This move was tantamount to thundering on the ground. Many people who thought that the Ruthless Man was too reckless closed their mouths and even began to secretly applaud, which resulted in distrust of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty.

You must know that the Marquis of Nanling stepped forward when everyone was silent, and took [-] troops as the vanguard to conquer the earth and the dead.

At this time, Zhou Xuan hated King Pingcang to the extreme. Detaining logistical materials, or the indispensable strategic materials such as Huamosan, is definitely a taboo in the military. If it is not handled properly, the entire coalition army may collapse. , at that time, he will die to atone for his sins.

However, Zhou Xuan is a generational hero after all. He has practiced for hundreds of years in the wilderness, and his scheming is unfathomable, and he has made the most rational judgment now.

First, on behalf of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty, he publicly apologized to the ruthless man, kept his posture low, and urgently sent an order back to the Holy Capital, suing King Pingcang for the crime, and admonishing the emperor for the crime of delaying the military flight. Kill the three clans of King Pingcang, as an example!

As soon as this order came out, it immediately appeased the anger of the soldiers of the Nanling Army. At the same time, it was also a warning to everyone not to make small moves in secret.

Second, publicize the secret formula of Huamo Powder, and invite alchemists from various ancient sects to join the logistics department to refine Huamo Powder together.

This order is smarter, it easily shatters the distrust of the major ancient sect holy places, and expands the number of alchemists, which also greatly alleviates the problem of insufficient supply of magic powder.

But the matter seems to be resolved, but everyone knows that the rift between the Prince of Lanling and the Marquis of Nanling has grown, and the bravery of the Marquis of Nanling will not be used by the coalition forces again in a short time.

However, Zhou Xuan didn't care about this point. Although the ruthless were strong, the coalition forces gathered the power of the holy places in the world, and the group of heroes gathered together, so she was not inferior to her.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye, the turmoil of deducting military funds completely subsided, and the Huamo San also accumulated a very large amount. Zhou Xuan once again gave birth to a fighting spirit, gathered all the holy masters, and discussed the offensive.

At this moment, a blood-soaked figure rushed in and shouted loudly, "Your Highness, the big thing is bad, the demon army has come over!" After speaking, he died of anger.

As soon as these words came out, all the Holy Masters were shocked. Originally, they were still discussing how to preserve their strength in the Demon Realm and quickly win the Underworld Pass, but they did not expect that they would take the initiative to find the door.

The Yinxue Fairy from Tantai Holy Land came out, examined the deceased carefully, and said softly, "This person is so evil that he should have died on the spot, but he was restrained by a force and lasted for a while longer."

Many holy masters knew in their hearts that this was clearly a demonstration by the demons, and they deliberately sent a dead person back to report the news, which shows the arrogance of the other party.

Zhou Xuan was furious and sneered: "Okay, I want to see what the other party is coming from, who is coming——" Dog Novel Network

Before Zhou Xuan could finish his words, a terrifying magic power suddenly surged in like a wave, and the waves crashed on the shore without interruption, which made everyone feel a little shocked.

"The human bastard who killed my general in the Underworld, get out and die!!"

A roar exploded in the void and lasted for a long time.

The messenger flew out to report and said in a panic, "Report to Marshal Qi, there are millions of demon soldiers outside the camp, and one of the demon generals is clamoring to fight the Marquis of Nanling alone."

The voice fell, and everyone looked at the ruthless man sitting on the left, but the other party closed his eyes and concentrated, as if he had not heard anything.

Zhou Xuan knew that Ruthless was unwilling to fight, so he snorted coldly and said loudly: "Our army has gathered the power of the world, there are countless talents, why should the Marquis of Nanling be personally involved, but someone is willing to kill the last general outside the camp and raise the heavens of the human race. Wei?"

There was a discussion in the hall, and a Holy Master-level powerhouse came out more and more, and said proudly: "Let this Holy Master try the skills of that devil general."

"This is the Supreme Elder of the Jade Sword Holy Land. With Xiao into the sword, the sword is like a green thunder, and it will definitely destroy the demon!"

