After more than three years of training, this army has been completely renewed and has become as sharp as a sharp blade.

The Ruthless Man divided it into three towns: Wolf Rider, Tiger Guard, and Control Crane. Each town had [-] people. The chief generals were Yan Ruge, Mu Qiluo, and Nalan Ruoxue.There are also [-] Kui Niu warriors, who are Ruren's pro-army and are under the personal control of Ruren.

As for Li Linger, because she was new to Nanling, she was unfamiliar with the situation, so Ruthless made her to be a military advisor, counselor military aircraft, and take care of logistics. With Li Linger's wisdom, it was more than enough to be competent for this position.

Nanling was not too far from Nanhuang, so the Ruthless Man did not deliberately speed up the march, and rushed to the meeting point.

Southern Wilderness, Changhe Plain, the coalition camp is stationed here, the flags and flags are hidden in the air, and the camp is three thousand miles. At this time, it is like a cloud tornado rolling, and countless people run out of the camp, turning into a long rainbow and running towards the coach's tent. .


After a short while, an incomparably loud dragon roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, countless snowflakes fell, and the earth was instantly frozen, giving birth to thick glaciers.

A group of saint master-level powerhouses stood in front of the head coach's tent around a young man with black hair and a shawl. Feeling the icy aura, they couldn't help shivering, with a look of fear in their eyes.

The next moment, a huge black shadow pressed down from the sky, but it was a frost holy dragon, thousands of feet in size, covering the sky and blocking the sun, opening its mouth to spew out a lot of dragon breath, turning into a crystal clear ice ladder, reflecting the three The beautiful figure walked down, it was Ruth, Li Linger and Nalan Ruoxue.

The black-haired man who was surrounded by the middle gleamed in his eyes, strode forward, and said loudly: "The Marquis of Nanling is really flamboyant, riding the holy dragon, frozen for thousands of miles, and this king is not as good as him."

"I've seen the Marquis of Nanling." The group of people behind also stepped forward and bowed their hands with respect.

If outsiders see this scene, they will be shocked, because the breath of anyone present is far stronger than that of ordinary holy kings. At this time, they all salute the ruthless people who are under the age of eighteen.

The ruthless man saw this man's face clearly, and chuckled lightly: "I have seen King Lanling and all the holy masters, this holy dragon has just broken through the realm, and it is still unable to control its demon power. If there is any disturbance, I hope you will bear with me. But Lan King Ling has a reputation for suppressing ancient beasts, so it's not easy to see such a small scene."

She didn't lie. The Frost Sacred Dragon that Zi Yan adopted back then was considered amazing. After the destruction of the Soul Destruction Alliance, Yu Xin gave it a top Demon Emperor Inner Pill that she got from the Dragon Bone God Emperor to devour it. After only one tenth of the refining, he has already broken through to the peak level of the Holy Master, and he cannot control the surge of power well.

"Haha, when it comes to prestige, this king is far inferior to the Marquis of Nanling. I don't know if Lingzun has come in person this time?" Zhou Xuan's expression was flamboyant, but when he mentioned the word 'lingzun', his tone could not help but be three-pointed respectfully.

As soon as these words came out, all the Holy Masters could not help but prick up their ears. Now Zhang Tian's reputation in the mainland is really booming, and many people even rumored that he can fight the purgatory devil. , , .

Chapter 721 I killed the Emperor Dongming!

Ruthless said in a low voice, "My father has something important to do and never came."

"So that's the case." Zhou Xuan murmured softly, a complicated look flashed in his eyes, he seemed relieved and a little regretful, but he recovered quickly and calmly said: "The movement on the Demon Race side is getting bigger and bigger, since Nan When Marquis Ling arrives, let's go to the account and discuss it."

"Okay." All the Holy Masters responded in unison, and they all arrived at about the same time, and they were not very clear about the situation on the front line.

The so-called handsome tent is not a real tent, but an ancient space-like treasure. From the outside, there is nothing special about it. When I entered it, I found out that it was a palace in time, with a size of several hectares. Eight dragon-shaped golden pillars support the backbone of the entire hall, which is not much worse than the real Qianyuan Palace in the imperial city.

Zhou Xuan naturally sat on the main seat, pointed to the first position on the left, and said, "The Marquis of Nanling, please take the seat."

Many people's faces changed when they heard the words, but no one raised any objections. Although Ruthless was not very old, it could even be called very young, but in other aspects, whether it was combat power, background, or this time The strength of the army that comes, Ruthless is not inferior to the top holy places.

"Thank you."

The ruthless man did not refuse, went straight to the seat and sat down, and began to look around. This time, the summoning of the demon slaughtering order was indeed huge. The ancient sect holy places in the Three Wildernesses were almost all in place, and all of them had dispatched strong men at the level of the Holy Master. There were even a few old men with an obscure breath, as if they were above the Holy Master.

