A huge explosion sounded, and the gravel flew across the center of the battlefield, turning into an angry salon, flying all over the sky, and countless Holy Masters were blasted and flew out, vomiting blood.

"It's not my race, its heart will be different, everyone joins hands to kill this son of the devil!!"

The Sacred Lord Chihuo shouted and flew out first. His body turned into a half-dragon, and his majestic life force swayed out like an angry fire dragon.

The rest of the Holy Masters responded one after another, and for a while, the divine channel method shone across the sky, causing the void to roar and drown the Scarlet Fire Holy Master.

"Haha, a group of turkeys and dogs are delusional to fight against the emperor, and they are beyond their own power!"

The Demon Emperor laughed wildly, his eyes were full of contempt, the black Fang Tian painted a halberd with a round, using his own power to invite three hundred Holy Masters!




The war escalated, everyone on both sides was dumbfounded, and countless human warriors were stunned and shocked to the extreme.

This devil emperor actually fought against [-] holy masters at the same time without losing the slightest, and even suppressed it faintly.

"The low-level creatures of the mere human race actually try to fight against the noble demon race, so let you see what real magical powers are!"

The Demon Emperor waved the Fang Tianhua halberd with his right hand and smashed the treasures that came from one after another. He slammed his hand towards the void, and an infinite magic pattern erupted from his palm, which outlined a strange pattern, and a large amount of magic light erupted.

"Click, click, click..."

A huge space tearing sound came from the entire battlefield, and in the next moment, ten terrifying cracks split open, as if together with the Hell Demon Abyss, countless demonic energy poured out from it, covering the world.

"This is... Corpse Demon Sealing Technique!"

A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the ruthless man, and he watched ten incomparably huge ancient demons protrude from the cracks, tearing apart a holy master like killing chickens.Read the novel www.duduaa.com

"Ah ah ah..."

Countless shrill screams came from the battlefield. These ancient demons who were summoned were all invincible god emperor-level powerhouses in their lifetimes. Quickly inflict massive kills.

"It's too strong, it's impossible to beat at all."

There is a holy place Tianjiao muttering to himself, the strength of the devil emperor completely destroyed their will, what a terrible magical power, to be able to command ten powerful ancient demons at the same time.

The blue veins on the back of Zhou Xuan's hand burst out. Seeing that more than [-] Holy Masters were slaughtered, he couldn't make a move, because there was a stronger Purgatory Demon Lord behind him.

"Please Nanling Marquis to help..."

I don't know who shouted, and everyone immediately turned their attention to Ruthless. In this huge crisis, only Ruthless people have the power to turn the tide.

"The Marquis of Nanling, please take action!"

"If the Marquis of Nanling doesn't make a move, the human race will be finished."

"Please Nanlinghou save my ancestors."

Countless Tianjiao asked, including the weak Chen Beixuan, and the always noble and elegant Tantai Mingyue, as well as Shi Wuhua, Shangguanqin and others from Tianshen Academy.

Under the absolute power of the Demon Emperor, all calculations seemed extremely pale, so they could only rescue the ruthless.

Glancing at Shi Wuhua and the others, Ruthless sighed inwardly, at least, Deity Academy is her home, so she had to be rescued at this time.

A shocking rainbow swept out of the coalition camp, bringing the sword intent to the sky, like the brightest star in the Nine Heavens, so that no one could ignore it. In an instant, the eyes of everyone in the two armies were fixed on Ruthen!

A sword to open Huangquan!

The huge sword light shone across the sky, like a dazzling galaxy, crashing down.


The explosion sounded, and the demon emperor who was slaughtering was blasted out, a big hole was torn open in his body, and the blood of the demon was mad.

"It's the Marquis of Nanling who took action!!"

Countless holy masters saw this scene, and they all showed expressions of surprise and joy. The ruthless man at this moment is undoubtedly the savior of everyone.

"Okay, if your father kills the prince of my clan, I will kill you first!"

The Demon Emperor's eyes were red, staring at the ruthless man, and his hands slammed towards her. In an instant, the ten ancient demons were furious at the same time, waving their huge demon bodies to press the ruthless man.

Fei Xian Jue!

The ruthless man raised his spirit, energy and spirit to the top, and a force of flying immortals erupted.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The battle broke out fiercely. The sword of the ruthless man was like the blade of death, with great power. Every time it hit, it brought a large amount of demon blood, and it didn't fall behind at all.

But no one knew that the ruthless man did not do her best at all. She was using these ancient demons to try to fuse the Thunder Sword Soul under the pressure of the demon power.

One percent, two percent, three percent...

The Thunder Sword Soul merged into the Holy Body at an astonishing speed, and the aura of the ruthless became stronger and stronger to the extreme.

Eternal sword!

The shape of the ruthless man was twisted, as if it merged with the void. There was only a sword light left between the heaven and the earth, a dazzling sword light. Compared with the time when the ancestors of Dongming were killed, there was an extra ray of green light, and the ten Only the ancient demons were all killed! , , .

Chapter 731 Who dares to say that this emperor's daughter is an ant?


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