Everyone in the audience felt a shock. The ten dignified ancient demon creatures, all of which were close to the immortal emperor, were instantly killed.

The ruthless man smiled indifferently, the Shuiyun Emperor's sword pointed diagonally towards the sky, the electric light on the sword was still beating slightly, and his gaze was full of contempt at the Demon Emperor and the Purgatory Demon Lord.

"Little devil is arrogant! Something like an ant dares to provoke this devil."

The rumbling voice echoed in the layers of space, and the purgatory devil was so angry that he couldn't control his shot at the ruthless man, because he felt a huge threat from the ruthless man.

A clutch of demons swept across the sky, violently grabbing towards the ruthless man, breaking the sky and breaking the ground, exuding a destructive aura, and directly tearing the ruthless man into pieces.


Zhou Xuanfei stepped out, the immortal emperor's power erupted, and he brazenly met the devil's palm in the sky, but he was instantly blasted away without any suspense, vomiting blood, his eyes were extremely shocked, and he said with a trembling voice, "Quite... quasi-Emperor. "

Everyone was horrified, and the purgatory devil actually broke through to the realm of quasi-emperor?

This is actually not surprising. The Purgatory Demon Lord is an absolute old-fashioned Demon Lord. Before he came to the mainland, he was comparable to the existence of a peerless emperor. After [-] years of dormancy, he broke through to the realm of quasi-emperor in one fell swoop!

It's just that this is a huge shock to Shengyuan Continent, which has not had a quasi-emperor powerhouse for hundreds of thousands of years.

"Mere ants, die for me!"

The imposing manner of the purgatory demon soared again. It was Diwei, which made people suffocate, and transformed into a thousand-zhang devil's palm, blocking the void, and pressing hard on the ruthless man.

"Bang bang bang..."

The devil's palm fell from the sky, as if the boundless sea swept the earth, shaking the void, causing countless voids to burst, and the crushed energy group sent a holy lord spit blood upside down, and even collapsed directly.

The gap between the quasi emperor and the holy master is really like the difference between a mayfly and the ocean.

Even if she is a ruthless person, she feels suffocated under this power. Her eternal sword saint body has not yet been completed, and at most it can only be comparable to the peerless emperor, and she is still vulnerable to the real quasi emperor.

At this moment, the necklace under the ruthless jade neck floated automatically without wind, emitting an icy blue light, wrapping the ruthless man's whole body.

"What do you want to do to Bendi's daughter?"

The blue light behind the ruthless man gradually outlined a figure, handsome and calm, and the moment the voice fell, he raised his hand and pointed towards the magic palm in the sky.


As if there was a heavenly sword passing through the sky, the huge sword light disappeared in an instant, but it directly tore the devil's palm in half, turning into endless devilish energy to dissipate.

"You, you are..."

The purgatory demon spit out a black mouth, and his face showed horror. He remembered the words that the dark demon emperor passed on to him on the other side of the starry sky. Four years ago, an unknown powerhouse broke into the boundless ghost realm and killed them continuously. The three devil kings and the emperor devil prince, who destroyed the Wujie Ghost Realm with only one hand, could it be this person?

"An ant, hum! - This emperor wants to see, who dares to call my Zhang Tian's children a ants!"

The figure in the blue light was completely solid, with a handsome figure, eye-catching eyebrows, three-foot black hair and a shawl.Bashan Love Novel Network www.83love.com


Stepping out one step, the void collapsed suddenly, and a huge purple footprint of the Emperor of Heaven rolled into the void, as if there was a giant standing in the sky, standing on the top of the Nine Realms, and stepped down. .


The huge demon body of the Purgatory Demon Lord flew upside down, and countless demon blood burst out, spreading across the sky.

Everyone felt chills all over, because the purgatory devil was not blasted away by the purple feet of the emperor, but was only crushed by the oncoming qi.

Just a wisp of power emanating from it is so terrifying, if this foot is really stepped on, won't it blow up the whole world?This is already a world-breaking combat power!


It seems that the heaven and the earth can't bear this mighty force, and it seems that they disdain to kill the purgatory devil. The huge footprints in the sky finally turned into a little bit of aura and disappeared, and even the figure behind the ruthless man turned into nothingness, everything seemed to be nothing. happens in general.

"Withdraw! Withdraw—"

The roar of the Purgatory Demon Lord sounded in the void, and people had already escaped thousands of miles away. He was really scared and broke through to the quasi-emperor realm. He thought he was invincible across the continent, but at that moment just now, he felt When it comes to the real death threat, it seems to have been closed from the gate of hell.

The Demon Emperor glanced at the ruthless man with cold eyes, also full of deep fear, and finally spread his black wings on his limbs and tore the space away.


Watching the demon army fleeing in a hurry, the strong men on the human side did not have the slightest motivation to pursue them. Instead, they all looked relieved. Looking at this tragic battlefield, they didn't even have the joy of victory.

This is indeed not a victory. More than [-] holy masters fought against the devil emperor, what a brilliant battle, enough to be recorded in the history of the mainland, but as a result, more than [-] people were killed and even promoted to the immortal emperor. Zhou Xuan, the king of Lanling, was instantly killed by a single blow.

If there were no ruthless people who would take action in the face of danger and forcefully slay the ten ancient demons, if Zhang Tian had not been born and smashed the purgatory devil with one foot, I am afraid that today it would have become the beginning of the annihilation of the human race, and even the entire continent.

Chen Beixuan, Shi Wuhua, Tantai Mingyue and other Tianjiao are also very excited to see it. They cannot participate in a battle of this level. Because of this, from the perspective of a bystander, the feeling is even more profound.

In the Purgatory Demon Lord, showing the quasi-emperor cultivation base, the despair when he slammed the king of Lanling with one palm, and then when Zhang Tian's will incarnate appeared and suppressed the Purgatory Demon Lord with his backhand, it was a shocking reversal, which made people unable to forget that figure for a long time. .

"After today, the entire continent will be grateful for Senior Zhang's kindness."

Chen Beixuan sighed with emotion, but he couldn't help thinking of Yuxin, the girl who had the exact same face as the ancient king, who was raised by such a strong father, and this life would never be ordinary.Maybe it will be able to reproduce the power of the ancient king.

"I can't believe that Senior Zhang is really a quasi-emperor. It's no wonder that when he preaches, the rain of flowers on the avenue can be sprinkled, and the ground is filled with golden springs."

Shi Wuhua, Shangguanqin and other Tianshen Academy students also talked excitedly. They listened to Zhang Tian's sermons and gained great fortune. They have long become Zhang Tian's preachers, and they are regarded as gods in their hearts. Today, they see Zhang Tian's invincible style again. , Suppressing Emperor Zhun at the click of a finger, and deepening the worship in their hearts several times.

In the midst of this fierce discussion, someone suddenly said, "I don't think even the Emperor is so powerful. Maybe Senior Zhang is the real Emperor!"

As soon as these words came out, all the discussions disappeared instantly, and everyone looked at each other, because they found that this possibility seemed to really exist.

The reason no one mentions it is because they dare not think about it.

After the ancient times, the immortal road was cut off, the Great Emperor, that is the existence standing at the peak of the nine mountains and seas! , , .

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