"Tsk tsk..."

Yan Ruge couldn't help but smacked his lips. The dragon race is really a terrible race. Under the same strength, its destructive power far exceeds that of other races.

Although there is only such a Frost Sacred Dragon on our side right now, it is enough to withstand an army of millions. After all, this is an ice dragon that is infinitely close to the half-step demon emperor level!

Standing on the dragon's back, Li Ling'er swallowed a crystal clear elixir, and her face improved a little. It is also very difficult to speak.

However, this also shows her lack of control over the soul. If her control is improved a little bit, she can directly change the imprint of the soul fire and control the corpse demons in the reverse direction instead of destroying the soul fire.


When the battle was fierce, Mu Qiluo led the Tiger Guards to catch up in time, and instantly encircled all the demon army, and the screams of killing were almost shocking.

"Pass the military order of your lord, let out a few trash fish." Mu Qiluo flew to Yan Ruge's side and said easily.

"Do you want to surround yourself with help?"

Yan Ruge's eyes lit up, and he quickly realized the intention of this military order. He immediately waved the flag to let the left side open a passage, and several demon generals immediately seized the opportunity to escape.

Mu Qiluo smiled and said: "According to the information, there are [-] demon troops in the Underworld Pass, and there should be more than [-] left in the pass. If less than [-] troops are dispatched, they will gather around to help and eat this part of the reinforcements. If more than [-] people are dispatched, they will attack the east and take the yellow dragon directly."

"Giggle, your lord is really wise, so let's do more here."

Yan Ruge was like an elf in a flame, dancing lightly, swaying countless purple flames. These flames were so fierce that they flew out of the body and immediately turned into fire dragons.

Mu Qiluo didn't delay either, the aqua blue long dress was flying, rising into the air, and looking around, he instantly locked on a few demon generals who were killing and killing, with a slight move with her smooth and jade-like hands.

Whoosh whoosh—

The ground immediately smashed into cracks, and countless huge vines flew out, like a chain of heaven, rushing directly to those demon generals, besieging and strangling them.

After Mu Qiluo and Yan Ruge washed their bodies with the nectar and jade liquid given by Zhang Tian, ​​their backgrounds increased tenfold, and they both reached the level of the Holy Master's combat power. Steady control of the scene down.

I don't know how long it took, there were less than [-] demon soldiers left, and they were still struggling to support it. Suddenly, the sand flew into the sky in the distance, and there were thousands of giant beasts rushing over, causing the ground to shake and the mountains to shake. The end of the world is coming.

"This is……"

Seeing these giant beasts, the soldiers of the Nanling army couldn't help but take a deep breath. They saw that these giant beasts were hundreds of feet tall, and their bodies were covered in pitch-black scale armor. Their appearance was hideous and terrifying. Huge chariots, with hundreds of elite magic soldiers standing on each chariot. 27KK novel www.27kk.net

"Everyone be careful, this is a magical beast from Moyuan, and it is a defensive battle against it."

Yan Ruge and Mu Qiluo organized a large army to deal with it, forming a wall of fire and wood to resist, blocking the advance of the demon beasts, otherwise, just relying on these big guys to charge, the Nanling army would suffer heavy losses.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

At this moment, the sky was suddenly reflected in cyan, and countless huge vortices gushed out, making bursts of thunder, and immediately burst out dozens of terrifying thunders as thick as buckets, slashing at the beast at the front.

"Ah ah ah..."

A shrill voice sounded, and many monsters fell to the ground. Thunder and lightning were the nemesis of all evil, even the monsters from Moyuan were no exception. What’s more, they directly launched a madness and attacked the surrounding magic soldiers, making this fierce rush. The momentum is stagnant.

Yan Ruge and Mu Qiluo showed joy, and when they looked back, it was indeed Nalan Ruoxue who rushed over. Even in this dim world, the white soft armor shone very brightly, exuding a holy light.

Inheriting the eighth-order thunder and lightning martial arts spirit of the Thunder Emperor of the Holy Land of Fluctuation, Nalan Ruoxue successfully broke through to the holy realm, and the supernatural power of lightning made Mu Qiluo and Yan Ruge, the two holy master-level existences, also feel apprehensive. It has a huge advantage over the demons.

"Your Excellency led the Kui Niu Guards to Diming Pass, we just need to hold off the battlefield here." Nalan Ruoxue said beside the two of them.

"What? This, this is too dangerous. The Earth-Ming Pass is very dangerous. I don't know how many demon soldiers are stationed there." Mu Qiluo said anxiously.

"Don't worry, if it's the Marquis of Nanling, there will be no problem."

Li Linger flew down from the back of the Frost Sacred Dragon, with a hint of sharpness in her weakness, and said very confidently.

But on the other side, the ruthless man led [-] Kui Niu Guards to quickly detour and rush towards Diming Pass. These Kui Niu Guard warriors are real ancient Kui Niu relics, and their blood is very terrifying. He arrived at the Underworld Pass.

The ruthless man pointed his toes and flew out of the chariot in the air, standing in the air, looking down at Dimingguan. In this dim world, Dimingguan is like a wild beast crawling on the ground, revealing a terrifying coercion. .

"Sure enough, a defensive formation has been set up."

The ruthless man frowned slightly, and she felt a faint breath of formation. These demons have become no longer relying on brute force.

As the void swayed, the Demon Suppression Pagoda appeared in the hands of the ruthless man, and was thrown out directly.


An incomparably huge explosion sounded, and a black shield emerged, guarding the entire Earth and Hell Pass, and was smashed by the Demon Suppression Tower, and dozens of cracks suddenly burst out, spreading like a spider web.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

The ruthless man did not change his face, and repeatedly controlled the Demon Suppression Tower to smash it down. This is a treasure of the great emperor level. Its power is unparalleled, and the consumption of spiritual power is also extremely terrifying. Holy, dare to use it so recklessly.


I don't know how many times it was smashed, and the huge black curtain finally couldn't support it and burst into pieces.

"Human kid, you are looking for death!!"

In an instant, countless demonic energy surged into the sky, and a shadowy figure stepped out from the endless demonic energy. , , .

Chapter 725

This ghost shadow is extremely terrifying, with a height of several hundred meters, like a scorpion, and its whole body is covered with reddish-brown barbs. The Heavenly Demon Emperor Yan Cangtian.

Behind him, tens of thousands of demon soldiers were lined up. These demon soldiers were also unusual. Each of them was several meters tall and had terrifying aura. comparable.

"The guy who hides his head and shows his tail, is he finally willing to come out?"

The ruthless man looked fearless, and glanced at the ghost lightly with a look of contempt.

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