Mu Qiluo did some calculations and said, "If you don't fight, you can last for ten days. But if you fight, it will speed up the consumption of Huamo San, so I'm afraid it can only last for two days at most."

At this moment, a cold air descended from the sky, and there was a faint sound of dragon roar.In the next instant, a beautiful figure, wrapped in ice mist, strode into the council hall.

"Sir, things are not good. From the southwest, there is a large army of demons approaching. There are no more than one million people. One of them has a very strong breath. There are thousands of monsters that I encountered before. It is estimated according to the itinerary. , you can arrive at Guanxia in two days at most." Li Linger said solemnly.

Because her divine soul is the strongest and can cover a very wide area, Ruthless sent her to take the Frost Sacred Dragon to explore the enemy's movements around, which was really useful.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of everyone in the hall sank, and Mu Qiluo frowned: "Sir, in this case, if you insist on fighting, there may be very heavy casualties."

Ruthless Man looked at Yan Ruge and said, "What does General Yan think?"

Yan Ruge raised her slender jade hand, pinched out a wisp of purple flame, and said in a soft voice: "If there is a bloody battle, Nanling soldiers will be fearless, but due to the insufficient supply of Huamo Powder, they can't fight with all their strength. I'm afraid they will die."

The ruthless man took a deep breath, stood up in awe, and said solemnly: "Call the three armies, pack up and prepare to evacuate!"

This battle was not a solo battle for her in Nanling, and she did not plan to do everything for it. Since the deployment of supplies in the rear is not good, don't blame her for abandoning the pass.

"As ordered!"

Yan Ruge, Mu Qiluo, and the others all showed joy. It was obvious that someone in the back was playing tricks on it. If they were still desperate for their lives, they would be unwilling.

Three hours later, the Nanling army was ready and ready to go.

The ruthless man stood at the head of the city, with all kinds of anger in his heart, he swept his sword sharply, and chopped down a big flag on the upper floor of the Dimingguan City, holding the flag in his hand, and raised his voice: "Withdraw!"

The Changhe Plain, where the coalition camp is stationed.

King Pingcang walked repeatedly in the tent, his face was gloomy and uncertain, his footsteps suddenly stopped, he looked at a middle-aged counselor standing under the steps, and sighed softly: "Zi Ming, this time, we may have made a big mistake. . That Zhang Ruren has always been a slap in the face, and if Hua Mo San was deducted, she will never take a break."

The middle-aged counselor said calmly, "Don't worry, Your Highness, the Marquis of Nanling has gone deep into the Demon Realm now, and there is no sufficient supply of magic powder.

"What if she retreats directly?" King Pingcang was still worried.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, withdrawing troops without authorization is a capital offense. The Marquis of Nanling will never dare to disobey the command of King Lanling. I'm afraid the only way is to serve the country with death."

The middle-aged counselor said slowly, showing a vicious expression like a snake and scorpion, like this kind of entrapment, he usually does a lot of things, and he is already familiar with it. v3 Academy

But he forgot one thing. Ruthless was different from the civil servants and military generals he had experienced before. She was a martial artist, the most prestigious genius in the world today!


A huge and incomparable vibration sounded, and the whole earth was shaken, such as mountains and rivers collapsing and giant mountains collapsing.

King Pingcang and the middle-aged counselor panicked for a while, and when they were about to go out to check the situation...

"King Pingcang, get out of here!!"

The ruthless man stood in the air, her hair was flying, and her face was full of frost. Her spirit swept towards the entire coalition army unscrupulously, suddenly stopped in one place, raised her hand and pressed down.


With another explosion, an incomparably gigantic ancient hand pierced through the void and descended, grabbed it ruthlessly, and directly uprooted King Pingcang's tent and grabbed it into the sky.


Countless coalition powerhouses flew out, and when they saw this scene, they all took a breath of cold air. The might of the ruthless man was like a congenital god, unshakable, like a king over the world, so they couldn't help but give birth to the heart of admiration.


In front of the central army commander's tent, the tent was shattered, and King Pingcang and the middle-aged advisor fell out, spewing a lot of blood.

"Marquis of Nanling, you are so bold, how dare you disobey the commander's order and withdraw your troops privately!!"

King Pingcang got up from the ground in embarrassment and immediately yelled at him loudly. After all, he is an old fritter who has been in the officialdom for thousands of years.

"Dare to make a noise here, courting death!"

The ruthless man's eyes flashed with killing intent, he raised his hand again and pressed it down, the ancient big hand fell from the sky, each finger was as vast as a mountain, surrounded by various visions, as if it was a combination of heaven and earth.


Zhou Xuan's voice came from the handsome tent, but it did not stop the speed of Huanggu's palm from falling, and directly smashed King Pingcang and the middle-aged counselor into scum with unparalleled strength.

All the strong onlookers broke into a cold sweat when they saw this scene. They were shocked not only by Ruthless Man's decisiveness, but also by her strength.King Ping Cang, who was at the level of the dignified Holy Master, was killed by a single blow, and he was powerless to fight back.

Chen Beixuan, Tantai Mingyue and others watched this scene, and they were also stunned. They broke into the coalition tent alone and killed a different surnamed king of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty. In the world, I am afraid that only ruthless people have such a peerless style.

In the next instant, a terrifying and suffocating pressure filled the air, Zhou Xuan strode out of the handsome tent, and said gloomily: "Marquis of Nanling, didn't you hear what this commander said? Retiring before the battle, attacking and killing King Pingcang, You need to give this king an explanation."

The ruthless man's face was calm, he waved his hand down, and a black banner flew out, inserted directly in front of the handsome tent, and penetrated two-thirds of the ground, and the audience was shocked.

The Sacred Master Chihuo said in surprise: "This is the flag of the Diming Pass. Could it be that the Marquis of Nanling has conquered the Diming Pass?"

The surrounding holy masters also showed expressions of surprise and joy. The Diming Pass was the place where the yin veins of the Southern Desolation converged. Taking this pass would be equivalent to breaking the arm of the purgatory devil, which was very important.

Zhou Xuan's pupils shrank suddenly, staring at the flag that was still shaking slightly. This power made him feel a little bit jealous. , , .

Chapter 727 The Zhang family's father and daughter are cruel!

The killing of a different surname king of the dignified ancestral dynasty is enough to cause a sensation in the world, not to mention the direct bombardment in front of the third prince and the powerhouses of the ancient sects in the world. It can be said that the face of the ancestral dynasty is directly pressed on the ground.

But even so, the ruthless man still didn't say a word to explain, he just planted the flag on the ground and walked away, leaving a group of strong people looking at each other in dismay.

At this time, many people remembered what happened in the Holy City before. King Jinghai was smuggled with the sea monsters and framed the ruthless man. Zhang Tiandong penetrated the void and killed him on the spot. The emperor came to the scene and didn't say anything.

Thinking of it this way, there were only eight kings with different surnames in the Holy Ancestor Dynasty, and two of them died in the hands of the Zhang family's father and daughter, which made people sigh with emotion.

After all, the paper couldn't contain the fire. After Zhou Xuan ordered a comprehensive investigation, the logistics of King Pingcang's secret detention of the Nanling Army immediately surfaced and became clear to the world.

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