Not to mention that this is still the king of the virtual world, the little witch's father, who is the holy place.

"Little fat man, pay attention to the back."

Zi Yan also rushed out of the door of light and shouted loudly.

Yun Xi hurriedly turned her head, only to find that the guardians such as the open-armed monkey had rushed in front of her, with fangs and claws, and behind her was an army of nearly a million servants.


Yun Xi waved his hands like a slender butterfly flying, turning into a two-foot-thick god wall, sitting on the ground and standing in the sky.

"Bam! Boom! Bam!..."

The open-armed god monkey bared its mouth and fangs, and from nowhere took out an iron rod and violently smashed it towards the god wall.


But in an instant, the wall of gods was shattered, and an army of millions of god servants appeared directly in front of Yun Xi.

At this moment, Yun Xi felt a shadow covering her head, but the ancient big hand came down, hugged her, and protected her to the back, then spread her five fingers and grabbed forward.


Yun Xi could never forget this scene in his whole life. The army of millions of divine servants and countless ancient creature-level powerhouses, under the great hands of the ancient times, were like a man's arm as a car, and they were smashed and smashed into slag. , , .

Chapter 706 Seeing Zi Yan's Dad in the Hall of Xutian


The open-armed monkey tightly grasped the iron rod, and there were thousands of feet under the heaven and earth.

Like the autumn wind sweeping away the leaves, all the ferocious servants of the gods were nailed to the spot, trembling under the big hands of the ancients, and then their bodies evaporated and shattered, and the blood of the gods flowed across the sky.

This is an extremely tragic picture, but there is an intoxicating beauty of death. Yun Xi feels suffocated. As the descendant of Tianshen Mountain, as the daughter of the god king, she also feels deep awe in front of this power. , can not resist, only obey.

In the next instant, Yun Xi lost consciousness directly, as if falling into the endless turbulent flow of time and space.

When I came back to my senses again, I found myself in a simple and heavy hall. The decoration of this hall was not luxurious, but there were legendary 'sky patterns' everywhere, and every blue brick seemed to emit light. The ancient atmosphere is older than Tianshen Mountain, as if it will last forever.

Turning her eyes, Yun Xi found that the little witch was standing beside her, and there was a man with a free and easy temperament in the hall.

Seeing this, Gu Taxian and the guardian Qinglong walked out of the hall very wisely, Yunxi only had time to see a back, and felt a little familiar, but not sure.

"Dad, Zi Yan misses you."

Zi Yan let out a burst of cheers, jumped directly into the man's arms, hugged tightly like a kangaroo, and kept rubbing the man with her small face, extremely intimate.

"So this is Zi Yan's father?"

Yun Xi's beautiful eyes flickered, and she couldn't help but look at it, only to feel a dust-like temperament on the paper, as if the exiled Chen Jianxian in the picture scroll was completely different from what she imagined.

After all, in the only two contacts she had, one was when the Heavenly Emperor's purple feet crushed the void and shattered the will of the God King, and the other was when the ancient giants slaughtered the army of millions of god servants in the sky. They were all overbearing and unparalleled.

When she thinks about it, such a figure must be like a goddess of mountains, arrogant and arrogant, how can she be so gentle and elegant, and her breath is elegant, so that she can't help but blush and heartbeat when she is in the age of cardamom.

"You girl, I asked you to come to the virtual world to find an opportunity. You caused me such a big trouble again. Do you know how much trouble you have caused?"

Zhang Tian pretended to be annoyed, grabbed Zi Yan's slender waist with one hand, and patted her round jade-like butt with the other hand.


Zi Yan cried out in pain, suddenly seemed to notice something, grabbed Zhang Tian's hand suddenly, and asked with wide eyes, "Is that the real dad who beat me in the temple just now?"

Still being seen by this little girl, Zhang Tian smiled and nodded.

"Sure enough, I knew it must be Dad, otherwise who would be so kind to give me the god emperor bone." Zi Yan kissed Zhang Tian's cheek, smiling like a flower, and forgot all the things she was hanged and beaten before. .

On the other hand, Yun Xi was dumbfounded when she heard this.

The man shrouded in flames in the temple is Zi Yan's father?Isn't it the spiritual body left by the Emperor Burial?

She was a little confused about the situation, but when she thought about it, the so-called 'spiritual body' was indeed full of doubts. The most important point was that it was too human, and the interaction with the little witch was very close. Avatar of www.[-]

This time I also explained the reason why the little witch would get the god emperor bone for no apparent reason. Sure enough, it was not for the absurd reason of 'resistance to beatings'. He was her father, and it was estimated that he was there to wait for his daughter.

As for how Zhang Tian came to the King's Realm and replaced the Heavenly Burial Emperor Spiritual Mind Body in the temple, she still couldn't understand.

"Little girl Yunxi, thank Senior Zhang for saving his life."

Taking advantage of the gap between Zhang Tian and Zi Yan's conversation, Yun Xi gave a slight blessing, her demeanor was graceful and elegant, and her long violet dress fluttered slightly, outlining her flawless body. Somewhat noble and holy.

"Well." Zhang Tian nodded to her.

Zi Yan shouted: "Little fat man, why do you seem to have changed, I can't get used to it."

There was a black line on Yun Xi's face, and she knew that this was her true face, and it was because she had been with her for a long time that she became less and less reserved, but she couldn't continue to degenerate, just pretend she didn't hear it.

"The little girl is the daughter of the God King Yuntian of Tianshen Mountain. I dare to ask the senior where this is. The little girl will let the father come over, and then she will definitely thank the senior Zhang for his great kindness." Yunxi said again, her tone soft, but with a hint of Holiness and majesty.

Zhang Tian put Zi Yan aside and said with a chuckle: "This is the Hall of Xutian, but others can't come in."

"Xu Tian Temple?"

Yun Xi's pupils shrank, and she looked a little surprised. She was very knowledgeable and knew that the Hall of Void Heaven was the center of the virtual world of war. And the quasi-immortal emperor will definitely not be able to get in.

"That figure just now..."

Yun Xi suddenly remembered that the dragon shadow that went out just now seemed to be somewhat similar to the guardian blue dragon of the virtual world. She had accidentally seen the guardian blue dragon once, and she was somewhat familiar with its breath.

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