The endless demon race emperor texts poured directly into the sea of ​​​​knowledge of the ruthless person, and every word seemed very obscure, but fortunately, it was directly branded, which allowed her to directly understand the meaning of the words.

Yin-Yang Reverse Chaos Technique!

This is the name of the treasure recorded in this rune. Everything in the world has the attributes of Yin and Yang, even if it is a person who cultivates self-cultivation, because of the practice and physical fitness, the difference between Yin and Yang in the body may be very different, but as long as the expression Normal, it means that a certain balance has been reached.

And "Yin-Yang Reverse Chaos Technique" destroys this balance!

This treasure technique can control the yin and yang qi, instantly change the yin and yang distribution of an object, and destroy its stability. If it is used on a cultivator or a monster, it can cause the opponent's true qi to retrograde and chaotic, and at worst, it will explode directly. body die!

This is a treasure technique with great power against the sky in the early stage, and it is almost impossible to prevent, because even if the system is extremely extreme or some strange alien, the body must have both yin and yang, and it will definitely be affected by this treasure technique.

The reason why it is said that the initial power is against the sky is because the monks can master the power of yin and yang to a certain extent after reaching the five transformations of the legendary realm, "Yin and Yang Transformation", and have a way of resisting this kind of treasure.

After reading this treasure art, even a ruthless person can't help but take a deep breath. For those who are under the Five Changes of the Legendary Realm, this treasure art can be described as terrifying.

At the same time, she also understands why she feels kind to this treasure technique, because the "Yin-Yang Ice and Fire Sword" she practiced is itself a wonderful method that combines the two extreme attributes of ice and fire. It is similar to this treasure technique.

"You are the one!"

The ruthless man made up his mind, and immediately withdrew from Zi Yan's sea of ​​knowledge, and said solemnly: "Yin and Yang Reverse Chaos Technique! Starting today, you will learn this precious technique. Before, you have mastered "Taiyin Kun Palm" and "Sun Peng Quan" has a foundation for the power of yin and yang, so it shouldn't be too difficult to learn this treasure."


Zi Yan is very aware of the strictness of ruthless people, and did not try to pass the level, but nodded seriously, closing her eyes to understand the mystery of "Yin-Yang Reverse Chaos".Although she is very playful, she also hopes from the bottom of her heart that she can become stronger.

I don't know how long it took to understand, Zi Yan slowly opened her eyes, originally with pale golden pupils, it turned out to be black and white, pinched a magic trick in her hand, and slammed at a willow tree with the thickness of a bucket next to it. past.


The large willow tree trembled for a while, and then returned to normal.Kanshu

The ruthless man's eyes narrowed, and he used his sword to slash out a sword light, which directly cut the willow tree in half, only to see that the originally full heart of the tree had turned into a mess, he couldn't help nodding his head and sighed: " It is worthy of being the supreme treasure of the Kunpeng clan, and it is so easy to master the power of yin and yang that can only be mastered by the king of the five transformations of the legendary realm. If you continue to learn at this pace, you should be able to reach the state of minor achievement by the time of the blood test."

Zi Yan curled her lips and said disappointedly: "The power of this treasure is too small. It can't even destroy such a small tree. It's not as simple as if I hit it directly with a punch."

"It's a little weak." The ruthless man also frowned, feeling very different from what she expected.

Zhang Tian stepped forward, flicked Zi Yan's head, and said with a chuckle: "Silly girl, Kunpeng was born in water, walks in the sky, and is born with the ability to control yin and yang, so performing this treasure is naturally powerful, how can it be? You can compare. You try to replace Yin and Yang with Taiyin palm strength and Taiyang fist strength, and try again."

"Good dad!"

Zi Yan has a kind of almost blind worship to Zhang Tian. Hearing the words, she immediately moved. She closed her eyes slightly and opened it again. The golden runes shone like divine jade.


Where Zi Yan was pointing, an ancient tree that needed to be hugged by three people exploded without any warning, turning into fly ash from the inside out.

"It's fun, it's fun!" Zi Yan was overjoyed, and ran the treasure art again to face the pond.


Without any warning, the pond directly rolled up a wave of water dozens of meters high, and countless fish and shrimp were washed up, full of panic.

"Haha... This treasure is so interesting, Zi Yan likes it." Xiao Ziyan applauded for a while.

