Zhou Xuan took advantage of the situation to sing and slammed all the way, and slammed into the Demon Realm. He chose three million elite troops as the front, and the other seven million were divided into two flanks to press back, and the mighty horizontally pushed the Demon Realm.

This coalition has shocked the world, and the warriors gathered are mostly the backbone of the major forces. Therefore, although the army is tens of millions, there is no sign of chaos. Earth Pass.

"Report - The flags and flags are swirling in the earth and the dark, and the devil cloud covers the sky and the sun. It is estimated that there are no less than two million devil troops." A messenger came to report.

Zhou Xuan moved in his heart and turned to look at King Kuimu.

The Holy Master of the Three-Eyed Clan raised his eyebrows and said solemnly, "There is indeed a large army of demons hoarding in the Underworld Pass, and there are several tyrannical auras that cannot be detected."

After saying the last sentence, King Kui Mu shuddered violently, his eyes were full of fear, which made all the Holy Masters a little scared.

The Sacred Lord Chihuo said loudly: "It seems that the main force of the Demon Race has also arrived at the Earth-Ming Pass. This pass is really important. This is going to be a big fight!"

Zhou Xuan nodded slightly, and analyzed: "Purgatory Demon Lord has been operating in Nanhuang for no one knows how many years, and no one knows how many demon soldiers there are. This battle should be resolved quickly."

The discussion in the military commander's account was in full swing, and everyone offered suggestions and confirmed each other.

At this moment, Zhou Xuan and Ruthless who were in the first place suddenly changed their expressions.


Before the word 'heart' could be spoken, an extremely terrifying coercion suddenly overwhelmed the heavens, and slammed down like the top of Mount Tai. Everyone felt an icy edge pierced through the hall. This strange treasure containing the laws of space , was directly blasted to pieces.

"So brave!" Aishuwu www.2shuwu.com

Zhou Xuan was furious, and an imperial might erupted from his body, which suddenly rolled up a hurricane and flew out, like a blue dragon hitting the sky, causing a rumbling sound of breaking through the air.

The holy masters were also shocked and angry, and hurried to keep up, only to see a heroic figure standing proudly under the pass.

But seeing that this ghost is twenty feet tall, it is actually an adult, with both hands and feet, wearing a black cloak, and the magic power is publicized, like a magic mountain lying there, pressing people to suffocate!

The only difference from the human race is that he has two pairs of huge black wings, [-] to [-] feet long, born from the two ribs, and when he flaps slightly, there is an invincible feeling of shattering the void.

"This man is so strong!"

This is the first feeling of all the Holy Masters. The breath of this demon powerhouse in front of him is as unpredictable as an abyss.Some people even think of the emperor. When they visited the emperor many years ago, they also felt this kind of breath in the emperor, invincible, undefeated, and looked down upon.

On the other hand, some of Donghuang's holy masters had strange expressions. They tried to compare this person's aura with Zhang Tian, ​​but found that compared with Zhang Tian, ​​this person was like a bluffing paper tiger, with a murderous aura that seemed to be condensed with a sense of powerlessness. .

"Haha, the Demon Emperor is here, who would dare to fight!!"

The youth of the demon race in front of the Earth-Ming Pass was arrogant, showing his identity, with a look of contempt in his eyes.

Zhou Xuan and all the Holy Masters took a deep breath, never expecting that even the son of the Dark Demon Emperor had broken through the realm, which shows how strong the determination of the Demon Race to invade the world of Saint Yuan is.

Many human warriors were frightened and stupid. Demon Emperor, the continent has not had such a strong person for hundreds of thousands of years. It is a legendary existence. Even if it is only a son of the Demon Emperor, it still makes them feel boundless fear.

The ruthless man's dress fluttered, and he said coldly: "Dare to come to my Shengyuan Continent, do you want to follow in the footsteps of the Emperor Demon Prince?"


