Nalan Ruoxue said: "Before I came, I transferred some information from the Beihai Alliance, and most of the people in it have records, such as the red-haired old man, who is a vice president of the Western Wilderness Theological Seminary, and a peak-level powerhouse of the Holy Master. , The Sacred Lord of Chihuo, who is said to have one-third of the blood of a fire dragon. That silver-haired woman is a Supreme Elder of Tantai Holy Land, and her name is Fairy Yinxue."

Ruthless: "Do you know who the black armored general who is sitting in the third seat in the right row is?"

When Nalan Ruoxue heard the words, she immediately recalled, and suddenly heard Li Linger next to her saying, "I know that person, and he is King Pingcang, one of the eight kings with different surnames in the Holy Ancestor Dynasty."

"King Pingcang? It turns out to be him, no wonder he has murderous intentions towards me." A cold light flashed in the eyes of the ruthless man. , , .

Chapter 722 Ruthless Vanguard, Son of Devil Emperor

Mu Qiluo frowned and said, "Does your lord have any grudge against King Peace Cang?"

Ruthless said in a low voice: "Before at the Deity Academy, I abolished one of his sons."

Mu Qiluo looked worried and said: "Then this matter is a little bad. This time, the slaughtering allied army is under the control of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty. Commander, if he does something bad to us secretly, it will be a little troublesome."

"We only have [-] troops, and we have already prepared food and grass when we arrive, so we don't need to ask him." The ruthless man waved his hand, looking indifferent.

After all, this is a fantasy world, a high-grade Bigu Pill can feed a warrior for three days, and it can be put into a storage ring without taking up any space at all.

Mu Qiluo shook her head and said, "My lord, I don't know, the Demon Lord of Purgatory has already opened up part of the Demon Abyss and turned most of the Southern Wilderness into a Demon Realm. The demonic energy is so strong that you have to take an antidote called 'Hua Mo San'. Restrain and restrain the invasion. And this antidote, only the Holy Ancestor Dynasty has the formula refining, which is an important reason why the major ancient sects are willing to hand over the command of the coalition to the Holy Ancestor Dynasty."

Nalan Ruoxue sighed: "It's a pity that the second lady didn't come here, otherwise, with the second lady's alchemy skills, she would be able to imitate this kind of 'magic transformation' without being controlled by others. However, this coalition operation is of great importance, and the above also With Zhou Xuan pressing down, even King Cang Ping didn't dare to do anything out of the ordinary."

The female generals nodded one after another, but Ruthless didn't take it to heart, and ordered them to go down and prepare the army, while he took out a map of the Southern Wilderness and looked at it carefully.

Two days later, all the ancient sect Holy Land forces finally arrived.

In the past two days, Ruthless people also visited the coalition camp, and casually contacted the Tianjiao of the original Qishi Mansion, such as Chen Beixuan, Tantai Mingyue, etc. They also came with the teams of their respective forces.

In the commander-in-chief of the Chinese army, all the leaders of the coalition forces were present and sat on both sides.

Zhou Xuan sat on the main seat and said solemnly: "The devil of purgatory has monstrous ambitions, and he wants to sacrifice the entire southern wasteland, constantly attacking the city and looting the land, and now the army has reached the pass of the earth. According to the deduction of the military formation master, There is the gathering place of the Southern Desolate Yin Veins, and it must not fall into the hands of the demons, otherwise the creatures in the demonic abyss will come out of their nests, and the continent will be in danger of falling."

"Then quickly send troops to snatch Earth-Mingguan back! How terrifying the creatures in the Demon Abyss are, everyone here knows very well that if an ancient demon comes out, we can't resist it, and we must not let the tricks of the demons succeed. "

It was the Sacred Master Chihuo of the Martial God Academy who was speaking. This person specialized in Fire Dao. He still had one-third of the Fire Dragon bloodline in his body, and his temper was also very hot.

Zhou Xuandao: "The Holy Master Chihuo doesn't know that the refining of 'Moving Demon Powder' is quite complicated. This king has ordered the alchemists to start the work with all their strength. The output is still limited, and it is really difficult to maintain the supply of more than one million troops."

At this time, a big man with raised eyebrows stood up, and said proudly: "Yesterday I used the supernatural power of Tianmu to spy on it, and the demons are also new to Dimingguan. There are not too many people, only about fifty. Wan, it should be just the front army, if we can send a team of vanguards to surprise us, we may be able to capture the Underworld Pass before the demons react."

The ruthless man has also made up for it in the past few days, knowing that this man is the leader of the three-eyed human race, and King Kuimu, who was bestowed by the emperor of the holy ancestor, is actually the chief of a Tu tribe.However, this family is very good at pupil technique and can spy on the enemy's situation, so they were also recruited.

Zhou Xuan nodded and said: "This king is planning to do this. I don't know who would like to be the vanguard? If we can win, we should be the first of the coalition forces."

