasures, do you have any other skills?"

Ruthless people can be said to be extremely angry. "Taiyin Kunzhang" and "Sun Pengquan", these two treasures are the introductory treasures in "Kunpeng Fa". The simplest, but the key two treasures are taught by her. Zi Yan's.

Zi Yan stopped, showing a naive look, then pointed at Zhang Tian sharply, and said crisply: "Dad taught me, he said 'one trick, eat all over the sky' doesn't need to learn so many messy treasures ."

"Dad!!" The ruthless man immediately shifted his target and looked at Zhang Tian angrily.

Zhang Tian hated Zi Yan, a little traitor, in his heart, but he still had to make an appearance on the surface, and calmly said: "Zi Yan, don't make fun of your big sister. Didn't I pass on your very powerful movement technique two days ago? Demonstrate it. Show it to your eldest sister."

"Really?" The ruthless man looked at Zi Yan again.

Zi Yan also seemed to suddenly remember, and clapped her hands: "Kunpeng walks in the sky, yes, I will also walk in Kunpeng sky!" ,, ..

Chapter 92 The divine power of the ancient beasts!

Zhang Tian stepped forward and said slowly: "There is a fish in Beiming, its name is Kun, and it turns into a bird, and its name is Peng. Kunpeng swings and goes up [-] miles, like the sky, this is "Kunpeng's Walk in the Sky" "also!"

The ruthless man's eyes were shining, as if he saw a huge and boundless beast bursting out of the boundless sea, with one wing, it stretched thousands of miles, covering the sky and the sun, and I was the only one.

Xiao Ziyan is also full of confidence in this body magic weapon. When the ruthless man retreated, she often sneaked out to play with Zhang Tian. In order to move faster, she took the initiative to comprehend this "Kunpeng Skywalking", And in all kinds of tricks, he is very skilled in the use of this treasure.

At this time, when it was displayed, Zi Yan's face was tense, her slightly fat calf was slightly bent, and she stomped on the ground, and there was a rumbling sound from the whole courtyard, like an earthquake.

Under the soles of Zi Yan's feet, the earth cracked open like a cobweb with countless terrifying cracks. These cracks were incomparably thick, spreading around like lightning, and then burst into pieces, and the smoke shot straight into the sky.

Just in the midst of this smoke and dust, Zi Yan rose to the sky, her aura became extremely fierce, without a trace of childishness, but like an ancient beast, like a young god, to fight the sky, the Ling family nine days. above.


Zi Yan rushed nearly a hundred feet above the courtyard, let it land with a bang, and smashed a terrifying pothole on the ground.

"Big sister, how is Zi Yan's movement?" Xiao Ziyan patted the dust on her body with a bit of pride.

"Very... very good, very good, just... terrifying. Even if my escape, it may not be comparable to yours."

The ruthless mind is in turmoil, and I almost don't know how to describe it. You must know that this courtyard is blessed with a great formation of the Holy Way. If you cast spells here in the holy realm, the power will be suppressed a hundred times.

But even so, Zi Yan still created such a terrifying effect, it is hard to imagine how strong she would be if she really let go of all restraints.

This is the power of the most powerful immemorial beast!

"Hey...Thank you for your compliment, big sister."

Zi Yan had a premonition that she had escaped, and suddenly showed a very happy expression, and ran happily in the direction of Zhang Tian and Ruthless.

Zhang Tian also smiled slightly, waved his right hand, and the ground that was shattered by Zi Yan began to repair at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the flying dust in the sky landed one after another, but in the blink of an eye, the courtyard was restored to its original state, as if something had just happened. It didn't happen in general. ok composition network www.okzuowen.com

The ruthless man hugged Zi Yan, rubbed her soft hair twice, looked at Zhang Tian again, and said angrily: "Zi Yan's movement is really powerful, but it's not very useful when facing the enemy. Although the Taiyin Kunzhang and Taiyang Pengquan are quite powerful, they are too simplified. How can they compete with the arrogance of Long Gaitian who masters countless powerful treasures? Dad, you really are, just let Zi Yan be lazy!"

