"Please wait a moment for King Lanling."

Seeing Di Yuan, Chen Beixuan's expression was also moved a bit, the voice fell, and he turned around and stepped out of the military commander's tent.

The ruthless man's half-squinted eyes finally opened, releasing a ray of divine soul. She had valued Chen Beixuan very much before, and she wanted to know how far this person's combat power was now.

I saw that the flags and flags outside the camp were in the air, and the Blood Sky Demon Emperor stood in front of the coalition camp, laughing and provoking constantly, which made the human race soldiers guarding the line terrified.

After all, just now, this demon devoured the existence of the Holy Master in the two human races in one breath, which was extremely terrifying.

"Jie Jie, the inferior creatures of the human race are really vulnerable, let the Nanling Marquis come out, or this emperor will slaughter all of you!!"

The Blood Sky Demon Emperor opened his bloody mouth and threatened loudly, deterring the soldiers from all the tribes to retreat.


A cold voice came from the camp, Chen Beixuan burst out of the air, was hung with a long bow, and looked cold and arrogant.

The two bloody eyes of the Blood Sky Demon Emperor swept across him, and he immediately laughed: "Are you only human? You actually sent a little devil out to die! This emperor doesn't kill nameless ghosts, tell me yours name, and then you can die."

"I'm... the one who killed you."

Chen Beixuan said coldly, mentioning it in a vertical step, he rushed towards the Blood Heaven Demon Emperor. Every step he took, it seemed that there were shadows of gods and demons appearing behind him. ——Eight Demon Steps!

first step!

Step two! QQ novel www.qqapp.org

third step!

Chen Beixuan's momentum became more and more vigorous, and when he reached the eighth step, he suddenly raised his head and screamed, and the long sword was unsheathed, forming a galaxy-like sword light.

The Seven Devil Swords!


A huge explosion sounded, and a huge scar appeared on the Blood Sky Demon Emperor's body, but it healed quickly, and said savagely: "Boy, you are indeed very strong. You are more useful than the first two, but you are not the opponent of this emperor!"

After finishing speaking, countless blood mists erupted from the bloody demon emperor, covering the sky and the sun, turning into a blood sea domain, sealing the entire battlefield, and the power of demonic killing soared to the sky.

"Chen Beixuan is about to lose."

Ruthless sighed in her heart, she could see that Chen Beixuan had achieved great fortune after the Holy Capital, and his combat power had soared, comparable to the demonized Yan Cangtian, but what he was facing now was a pure Demons are stronger than Yan Cangtian.

As she expected, after the Blood Sky Demon Emperor sacrificed his talent field, his combat power skyrocketed, suppressing Chen Beixuan infinitely, and even deliberately abusing him.

"You forced me!!"

After Chen Beixuan was blown away again, he spit out a mouthful of blood of gods and demons, his eyes turned chaotic, and he suddenly took off the tattered longbow behind him, and an incomparably obscure force swept the ten directions.

"This is……"

The ruthless man's hand trembled while holding the teacup, her eyes were full of shock, this power actually made her feel a little palpitated, and she couldn't help but want to release the golden bell of beginningless defense.

The King Kui Mu of the Three-Eyed Clan even widened his eyes. Through the vertical eyes between his eyebrows, he could clearly see that at the moment when Chen Bei Xuan bent the bow and pulled the arrow, a huge shadow of the Heavenly Emperor appeared in him. Behind it, like the ancient sacred mountain, majestic and unparalleled in the world, I am the only one, as if suppressing countless restricted areas of life by myself.

At the same time, the heavens and myriad worlds shook, and the ancient powers that existed for a long time all woke up from their slumber and looked at the sky.

The Emperor Mark Stele is glowing, reflecting the visions of the heavens, a tyrannical Emperor Shadow, dazzling the world, just one image, but it makes the nine mountains and seas silent.

"Seeing the Emperor Chen from afar, when will the Zhantian Alliance return..."

Countless ancient beings sighed with emotion. Emperor Chen Tian was invincible all his life. He was a brave man who dared to kill 'Tian', and left an indelible mark in those past years.

A sacrificial sound suddenly sounded between heaven and earth, and it sounded like a kowtow, as if all beings in heaven and earth were chanting the name of a heavenly emperor together, praising his supreme achievements.

The Xihuang Immortal Demon Cave let out bursts of sobbing, as if mourning, as if in remembrance.

In the ancestral hall of the Ninth Mountain Haichen family, countless spirit tablets trembled, and some white-haired elders broke free from the deadlock and made hoarse voices; "Retrieve, you must find the true spirit of Emperor Chen Tian..."

In Donghuang, the city of freedom, in the Zhang family courtyard, Zhang Tian woke up from his nap, glanced at Nanhuang, and immediately continued to sleep without caring.


A huge explosion sounded on the land of the Southern Wilderness. Chenbei Xuan's imperial envoy Zhentian bow, the blood of the whole body burned in an instant, and the aura contaminated with the blood of gods and demons was used as an arrow to shoot a shocking arrow.

This arrow contains the ultimate power, blocking the void, and even blocking the time, penetrating the heart of the Blood Sky Demon Emperor, and cutting off the cause and effect of his past.

The ruthless man gently put down the teacup and murmured, "Is this the power of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Artifact?"

Chapter 729 Zhang Tian is the only quasi emperor in the mainland!

The Blood Sky Demon Emperor is dead, and all the scum left by the blast is gone, and his body and soul are destroyed.

Although the shocking bow that Chen Beixuan obtained was already dilapidated, it was a quasi-immortal emperor-level divine weapon after all.

However, even though the Blood Sky Demon Emperor was dead, Chen Beixuan was not good at it. The blow just now burned all his blood and energy. If it wasn't for his strong background and terrifying secrets, he wouldn't be able to withstand the power of backlash at all.

"Marquis Zhentian has worked hard, this king will play the emperor and express your achievements."

Zhou Xuan personally got up to greet the returning Chen Beixuan, and handed over the piece of Emperor Yuan. When he caught a glimpse of the Zhentian Bow, he couldn't help showing a trace of heat.

Chen Beixuan took over Di Yuan, but smiled helplessly. With this piece of Di Yuan's energy, he could just make up for his loss. After all, he was still too weak and thought he could catch up with the Marquis of Nanling. There is a huge gap.

"I'm afraid that Blood Sky Demon Emperor is far from Nanlinghou's opponent." Chen Beixuan secretly said in his heart that he had such an intuition.

After appeasing Chen Beixuan, Zhou Xuan was in high spirits, rolled up his sleeves, and said loudly: "The enemy demon general has been eliminated, we should take advantage of the victory to pursue the attack and break through the earth and the dead in one fell swoop!"

After all, the coalition forces entrenched here are tens of millions of giants. After the death of the Blood Sky Demon Emperor, the millions of demonic armies without a leader soon fell into chaos.

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