"Dad is so good! I'm afraid this supernatural power is too powerful, I can't learn it." Yu Xin's face turned crimson because of excitement, she knew very well how helpful this supernatural power was to alchemy.

Zhang Tian stroked Yuxin's hair and encouraged: "Don't worry, Yuxin is so smart, there must be no problem."

Normally, the supreme supernatural power of "Qingdi's Spiritual Transformation" is really difficult to master, but Yuxin is different. The other side flower in her body is the purest grass and tree spirit.With the help of the other shore flower's talent, her practice of "Qingdi Spiritualization" will be ten thousand times easier than normal people!

After breakfast, Ruthless took Zi Yan to the yard to practice "Yin-Yang Reverse Chaos Technique".

Zhang Tian's guidance to Zi Yan yesterday inspired her a lot.Although she does not plan to cultivate the magic powers of the demon clan, if she learns from the method of reversing chaos in "Yin-Yang Reverse Chaos Technique" and deduces it with Taiyin sword qi and big sun sword qi, she may be able to create a powerful magic Sword trick!Daxia Chinese Website www.daxiabook.com

On the other side, Zhang Tian imprinted the imprint of the "Qingdi Spiritualization Technique" that Zhang Tian had prepared a long time ago in Yuxin's sea of ​​knowledge. Once you have mastered this magical power, you only need to be familiar with the application step by step for the rest.

"Dad, eldest sister, Zi Yan, I'll go first, you can go to the restaurant facing the street for dinner in the next two days."

Yu Xin looked very anxious. After mastering the "Qingdi Spiritualization Technique", she couldn't wait to walk out of the courtyard.

"Be careful on the road."

Zhang Tian waved at Yu Xin as usual, then lay down on the rocking chair, basking in the sun with peace of mind, and sometimes instructing Ruthless and Zi Yan.

Time was hurried, and after an hour, Zhang Tian suddenly looked solemn.

The void in front of him was twisted for a while, and a faint figure emerged, which was the Lord Soul Qinghou of the East Desolate Branch Hall of the Soul Hall.

I saw him respectfully bow towards Zhang Tian: "Sir, your daughter just exchanged the news about the whereabouts of the strange fire, and it seems that she intends to go to the Nanhuanglia Desert to find the Qinglian demon fire in person."

"I see."

Zhang Tian said in a low voice, a flash of aura popped out from his fingertips, split into several strands instantly, escaped into the void, and scattered in all directions.

At this time, Yu Xin was dressed in a refreshing dress, and got on the air transport ship to Qingshi City in the Southern Wilderness.

According to what she had exchanged from the Soul Hall, in the Liya Desert outside Qingshi City, there is likely to be a powerful strange fire, the Qinglian Demon Fire ranked twenty-seventh in the Nine Realms Distinctive Fire List!

It is rumored that when the heaven and earth first opened, an eternal fire was born, consuming all the poisonous spirits between the heaven and earth, and obtaining a heaven-defying good fortune.

Later, because of a great change, this eternal fire was divided into [-] parts and scattered to nine mountains and seas.

Later, there was a supreme power, who used the fire of heaven to prove the Tao, and was titled Emperor Yan, who wanted to collect the strange fire in the world and reproduce the eternal fire.Although it did not succeed in the end, it also collected seven or eight out of ten, and compiled a "Nine Realms of Different Fire List" according to the strength of these strange fires, which meticulously recorded the characteristics of each strange fire.

The Qinglian Demon Fire in the Liya Desert is the No. [-] strange fire in the "Nine Realms of Different Fires". It is one of the thirty-six heavenly fires. It is very powerful. For some reason, it fell in Lia. in the desert.

"I hope to find the Qinglian Demon Fire this time!"

Sitting in the flying transport ship, Yuxin prayed silently in her heart.

What she didn't know was that there were seven superpowers hiding in the void to protect her outside the transport ship at this time, and there was even a semi-sacred existence among them. , , .

Chapter 95 How dare you bully the master's daughter?

Shengyuan Continent is vast, and the distance between the Great Wilderness and the Great Wilderness is millions of miles. Unless it is a powerhouse who has reached the legendary three-transformation "Void Transformation", he can directly tear the void and shrink the land for thousands of miles. People who want to cross the Great Wilderness usually choose to take a flying transport ship.

At this time, in the small cubicle where Yu Xin belonged, Yu Xin was quite bored looking at the Gobi scenery outside the window, when she suddenly glanced at a few pots of spiritual plants placed by the window, and her eyes lit up.

