The ruthless man sat on the ancient chariot, surrounded by forbidden defenses, but there was still a large amount of demonic energy pouring in, eroding the chariot, and even pouring into the ruthless man's body.

The ruthless man was determined to investigate the strength of the demonic energy, and took the initiative to remove the body-protecting astral energy, allowing the demonic energy to enter the body, and immediately felt that the blood was a little stagnant. They all went to the sea of ​​​​dantian.

"What a domineering demon."

The ruthless person was a little shocked. With her half-stepped Eternal Sword Saint Body, she was not completely immune to the damage of demonic energy, not to mention those ordinary warriors. Ordinary demonic energy has absolutely no such power, I am afraid it comes from the demonic abyss. of magic.

This made her put away a bit of contempt. Such domineering demonic energy is simply a natural barrier. The combat power of the demons will be multiplied, but it is difficult for human warriors to replenish their spiritual power. Protracted war can also be very unfavorable.

This battle must be fought quickly!

Ruthless made a decision in his heart, and immediately ordered: "Order the three armies, speed up, and be sure to arrive before the Diming Pass within five days."

"As ordered."

Li Ling'er responded from outside the chariot, and the tyrannical spirit enveloped the entire army, and conveyed the order of the ruthless to the generals above the captaincy. In an instant, the flags were fluttered, and the speed of the entire Nanling army suddenly doubled.

three days later

"Report - traces of the demon army were found three miles ahead."

Several warriors suddenly appeared in front of the Nanling army. He was wearing a gray-black robe, which matched the surrounding environment. If you didn't observe carefully, you would not have found his existence.

These people are carefully trained outposts. Although their cultivation base is only around high-level kings, they practice special breath-holding secret techniques. Even the existence of holy kings is difficult to detect.

"Okay, the first team, the second team, follow the general to destroy these demon army!"

Yan Ruge said quite excitedly, as if there were two purple flames beating in his eyes, the moment the voice fell, the whole person turned into a purple rainbow light and rushed out.


Hundreds of rainbow lights followed, and it was Yan Ruge's personal guard, whose cultivation was all above the middle-level king.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!!"

"Woooo..." I love


The war is about to break out. There are still nearly a hundred miles away from the Earth-Mingguan Pass. There are not many demon troops stationed there. They are quickly swept away by Yan Ruge, and the purple flames are burning brightly, reflecting the cruelty and beauty of the battlefield.

"Instruct the army to move forward, and I will report to your lord the battle situation."

Yan Ruge left a sentence and flew straight towards the Central Army.

"Have you killed a team of demon army outposts? It seems that the other party is also prepared." A dignified expression appeared on the face of the ruthless man, and he immediately asked, "What were they doing when you killed them?"

Yan Ruge said solemnly, "I'm planning to report this to your lord, please see this thing."

The ruthless man took the thing that Yan Ruge handed over, but it was a small black flag the size of a slap, with an unidentified demon written on it.

Yan Ruge said, "I'm afraid that is exactly the case."

The ruthless man sighed: "These demons have been dormant in the mainland for [-] years, infiltrated into countless sects, and even learned the way of formation, but I don't know how far they have mastered it."

Yan Ruge said: "There is one more thing. The deeper you go, the stronger the erosive power of the demonic energy. With the current stock of demon-transforming powder, you can only last for five days at most. If you can't replenish it in time, there will be a big crisis."

The ruthless man nodded and said solemnly: "Pass our order, continue to speed up the march, and urge the coalition to transfer another batch of supplies."

The battle situation was like fire, blooming in this demonic realm, Yan Ruge's front was very brave, and it broke through more than a dozen demon army outposts along the way, and finally ushered in the first wave of the opponent's main army.

"Is it only [-] Demon Army?"

The corner of Yan Ruge's mouth showed a hint of disdain, but in the next moment, her expression became a little stiff. I saw that around the [-] demon army, countless fields were rolling, and one skinny white bone palm came out.

For a time, nearly a million corpse demons climbed out of the ground, with a fierce momentum, rushing towards the Nanling army with their teeth and claws, as if they were in a magic abyss.

"Release signal arrows, all sergeants, form a defensive formation!"

Yan Ruge was a little furious. She had only [-] troops under her command, so she was no match for the more than one million demon soldiers, but she couldn't retreat at this time, and retreating would be death!

The war broke out suddenly. These corpses were like diamonds, invulnerable to swords and guns. Even if their heads were cut off, they could still fight. They were extremely fierce.

Fortunately, Yan Ruge's own combat power was terrifying. With one arm, he released two purple dragons with a length of [-] meters, roaring through the formation, burning countless corpse demons to ashes, and blocking hundreds of thousands of corpse demons with his own power.


At this moment, a loud dragon roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, accompanied by endless frost rising from the earth, instantly turning tens of thousands of corpse demons into ice sculptures.

"Support is here!!"

Yan Ruge raised his head with joy, and as expected, he saw the huge Frost Sacred Dragon swooping down. With its six wings unfolded, thousands of corpse demons were frozen.

On the back of the Frost Sacred Dragon, Li Linger stood slim, three feet of blue silk fluttering in the wind, her eyes were full of stars, and the boundless power of the soul covered the audience.

Suddenly, the demonic fire in the eyes of the [-] corpse demons suddenly died out, and 'bang bang bang' fell to the ground. , , .

Chapter 724

This scene was too spectacular. Hundreds of thousands of corpse demons disintegrated, and the earth trembled, causing chaos in the entire demon army.

"Kill her!!"

Several generals at the level of demon saints had sullen expressions on their faces, and two black demon wings of more than ten meters long spread out behind their backs. They suddenly took off and killed Li Linger in the sky.


The Frost Sacred Dragon was furious and roared violently, and the huge icy dragon breath spewed out from its mouth, like the Milky Way falling from the Nine Heavens, slamming into the few Demon Sages, directly freezing them into ice sculptures.

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