Zhang Tianzheng said: "Nan, you have wronged Dad and Zi Yan. It's not that Dad doesn't want to teach Zi Yan treasures more, but he is greedy. On the contrary, although Taiyin Kunzhang and Taiyang Pengquan are Simple, but it is the foundation of all the treasures in "Kunpeng Fa". One yin and one yang are in harmony with the changes of heaven. As long as you practice these two treasures to the realm of great success, and then learn other treasures, you can get twice the result with half the effort. As for Zi Yan, there are No slacking off, you can check her cultivation progress."

The ruthless man was stunned when he heard the words, and immediately put a finger on Zi Yan's forehead, and penetrated his spiritual consciousness into Zi Yan's sea of ​​consciousness. .

Each of these runes records a powerful treasure art, which is the life-long brainchild of the Kunpeng Demon Emperor.Among them, there are two runes with bright golden light, exuding the brilliance of divinity, and the demonic emperor script on them is even more clearly visible. The textures, such as the chapters of the avenue, are obviously fully comprehended. It is "Taiyin Kunzhang" The rune corresponding to "Sun Peng Quan".

"You have already practiced these two treasures to such a degree, Zi Yan, you really are not lazy, it's the elder sister who blames you." The ruthless man stroked Zi Yan's pretty face, his eyes full of relief.

"Zi Yan works hard every day, can you rest tomorrow?" Zi Yan looked at the ruthless man pitifully, her black and beautiful big eyes flickering.

"No!" The ruthless man refused categorically, and said solemnly: "According to my understanding, this year's blood test will be extremely dangerous, gathering all the geniuses and monsters in the entire Shengyuan continent. Trial, at a high cost to suppress their cultivation and refine their physical bodies, the strength is unimaginable, you must hurry up and cultivate hard every day!"

After speaking, the ruthless man flipped his right hand, took out the temporary inner door token, and said, "This is the temporary inner door token of the Deity Academy that the eldest sister has won for you. With this token, you can fight with those two days later. The students from the inner courtyard will participate in the trial of the ruins together. This is a very precious training opportunity. Even the nineteenth princes of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty have specially rushed over from the Holy Capital to participate, which should be of great help to you."

Zi Yan took the token, looked up and down for a while, and asked curiously, "Big sister, is the inner courtyard of Tianshen Academy fun?"

The ruthless man was stunned for a moment, frowned and said: "I was promoted to an elite student directly from the outer courtyard, and I have never been to the inner courtyard. It is said that there are many strong people there, and many ancient sect holy places and demon clan holy clan will send some excellent students. The disciples were sent there to study, and there are even some descendants of the royal family and princes. So this time the battle for the ruins will be very fierce, you must master a powerful treasure before the ruins are opened!"

"Can I bring that trident?" Zi Yan asked with the last glimmer of hope.

"Of course not, everything must be in accordance with the standards of the blood test, you can't use the holy soldiers of the extreme way, and you can't ride the six-winged dragon, you can only rely on yourself!"

The ruthless man completely broke Zi Yan's careful thoughts, pressed his finger on Zi Yan's eyebrows, and said condensedly: "Zi Yan is good, let go of your mind again, the big sister will choose a powerful treasure for you. These two days , let the elder sister guide you personally!"

"Ha ha……"

Seeing Zi Yan's bitter little face, Zhang Tian smiled very unkindly, looking into the distance, as if penetrating endless space, and seeing a vast forest, Yu Xin was covered in black robes, hidden in a In the lush grass, like a dark elves.

Every daughter is working hard for her goals. , , .

Chapter 93 Yin-Yang Reverse Chaos Technique

In Zi Yan's sea of ​​consciousness space, the ruthless man's spiritual consciousness jumped between runes.

These are the most powerful treasures of the Kunpeng Clan, and any one of them is not as mysterious as "Undefeated Emperor Fist" and "Yin-Yang Ice-Fire Sword".Even with the ruthless man's amazing comprehension, he couldn't comprehend it in a short time, let alone teach Zi Yan.

Just when Ruthless was about to give up, a rune suddenly caught her attention. The rune exuded a faint silver light, and the demonic power on the surface fluctuated, not inferior to any of the surrounding runes, but it was strange. It made her feel very cordial, and she was about to extend her spiritual knowledge.


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