"It's over..."

A sense of despair rose in Yunxi's heart, the breath of the army of servants behind her was getting closer and closer, and several branches of the demon had already wrapped around her wings and waist. When the little witch broke the barrier, I was afraid she had already been captured by the army of servants. Submerged, no bones left.

At the critical moment, Zi Yan's anxious shout came from the other end of the light gate:

"Dad, let's save the little fat man. She is the concubine I found for you, but she can't die."

Chapter 705 Zhang Tian single-handedly killed a million army

Yun Xi was bound by dozens of magic branches, and she was desperate in her heart. This little witch was still making a fool of herself. The god emperor had to be suppressed when he came to this world. Even if her father had the power to reach the sky, it would be great to be able to open up a channel. With magical powers, how does the real body come?

Even if it comes, you can only exert the king-level combat power. How can you save yourself in this army of millions of servants?

"Get out of the way!"

A majestic and indifferent voice came out, it was Zi Yan's father who spoke, but it did not come,

"If you have the ability, your real body will come, and you will be suppressed!"

Pu Demon Tree opened its mouth, it seemed that the loss of the god emperor’s bones made its demonic sense revive a little, and thousands of branches let out a terrible whistle at the same time, shaking the void to rustling, as if the gods and demons danced wildly, and all the heavens were affected by it. Covered, more and more branches wrapped around Yunxi, wrapping her into a big zongzi.

"Bang bang bang..."

The muffled thunder came out in bursts, but Yun Xi used a divine armor technique to protect himself, constantly resisting the attack of the Pu Demon branches, but the divine light was getting weaker and weaker, and it was the end of the battle.

Zi Yan had already opened a big hole in the barrier made of the magic branches, but more branches came up, each of which was like a divine mountain, blocking it there, layer upon layer, making Zi Yan impossible. shake.

"court death……"

Zhang Tian's voice came out again, the mighty emperor's power swept across the ten directions, and exploded in the sky above the king's realm. The fierce wind roared, and golden light rushed up from the ground, turning into waves and waves, and countless visions rose together. Zhen Shuo Void.

A huge and boundless ancient hand emerged from the passage, and terrifying illusions such as Buddha, gods and demons, dragons, Yama and so on flashed in the palm, and slapped it towards the exit.


It was superimposed on the indestructible magic branch barrier layer by layer, and it was torn apart in an instant. All the branches seemed to be burned by the fire of extreme flames and disappeared without a trace.

"Ah ah ah ah..."

The Pu Demon Tree made an incomparably shrill scream, the trunk trembled violently, and countless magical branches flew horizontally, crashing into huge mountain peaks. It became a mummified corpse, and all the blood and divine sources were absorbed.

But in an instant, tens of thousands of divine servants died in the hands of Pu Demon Tree. This is the divine power of the first Demon Tree in the ancient times. After being severely damaged, it immediately attacked the same kind and devoured them to replenish energy.

"I want you to die!!"

Pu Demon Tree shouted angrily at the ancient hands in the void, and the thousands of demon branches that were burnt rose up again at a speed visible to the naked eye, woven together, as if countless black dragons rushed towards the ancient hands in the sky.


There was a disdainful humming sound in the void, the ancient big hand, the Buddha, the gods and demons in the palm of the palm reappeared, and it was lightly pressed down. Although it looked like a light weight, this palm was so big that it covered the sky and the sun. With unparalleled momentum.

Each thumb is like an ancient sacred mountain, exuding a long and vast aura, extremely heavy, as if the power of heaven and earth is pressing down.


The ancient big hand collided with the thousands of demon branches, and the palm of the hand was brilliant, and all the demon branches disappeared in an instant, as if they were burned, and they seemed to be directly evaporated, which was extremely terrifying.


Pu Demon Tree made a shrill scream again, and the huge pain made it instinctively retract all the magic branches into the body, dance wildly, and kill a large number of god servants.

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

The magic branch was retracted, Yun Xi was finally released, barely spreading his golden wings and standing in the air, looking up at the ancient big hand, showing a very surprised expression.

"This is Emperor Lin Wu's Great Wilderness Prisoner!" Xinbiquge Novel www.510xsk.com

Yun Xi was shocked. She didn't really see this magical power. It was just that there were many ancient books in Tianshen Mountain, and one of them was a secret strategy that specifically recorded the methods of the Quanxian Emperor in the world.

This level of supernatural powers is very powerful, and has the power to change the world. Except for the real immortal emperor who has never been seen in the world, most of the quasi-immortal emperors only leave their names on the Emperor Mark Tablet, under the blessing of the power of the Dao , in order to comprehend a door, it is also the majestic status symbol of the quasi-immortal emperor.

In addition, there are very few quasi-immortal emperor powerhouses who can create two quasi-immortal emperor methods by themselves, and each of them is a person who has amazed the ages and established a sect.

Therefore, there are not many quasi-immortal emperor methods in this world, and there are only a few dozen types recorded in the ancient books of Tianshen Mountain, and some of them only have a description of one or two sentences.

After all, the quasi-immortal emperor is invincible in the world, and there is no need to use the quasi-immortal emperor method to suppress the lower-ranking strong. Who dares to watch.

Therefore, there are very few people in this world who have actually seen the quasi-immortal emperor's demeanor, and it is difficult to leave words to describe it in later generations. Although Yunxi uttered the name 'Great Desolate Prisoner of Heaven' by feeling, she is not sure whether it is true or not. allow.


The Pu Demon Tree once again devoured tens of thousands of divine servants, replenished energy, and made a hoarse and gloomy voice. All the magic branches in the body were emptied into the air, turning into black dragons that rose into the sky.


In the face of such a fierce attack, the ancient big hand in the sky only slightly bent, and his fingers shot two divine lights, like sword lights, and flew down in an instant.


The first sword beam came first, sweeping away all the magic branches like the autumn wind swept away the leaves.


The second sword light followed closely, rushing towards the body of the Pu Demon Tree, slashing in the air, and the Pu Demon Tree was directly divided into two, the demon body of ten thousand feet exploded, and the demon blood flew across the sky.


Yun Xi exclaimed like a babble, she couldn't believe it, the vitality was as powerful as the Pu Demon Tree, but it was so easily beheaded. This is the branch of the Primordial No. [-] Demon Tree, and even the Primordial Gods can't help it.

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