The plant in this pot is named Huoyunzhi. It is a fire-type spiritual plant. It seems to be more than [-] years old. It can release a small amount of fire aura. The cold snap makes the room feel as warm as spring, and it is the 'stove' specially prepared for passengers by Air Transport.

"If you have nothing to do, why not use them to practice the "Qingdi Spiritualization Technique"."

Yu Xin's beautiful eyes flickered, she immediately made up her mind, sat upright, and started the mental method of "Qingdi Spiritualization". The other side flower in her body.

In the process of performing the technique, the power of the other side flower continued to flow away, and part of it spread out in a mysterious form, attracting all the spiritual energy of plants and trees within a radius of ten thousand miles, while part of it was absorbed by Yu Xin's blood, indirectly helping her improve "Blood Nerve" progress.


Beneath the Gobi, the spiritual energy of plants and trees turned into a torrent of rivers and seas, bucking the trend and rushing towards the room where Yuxin was, causing the entire flying transport ship to be bumpy.

Outside the flying transport ship, seven powerful figures are hiding in the void, guarding them with all their attention.

Seeing the majestic landscape of the roaring torrent of grass and trees, the Marquis of Xue Shan couldn't help but take a deep breath and exclaimed, "As expected of the master's daughter, this magical power can forcibly capture the essence of grass and trees, which is unheard of."

"Of course, the master's martial arts is sky-high, and the magical powers he imparted are naturally earth-shattering. I will wait for a good performance. If I can get a little guidance from the master, it can be used for a lifetime." Qingyun Jianzun stepped on a cyan sword and said lightly. .

The Mohua Emperor has been staring at the changes in Yuxin's room, when suddenly his pupils shrank, and he said in shock: "Look! Fire Lingzhi has ended! Three Fire Spirit Fruits have been collected. This is a treasure, and there is a certain chance that it will be used. Those who produce fire spirit roots, and even fire spirit bodies!"

"Ganoderma lucidum must last at least ten thousand years. Could it be that the little princess pushed the fire ganoderma to ten thousand years? That magical power is so terrifying!"

These legendary kings, who have lived for countless years, are well aware of the rarity of elixir of ten thousand years.

For many spiritual medicines, the longer the age, the more spiritual energy is needed for growth. When it reaches eight or nine thousand years, a huge amount of spiritual energy needs to be swallowed every day, otherwise it will wither and die. Therefore, it is not a blessed land of fairy mountains, and it is impossible to nurture it. Elixir of elixir.

"It's done?"

Yu Xin looked at the three Fire Ganoderma lucidum plants in front of her, each of which was red and dripping with blood, emitting a faint fluorescence like red agate.Each produced a fire spirit fruit the size of a baby's fist, exuding a strange fragrance like elk and musk deer, condensed into a faint red cloud, floating in the air, very good smell, just take a sip, you will feel the aura in your body violently. tumbling fluctuations.

"Huo Lingguo, with the property of fire, is born with the honor of fire spirit. It can be used as the main medicine for top-grade elixir such as Fengyuan Pill and Fire Dragon Pill. When you become an alchemist in the future, you can use them to make pills for the eldest sister and the third sister."

Yu Xin happily picked off the fire spirit fruit. These mature spirit fruits contain almost all the essence of the spirit plant where they are located, so once they were removed, the three fire spirit mushrooms immediately withered and turned into a pile of grass and wood ashes. 8090 Chinese www.8090zw.com

"No, the little princess is too careless. The scent of the fire spirit fruit has already spread, and it will definitely attract greedy people."

The kings were startled, and they quickly looked around. Sure enough, three or four groups of people appeared outside Yuxin's room on the flying transport ship, and there were even two kings of the first level of the legendary realm!

"These people are courting death, and they dare to beat the attention of the master's daughter. This old man will teach them a lesson!" Ancestor Liuyun, who had reached the legendary nine transformations of 'immortal transformation', roared furiously, tearing the void directly.

"What an astonishing fire aura fluctuates, the aroma condenses in the clouds, there is nothing wrong with these visions, there must be a peerless medicine born!"

A group of greedy people, each based on one side, stared at Yuxin's door with hot eyes.

After a while, the fragrance suddenly disappeared. It was obvious that the treasured medicine had been put away. One of the old men in the first-level legendary realm finally couldn't hold it in any longer. With a ferocious look, he slammed into the wooden door with a fist mark. .

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