Chapter 704 She is the concubine I found for my father

"Little witch, can you touch me with your god emperor bone?"

Yun Xi leaned forward and said in a close voice.


Zi Yan shook her head, very firm, this goddess is proficient in all kinds of bizarre magic, and she doesn't know what will happen if she touches it.

"You little witch, it's too boring, haven't you always been righteous?" Yun Xi said angrily.

Zi Yan glanced at her sideways, "Don't forget our previous bet, should you return the twenty drops of God Emperor's marrow fluid to me?"

"Don't don't don't, I can only gain so much, you can keep this God Emperor bone, I can't do it if I don't touch it."

Yunxi hurriedly showed a smile, regretting to death in her heart, knowing that she would not bet with this little witch, this is good, the bone marrow fluid of the incarnation of the god emperor is not her share, she has already accepted these twenty Whether the bone marrow of the Drop God Emperor can be preserved is still a matter of choice.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

At this moment, the divine golden floor tiles underfoot suddenly trembled violently, and countless huge cracks cracked in the walls of the entire temple, which spread rapidly, and the divine lines collapsed one after another, making an overwhelmed hissing sound.

"No, little witch, hurry up, this temple is about to collapse."

Yun Xi looked around in shock, but she didn't know that a big change had happened, so she quickly pulled Zi Yan and ran out.

Just as the two of them stepped out of the temple, the temple behind them collapsed, and countless divine lights burst out into the sky.




Huge beast roars came from all directions, accompanied by endless ferocity, overwhelming the sky and covering the sky, submerging the sky, and the earth burst into countless huge cracks, shattering abyss.

Looking around, there are millions of terrifying god servants killing them here, with red eyes, staring at Zi Yan and Yun Xi, as if to tear them apart.

These creatures were all transformed into divine servants by the brilliance of the God Emperor's bone, but the only task of this Heavenly Emperor's will is to protect the temple and prevent others from taking the God Emperor's bone marrow. The wrath of the servants.

Not to mention that Yun Xi has twenty drops of God Emperor bone marrow on her body, and Zi Yan is even more incredible. In addition to a God Emperor core, even the God Emperor bone has been brought out. It's no wonder that these god servants are not crazy.

"Okay, a lot."

Zi Yan couldn't help but take a step back. This scene is really spectacular. In all directions, in the sky and the ground, all are aggressive beasts. There are millions of them, and there are no less than [-] of them who have reached the level of ancient creatures. A few of them are the strongest guardian god servants such as Pu Demon Tree and Tong-armed Monkey.

These are the undead powerhouses accumulated in the forbidden area of ​​the gods for [-] million years, forming a terrifying army of god servants. Even if the emperor sees it, his scalp will be numb and he will not dare to fight. Although Zi Yan is brave, he does not know this scene. Where to break through.

At this moment, the shattered temple suddenly burst into a powerful brilliance, as if the candle burned out the last ray of light speed, very powerful, illuminating the world, forcing the footsteps of those servants to stop.


A huge explosion sounded, and the materials of the temple that had been broken were pieced together again to form a door of light several feet long and wide. Smash it to form a star-colored channel.

"Zi Yan, go this way."

A voice came from the opposite side of the gate of light, very casual and peaceful, which was very incompatible with the fierce situation of this army of millions of god servants.

Yun Xi was wondering, but Zi Yan next to him suddenly said excitedly: "It's Dad's voice, Dad is here to pick me up!"

"The little witch's father?"

Yun Xi's heart moved, this person has been known to her for a long time. I don't know how many times she has been chanted by Zi Yan, and she is so unparalleled in the world. Curious.

"Little Fatty, this is the channel opened by my father, I'll go first!"

Zi Yan greeted Yun Xi, her toes slammed a little, and she flew towards the door of light.

"Take me with you!" Yun Xi screamed, her golden wings spread behind her back, and she followed behind Zi Yan, this little witch is too unreliable, why do you want her to leave first, and she wants to stay behind Not here.

"Didn't you say that your father is better than my father? Then wait for your father to save you." Zi Yan said angrily.

Yun Xi was speechless for a while, this little witch was quite forthright except when it came to treasures, but she never thought that she still remembered the bad things she said about her father before, she was indeed a father control!

But at this time, she didn't want to argue with Zi Yan. The moment when Guangmen first broke out, the army of the suppressed servants began to move again. The momentum was so high that she was overwhelmed by the sky, and she kept breaking out in cold sweats.


Seeing that it couldn't catch up, the Pu demon tree suddenly burst into a loud roar, performed the magic of the heavens and the earth, and suddenly became ten thousand feet in size, standing on the ground, every branch was like a divine mountain, stretching thousands of feet, rolling up countless god servants. , fiercely drawn towards the door of light.

This blow, which is earth-shattering, not only envelops the power of Pu Demon Tree itself, but also absorbs the power of countless god servants entangled in the branches and vines. It is extremely terrifying and directly condenses the void. Layers of cobweb-like defensive barriers.

"Break it for me!"

Zi Yan turned into the body of the ancient void, roared up to the sky, completely ignoring the confinement of the void, and slammed into the barrier. At this time, only three layers were stacked. Under the terrifying momentum of Zi Yan, it shattered instantly, cracked a hole, and let her drill go in.

But Yunxi wasn't so lucky, she just felt like she fell into the quagmire, her escaping speed became extremely slow, and the seal of Pu Demon's branches at the gate of light was thickened to dozens of layers, like a copper wall and an iron wall.

"Little witch, save me!!"

At the critical moment, Yun Xi didn't hesitate and shouted directly.



"Boom! ="

In response to her, there were terrifying collision sounds, accompanied by the treasures of Shenhua soaring into the sky, apparently it was Zi Yan hitting those vine barriers at the other end of the gate of light.

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