Suddenly, the ruthless man raised his eyebrows and looked sideways, his eyes fell on a middle-aged man in black armor.

The man was burly, with a face with a Chinese character, sharp edges and corners, showing a resolute and chilling temperament, and immediately turned his head to the side when he met the eyes of the ruthless man.


The ruthless man narrowed her eyes slightly, her spirit was very powerful, and just now she vaguely felt a killing intent from this middle-aged man, but she had never seen this man before, which was a bit strange.

Just when the ruthless man was about to release his soul to investigate further, Zhou Xuan's voice suddenly came from the side.

"I heard that a few months ago, Senior Zhang preached publicly at the Deity Academy, attracting countless monks to listen, causing a huge sensation. There are also rumors that at that time, Miss Zhang single-handedly killed Dong who had just broken through to the realm of the Immortal God Sovereign. Old Ancestor Ming, it's not whether this is really the case."

Lanling King Zhou Xuan said unhurriedly, but his eyes were sharp as knives, staring at the ruthless man.

The rest of the holy masters also showed expressions of interest when they heard this, and listened carefully.In the past few months, this important event has been spread all over the three deserts and one sea, but almost no forces believe in its authenticity.

What kind of person is the ancestor of Dongming, who was the overlord of the East Desolate continent as early as thousands of years ago. He has a perfect holy body. He broke through to the realm of the immortal emperor, and his combat power will be extremely powerful. The ruthless person who cultivates is beheaded.

Almost all the forces believed that this was just a false rumor, but the Donghuang cultivators spoke in unison, which made them unsure. At this time, they finally met the righteous master, and naturally they had to find out.

The ruthless man smiled and said casually: "I really killed the ancestors of Dongming." ok novels


Everyone in the audience sucked in a breath of cold air and felt a chill to the bones. Even Zhou Xuan, who was sitting in the main seat, had an unnatural expression. He grabbed his palm slightly and was about to say something when he suddenly heard the ruthless man. The voice came again.

"However, it would be a bit of an exaggeration to say that I killed myself independently." The ruthless man added, "Actually, before I left the customs, the ancestors of Dongming fought with my father, and my father used the supreme supernatural power to fight. Suppression, I can be considered to be invincible, and it is not enough for outsiders."

Several holy masters from Donghuang felt that Ruthless was too modest. They were all present at the time and could see clearly that although Zhang Tian suppressed the ancestor of Dongming, he did not suffer too much trauma and would not affect him much. combat power.

But the other holy masters of the wasteland nodded. Obviously, this rhetoric is more convincing to them. With Zhang Tian's prestige in the mainland, although it is amazing to suppress the ancestors of Dongming, it will not shock them too much.

An old man with fiery red curly hair laughed and said: "So it is, I have long heard that Senior Zhang's martial arts is sky-high, and the ghosts and spirits are unpredictable, and he subdued the ancestors of Dongming with one move. I think the scene at that time must be very sensational, but it's a pity. Missing you."

Another beautiful woman with hair like silver snow opened her eyes slightly, revealing a pair of eyes that were as bright as stars, and said softly: "The realm of the immortal emperor is not something we can guess, even if he is seriously injured, it is definitely not extraordinary. Bullying, the Marquis of Nanling can defeat him, and even kill him, it can be seen that the martial arts has entered the realm of transformation, and he will have to ask for advice another day."

Zhou Xuan smiled and said: "In contrast, this king is more interested in Senior Zhang's sermon. If there is a second time, even if it is thousands of miles away, this king will definitely arrive."

The discussion ended soon, because there were still some forces that had not arrived, Zhou Xuan did not explain the battle on the front line too deeply, and everyone just had a brief exchange.

Back at his camp, Yan Ruge and others came one after another, and the ruthless man asked, "Has the army made all arrangements?"

"It's all arranged." Mu Qiluo replied, and then lowered his voice: "According to the observation of my subordinates, the coalition forces gathered here are now close to seven million, and the soldiers and horses of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty alone have two million. Ku is an elite frontier army."

The ruthless man's eyes narrowed, and he pondered: "The Holy Ancestor Human Sovereign really intends to complete his work in one battle, and he wants to say hello to the major holy places. In the end, the troops will be close to [-] million. Our military strength is still not enough to see. ah."

Yan Ruge twisted her waist slightly, and said disdainfully, "Most of the tens of millions of troops are cannon fodder whose cultivation is only around the Transcendent Realm. The real worth is at most two million. Maybe we will turn the tide in the end."

The ruthless man smiled, suddenly remembered something, turned to Nalan Ruoxue and said, "Do you know all those people in the handsome account before?"

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