The emperor was shocked, stared at the ruthless man, and said loudly: "Did you kill the prince?"

The ruthless man said contemptuously: "What a prince, but an ant that was trampled to death by my father's foot."

The hearts of the holy masters were agitated, and only then did they know that Zhang Tian still had such a record, stepping on the prince of the devil world with one foot?The famous Emperor Demon Prince, that is an existence that is infinitely close to the quasi-emperor!

Tens of thousands of years ago, the Dark Demon Emperor planned to cast the Emperor-level Boundary-breaking Array, intending to come to the world of Shengyuan again. The strong human race risked their lives to sneak into the Dark Demon Realm, destroyed the Boundary-breaking Array in a nearly self-destruction way, and finally dragged the disabled. The dead body returned to Shengyuan Continent and announced some of the situation there.

In the Dark Demon Realm, in addition to the ancient emperor, the Dark Demon King, there are seven other demon monarchs, each of which is comparable to a peerless emperor.In addition, there is also an Emperor Demon Prince, whose cultivation realm is far above the Seven Great Demon Sovereigns, and his bloodline is extremely pure, with a combat power comparable to that of the Emperor.

Such an invincible existence was actually killed by Zhang Tian?Even if it wasn't as easy as 'stepping to death', it was enough to show Zhang Tian's strength.

The only quasi-emperor powerhouse in the mainland!

This thought popped up in everyone's heart. The blood of the Demon Race is far stronger than that of the Human Race. It can kill the Emperor Demon Prince who is comparable to the Emperor. What else can it be other than the Emperor of the same realm?

But if Zhang Tian is really the quasi emperor, it would be too amazing. It has been a long time since the quasi emperor appeared in the mainland. , , .

Chapter 730 Wherever Zhang Tian goes, the Devil Emperor is also an ant!

Some holy masters can't help but sigh, even today, Zhang Tian's cultivation is still a mystery. From the very beginning, he killed the ice emperor and became the supreme saint, to the killing of the black dragon demon emperor and the half-step god emperor, and then to the suspicion that he is the immortal god emperor and the world. Coming to the Holy Land, and finally defeating the human emperor clone, always breaks the world's impression time and time again.

So much so that before he preached at the Deity Academy, some people thought that Zhang Tianke would fight the Demon Lord of Purgatory. You must know that the Demon Lord of Purgatory was an overlord who was comparable to a peerless emperor [-] years ago.

But now, this speculation has been broken again. Zhang Tian trampled the emperor and the prince to death with one foot. This is clearly the style of the quasi emperor.

This made many people dare to guess that maybe Emperor Zhun was Zhang Tian's true cultivation, or even higher, but this thought was too terrifying, and no one dared to continue to think about it.

"Okay, it turns out that Zhang Tian is the real murderer who destroyed the Unbounded Ghost Realm and killed the Emperor Demon Prince. Lord Demon Emperor has been pursuing him for several years, and this time, he will be smashed to ashes!"

A gloomy voice sounded from the Underworld Pass, and then a terrifying shadow stepped out, eyes like a river of blood staring at the ruthless man.

Even without introduction, everyone knows that this must be the Demon Lord of Purgatory, because the breath on his body is too terrifying.

The ruthless man said in a low voice, "Ignorant clown, no matter where my father goes, even the Dark Emperor is just an ant."

She was expounding the fact that although she didn't know Zhang Tian's true identity, she knew that Zhang Tian was the one who could make Emperor Ping's heart bow down, and in a word, the existence of Emperor Yedu.Compared with Emperor Pingxin Ming and Emperor Yedu, the Dark Demon Emperor is far from unqualified.

"court death!"

The Demon Emperor was furious, his demonic might soared into the sky, the black energy in his right hand surged wildly, and an incomparably huge painted halberd appeared in his hand, burning with raging demonic flames, and rushed towards the coalition camp.


All the Holy Masters felt the pressure that was unseen like an abyss, and reached a consensus in an instant.


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