There was a lot of discussion. The Jade Sword Holy Land had a great reputation in the Western Wilderness. It inherited the way of swordsmanship, and had strong restraint on the way of demons.

Zhou Xuan also showed a look of joy on his face, and squinted at the ruthless man, thinking that even without you, this king can still break the demon army.

But he didn't want to take three breaths, and suddenly a tragic howl sounded, and then the soldiers came to report: "The elder of the Jade Sword Holy Land was killed, and the body was directly swallowed."

All the representatives of the Holy Land were a little surprised, how to say that they were also Holy Master-level figures, and they were killed so quickly.

"Hehe, it's interesting, let the old man go. It's not a waste of life to fight the real demons."

Another strong man stood up, his white hair was mopping the ground like a piece of dead wood, and he was dead, but when he stepped out, his aura suddenly skyrocketed. The two-meter-long white hair instantly turned black, and the wrinkles on his face disappeared. A powerful to the extreme momentum soared into the sky.

"This is the ancestor of the Yang clan among the eight major families in Beihai. He failed to reach the half-step god emperor realm, and his life span is not much. This is the activation of the last potential of life."

Many representatives of the Holy Land watched the ancestor of the Yang family who had become a young man leave, and their faces showed deep respect. Although this person did not break through to the half-step god emperor realm, he was far beyond the peak realm of the holy master. Between the two, at this time, holding the will to die, even if the emperor has half a step, he has to retreat by three points.

Zhou Xuan also stood up in awe, watching the back leave, full of respect.

After a while, they only heard the drums beating loudly outside the camp, and the shouts rushed into the sky, such as the collapse of the sky and the collapse of the mountain, and everyone couldn't help but feel their emotions.

"Report - Yang's ancestor died and was swallowed up by the demon." The messenger reported the news in shock.

In an instant, the audience was silent, and all the Holy Master-level powerhouses felt a chill, as strong as the ancestors of the Yang family.

Many people couldn't help but look at Ruthless, such a strong enemy, I am afraid only Nanlinghou can stand a battle. , , .

Chapter 728 Seeing the Heavenly Emperor from afar!

The ruthless man still squinted his eyes, calm, as if he didn't feel those eager eyes.

Yan Ruge and Mu Qiluo stood behind the ruthless man, their faces were full of contempt, and now they thought of their Nanling Army, they didn't see their strength when they supported them before.

Zhou Xuan couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. In such a battle, it would be impossible for him to end as the first army commander, otherwise even if he won, his face would be dull.

At this moment, Chen Beixuan, who was standing behind the Sacred Lord Chihuo, stepped out and said plainly, "I'm here to ask you to fight."

Zhou Xuan was overjoyed in his heart, but when he saw Qing Chen Bei Xuan, he couldn't help but stunned, and said coldly: "Presumptuous, this is the discussion hall, how can you be a mere half-sage? Get out of here!"

The Sacred Master Chihuo hurriedly introduced: "He is the top arrogant of my Martial God College, and the runner-up in this year's martial arts arrogance battle, Zhentian Hou Chen Beixuan."


After listening to these words, Zhou Xuan's expression changed again. After all, the champion Nanling Hou's combat power is obvious to all, and this runner-up should not be regarded as superficial. He immediately softened his face and said solemnly: "You really have confidence in defeating the camp. A demon general outside, it is likely to be a half-step demon emperor."

Chen Beixuan said in a low voice: "If you can't win within three quarters, I'm willing to deal with it."

"Okay!" Zhou Xuan slapped the table, took out a piece of golden scorpion, and said solemnly: "This is a piece of emperor source that the emperor gave to this king before the expedition. It is of infinite value. If you can defeat the enemy and succeed. , this king will reward you with this piece of Emperor Yuan!"

He was also forced to the point where there was no way to do it. Before, he had been let down by a ruthless man who had seized the level and then abandoned it. This time, if he didn't win the battle quickly, he might not be stable as a marshal of the coalition army.

When all the saints saw the treasures Zhou Xuan took out, they couldn't help but take a breath, revealing a strong fiery color. This is the source of the emperor, a source that has undergone countless years of changes after the death of a great emperor. It contains imperial rhythm, even if There is also a huge attraction for the existence of the god emperor.

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