Zhang Tian smiled slightly and said, "Whether it is for humans or monsters, the balance of yin and yang is very important. As long as yin and yang are balanced, the body can form a self-circulation and resist external intrusions. Otherwise, if it is unstable, it will be counterattacked in an instant. For example, there are often cultivators who go into trouble, or their infuriating qi is disturbed. Most of the reasons are due to the imbalance of yin and yang. Therefore, this technique can kill people or save people, all in the mind of the practitioner."

After Zhang Tian's suggestion, Zi Yan directly increased the power of this treasure by dozens of times, and also made her fall in love with this treasure at once.

The rockery, pond, and ancient trees in the small yard all became targets, and the roaring sound resounded for a while.Zi Yan is like a god of destruction, and the place he points to immediately turns into ruins, which is very spectacular.

Until Liu Shao on the moon, Zi Yan's enthusiasm was finally exhausted, and she collapsed to the ground and said sadly: "Second sister, why hasn't she come back, Zi Yan is too hungry to have strength."

Ruthless also said strangely: "Could it be that the second sister will stay in the academy and not come back today?"

At this moment, Yu Xin just pushed the door and walked in, with a crooked smile in the corner of her eyes.

Just now, Ruthless completed the last task, just accumulating 15000 points.As long as she goes to Wuyudongtian to hand in the task tomorrow, she can exchange information about the strange fire. , , .

Chapter 94 Searching for the Journey of Different Fire

The next day, the early morning mist had just dissipated, and smoke had already risen from the small courtyard of Zhang's house. It didn't take long for Yu Xin to prepare a hearty breakfast.

Halfway through eating, the ruthless man seemed to remember something, and said to Yu Xin: "Is the second sister busy in the Dan Dao department these two days? Zi Yan will participate in a relic trial organized by the inner courtyard the day after tomorrow, and my father and I will both Go watch the game, and if you're not busy, let's watch it together."

Yu Xin moved for a while and hesitated: "I was just about to tell my father and elder sister about this. I have something to deal with in the past two days, and I may not be back at night."

Ruthless Man immediately said: "What's the matter? Need help?"

"I don't need it for the time being. If I need to, I will tell my eldest sister." Yu Xin said softly.

Zhang Tian thought about it for a while and said, "You shouldn't be very urgent about that. Don't go out this morning. Dad plans to teach you a magical power, which will be of great help to you as an alchemist in the future."

"Really? What magical powers?" Yu Xin asked happily.

Before Zhang Tian prepared "Devouring the Heaven Magic Art" for Ruthen, and also helped her to cultivate the immortal body without scale, Zi Yan also obtained the supreme inheritance treasure of Kunpeng Demon Emperor, although Yu Xin didn't say anything on the surface, she was still very much in her heart. Envy, now it's finally her turn.

Zhang Tian smiled and said: "This magical power is called "Qingdi's Spiritual Transformation", it is the supreme magical power created by an ancient immortal emperor Qingdi. Green is the respect of plants and trees, and this Qingdi is also certified by the magic of plants and trees. Daoquan Immortal Emperor's career, the "Qingdi Transformation Spiritual Art" created by him is even more fortunate, and is one of the strongest wood-type magical powers in the world.

Do you still remember the countless thousand-year-old elixir that appeared in Wuliu Village overnight?That is actually the change caused by Dad's use of "Qingdi's Spiritualization".Its magic is far more than that. If you can cultivate to the top, you can drain the spiritual energy of the entire Shengyuan Continent in a single thought. "

Ruthless and Yuxin were both shocked. After they joined the Deity Academy, their horizons became very wide, and they knew how rare the elixir of ten thousand years was. Sometimes they exhausted the essence of a treasure mountain, and they could only breed one thousand years old. Just a panacea.

And this "Qingdi Spiritual Art" can make the mountains and plains grow with elixir for ten thousand years!This alone is enough to make countless ancient sect holy places crazy!

"It is worthy of being the supreme supernatural power created by the Immortal Emperor. I am afraid that if you count the nine mountains and seas, you will not be able to find many supernatural powers of this level." The ruthless man couldn't help but sigh.

Zi Yan clapped her hands and said happily: "Second sister has practiced it, but she has to give Zi Yan a spiritual fruit to eat."

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