The leaders of the major holy places are silent, and no one wants to take risks rashly. After all, everyone has seen the scene of demon monks enslaving corpse demons. It is said that there are [-] demon army, and there may be several million corpse demons by then. .Wu Jiu Literature

Zhou Xuan's face was a little ugly. He took the initiative to ask Ying to be the coach this time. It was a last-ditch battle. If he won, he would be famous in the mainland, and if he lost, he would be infamous for thousands of years.

The ruthless man watched quietly, and when he saw this scene, he couldn't help showing a sneer, and said lightly: "Since everyone is very humble, let this marquis be the pioneer."

As soon as these words came out, the major holy masters breathed a sigh of relief and said: "The Marquis of Nanling is unparalleled in combat power, and once again defeated the demon army in Nanling, he can take on a heavy responsibility."

Zhou Xuan also finally found the steps and went down, and said solemnly: "The Marquis of Nanling is really loyal, so I invite you to lead the troops to seize the pass, and this king will be at the back to support you."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Xuan looked at the black armored general again, and said, "King Pingcang, you are in charge of logistics scheduling. Whatever the Nanling Army needs, it must be provided in excess, and there must be no mistake."

King Pingcang bowed his head and said, "As ordered."

The ruthless man immediately returned to the barracks with Yan Ruge and the others, ordered troops and horses, and lined up outside.

After confirming that all the supplies have been distributed, the ruthless man waved his hand, the flags and flags moved, and the [-] Nanling Army rushed towards the Diming Pass in a mighty manner.

The Demon Lord of Purgatory has been hiding in the mainland for [-] years, laying out the southern wilderness, and there are eyeliners everywhere. As soon as the army of the ruthless men set off, he was immediately detected by him, and he immediately summoned all the demon emperors and demon generals to discuss matters.

"This Marquis of Nanling is the unparalleled arrogance of the human race. When he killed the Demon Emperor of Heaven in Nanling Town, he ruined the plan of the Demon Lord. If she is involved, it may be difficult to defend only with the strength of Earth and Ming Pass. support?"

The Purgatory Demon Lord sat on the top of the Demon Temple and said slowly, the raging demon flames surrounded him, and the breath was as unfathomable as the abyss, giving people an invincible feeling that he could shatter the void at will.

Below stood two rows of demon powerhouses wearing pitch-black demon armor. Hearing this, the first person on the left stepped out with a violent aura and said loudly, "Don't worry about the demon lord, the alliance outside the customs, I regard it like a mustard, I wish Raise your own army, first destroy the Marquis of Nanling, then pacify the allied army, and behead Zhou Xuan's head as a sacrifice!"

Although the aura of this Demon Race powerhouse is not as good as that of the Purgatory Demon Lord, it is also extremely terrifying. Demon flames dance around him, and he has the ability to burn the void.

The purgatory devil laughed and said: "Okay, as expected of the son of the devil emperor, when I return to the devil world, I should ask the devil emperor for his second highness. You will..."

Before the words were finished, another demon strongman stepped out, his body was red as blood, and he said loudly: "You can kill a chicken with a bull's knife, a mere human ant, and the emperor He Xu personally shot, this emperor will rush to the earth. Pass, take the head and dedicate it to the devil and the emperor."

This is a half-step demon emperor, named Xuetian, not a human demon filled with demonic energy like the demon emperor of the sky, but a real royal family of blood demons, with noble blood, far from being comparable to the demon emperor of the sky.

The Demon Lord of Purgatory and the Son of the Demon Emperor looked at each other, and both laughed loudly, arrogantly.

"Okay, this Demon Lord will order you to lead a million demon soldiers and immediately support Dimingguan!" , . . .

Chapter 723

However, they said that the ruthless men ordered Qi troops and horses to go out, and they could not travel more than twenty miles. Suddenly, the front army was in chaos, which quickly spread, and the entire team was forced to stop.

The ruthless man was sitting on the ancient chariot. Seeing this scene, he could not help frowning. Before he could investigate, a blue shocking rainbow flew back from the front and landed on the edge of the chariot. It was dressed in aqua blue. Mu Qiluo in soft armor.

"What happened ahead?" The ruthless man asked with bright eyes.

Mu Qiluo clasped his fists and said: "Reporting to the lord, the area in front of you is full of demonic energy, and there is almost no spiritual energy. As soon as ordinary soldiers entered, they would find it difficult to breathe. The situation has improved a lot since we were separated."

The ruthless man nodded slightly. Zhou Xuan had mentioned the construction of the Demon Realm by the Purgatory Demon Lord at the council before, which was expected. He immediately said, "Order the entire army to wear the Demon Transformation Powder and move on."

After more than three years of tempering, the Nanling Army was very disciplined, and soon restored order and continued to move forward in an orderly manner. It didn't take long for the Chinese Army to enter the so-called 'Magic Territory'.

This is a completely different world. The sky is gray, the earth is dry, the grass is gone, a desolate and lonely scene, and the dark red lakes everywhere exude a strong demonic energy, which fills the entire void.

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