"Damn human kid, you will pay for your ignorance!!"

The phantom was obviously provoked, a scarlet light shot out from his eyes, and eight tentacles suddenly protruded, and stabbed towards the ruthless man as quickly as electricity.

"This is Shengyuan Continent, the world of the human race, and the mere Demon Race. Since it's here, let's stay forever."

The ruthless man said in a flat tone, a water-blue light shot up into the sky, and the dazzling sword light illuminated the sky and the earth, instantly dispelling all the devilish energy.


The shadow made a tragic howl, and four of the eight tentacles were cut off in an instant, and dark green blood rushed out, staining the entire city.

The most terrifying thing was that the broken limb was faintly covered with a layer of black gas, constantly eroding his flesh and blood, not only unable to heal, but even devouring his life essence.

"This, what is this, human kid, I want you to die!!"

The ghost was furious, and the whole body seemed to be ignited by flames, shattering the void, and pressing directly towards the ruthless man, like the top of Mount Tai, full of destructive aura.

The corners of the ruthless man's mouth twitched. She no longer cared about the existence of this level. Instead of using the "Flying Immortal Art", she directly raised her hand and pressed it down. The spiritual power of the ten round seas in her dantian ran along her arm. Crazy injection.

The Great Desolate Prisoner!

Suddenly, a huge ancient palm broke through the void. This palm was extremely huge. Every thumb was like a mountain, exuding an abyss-like aura. Buddha, gods and demons, Canglong, and Yama flashed in the palm. Waiting for the bizarre phantom, grabbed the ghost with a palm, as if combining the power of heaven and earth.

This quasi-immortal emperor-level magical power, driven by the half-step eternal body of the ruthless man, erupted with unparalleled power.


A huge sound erupted, and the demon shadow, which was several hundred meters long, was directly shattered by half of the demon body, and countless demon blood rushed out, scattered across the sky.

This scene seemed to freeze for a moment in the void: an incomparably huge ancient palm shredded half of the body of the demon powerhouse, forming a shocking picture scroll.

"Ah...you wait, I Moyuan won't..."

The phantom let out a mournful howl, and finally gave birth to a sense of fear, displaying a powerful escape method, directly traversing a hundred miles away, and flew towards the distance.

"Want to run? How easy is it." Battelle Novel www.btebook.com

The ruthless man showed disdain, and he was already prepared for this. The void behind him exploded, the hell oven flew out, and the fierce platinum holy fire rose into the sky, wrapped in the hell oven and flew towards the ghost at an extremely fast speed. In the blink of an eye, he caught up, and a scroll of holy flame took him in and burned him frantically.


The tragic death of the ghost shadow has caused a very strong impact on the magic soldiers in the array, and endless fear breeds and scattered.

"Come around, all the demons, kill without mercy!"

The ruthless man issued an order ruthlessly, raised his hand, took the hell oven back, activated the platinum holy fire inside, turned into a platinum dragon, roared out, and continuously devoured those demon soldiers.

According to her speculation, these magic soldiers, including the magic shadow, are likely to be real demonic creatures, real ancient-level existences, and the magic energy is very pure. It is a higher energy than the spiritual energy on the mainland today. Supplements.

The battle quickly turned into a one-sided trend. After the ruthless man had killed all the dozens of fierce demon generals, these demon soldiers were no longer good enough.

Without the command of a powerful demon general, the shortcomings of low-level demon creatures' low intelligence were exposed, and they only knew that they were running around and were soon besieged and harvested.

The ruthless man searched and studied the bodies of several demon soldiers, and found that as expected, these unknown creatures had complex demon patterns on their surfaces, and their bodies were full of demonic energy, and very little spiritual energy was contaminated. It was not long before I arrived at Shengyuan Continent.

Ruthless was a little surprised by this discovery. I didn't expect that the movements of the purgatory devil would proceed so quickly, so many monsters had already been sent over from Moyuan, and maybe there was a more powerful existence.

Just when the battlefield had just been cleaned up, Mu Qiluo, Yan Ruge and others led their army back, and the Ruthless Man immediately ordered to enter the gate and count the casualties.

The battle report was presented soon. The casualties of the Nanling Army were not very heavy. Only [-] people died in the battle, and most of them were only slightly injured.

This is also a feature of the fantasy world war. The powerhouse has a great influence on the situation of the battle. A person like Li Linger who is proficient in soul attack can even decide the victory or defeat of a war.Therefore, when the high-end combat power is completely crushed, the casualties of the victorious side are often not very large.

Dimingguan, City Lord's Mansion, Council Hall.

The ruthless man put the battle report aside and frowned: "You three-way army besieged, why did you let the enemy run away so much?"

Mu Qiluo said: "Sir, I don't know, those giant beasts are very powerful, their vitality is stronger than that of the Holy Master, and they can't be intercepted at all. stop."

The ruthless man nodded and said: "Purgatory Demon Lord's development of Moyuan is much more in-depth than the outside world has speculated. I am afraid that including Tianjitai, they are not aware of this crisis."

Yan Ruge continued: "The most important problem at the moment is that this is the Demon Realm, and it is impossible to directly replenish spiritual energy from the heaven and earth to fight those terrifying beasts. Even I can't hold on to it, and the combat power of those ordinary soldiers is even greater. Directly halved, you can no longer fight."

"Don't worry about this, Ben Hou has asked General Nalan to pick up the supplies delivered from the rear. There should be enough Qi-boosting pills in it to support us for a while."

Ruthless said in an orderly manner, so far, everything is under her control.

At this moment, a white shadow walked in. It was Nalan Ruoxue. The silver-white soft armor made her originally bumpy figure more exquisite and embossed, which was enough to break the world's men.

But her face was a little ugly at this time, she walked to the center of the hall, clasped her fists and said, "Sir, there is a problem with the logistics supplies."

As soon as these words came out, the hall suddenly fell silent. , , .

Chapter 726

The ruthless man narrowed his eyes and said, "Is it because there is not enough supply of Qi-boosting pills?"

Nalan Ruoxue said: "There is no mistake in the number of Qi-boosting pills, but... King Pingcang only provided one-third of the agreed amount of Magic Transformation Powder."


Yan Ruge and Mu Qiluo burst into flames at the same time, and exclaimed in shock: "The magic powder is the most important material. If it goes so far, without the magic powder, the soldiers below will not be able to support it for a day."

Ruthless Man's eyes also flashed a stern look. If it was just a lack of Qi-boosting pills, she was also somewhat prepared, but she had no choice but to disperse the demons.

Nalan Ruoxue sighed: "As soon as the coalition supplies should be dispatched by King Pingcang, those escort officers can't be in charge. I have already sent someone back to urge them, but I don't know if the supply is really short, or if King Pingcang is deliberately playing tricks. "

The ruthless man quickly regained his composure, and said in a low voice, "How long can these transforming demons last?"

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