But at this time, there was a depressing atmosphere in the Shenxiaoyu Mansion, and the palace maids who were waiting in the two rows all withdrew with interest.

In the end, in addition to the thunderous generalization of Tianzun on the main seat, there is only one general of the Nine Heavens Thunder Lord below the rank.

It was only then that the Nine Heavens Lei Gong general said, "Lei Zun, it is a little unconventional to spread Jiuxiao Shenlei to a small thousand world. If the supervisory department is held accountable, how should your subordinates respond? ?"

Although Heavenly Court Immortal Officials have the ability to mobilize the Law of Heaven, they are also divided into large and small. For example, Jiuxiao Shenlei, a top-level thunder method that can kill Immortal Kings, can only be mobilized by Leibu Immortal Officials above General Lei Gong of Nine Heavens.

Moreover, the laws of the heavenly court are imposing, and any guilt has a penalty range, and each immortal official can only exercise power within this range.

Thunder tribulations of the level of Jiuxiao Shenlei can only manifest when there is a serious crime of someone trying to become immortal through evil ways.Dream Chinese www.cndnwx.com


A cold humming sound came from the main seat, which shocked General Lei Gong's mind and lowered his head quickly.

Only listening to the thunder, the Universal Heavenly Venerate said gloomily: "Heaven has laws, Dan can't condense ten lines, and a small thousand worlds dare to violate the laws of the sky repeatedly and four times. If the punishment is not increased, where is the majesty of the heaven? I violated the five laws today. "If you violate the Ten Commandments tomorrow, if things go on like this, won't these nine great mountains and seas be turned upside down?"

General Lei Gong under the steps was silent. He knew that a mere Ten Great Pills would not make Lei Zun so angry. This was just an outburst of anger that had accumulated over the past million years. bumped into.

"In troubled times, use the heavy code! Here is the decree of the Heavenly Venerate: From today onwards, all the punishments of the Heavenly Regulations will be tripled. Kill me from this small world first, and I will explain it to the Supervision Division." Lei Sheng Pu Hua Tian Zun said solemnly.

"The subordinates obey, let's go to mine."

The General Lei Gong clenched his fists slightly and withdrew from the Shenxiao Yufu. He gave a moment of silence to the alchemist in the world of Shengyuan. He was able to refine the top ten pills, which shows that his aptitude is extraordinary, but his luck was a bit bad, and he was caught as a typical example. It is destined to be turned into ashes under Jiuxiao Shenlei, which is the so-called 'magic power is not as good as the number of days'.

Saint Yuan World, Tianshen Academy, Pill Dao Department, all the elders of Pill Dao were dumbfounded. They never imagined that a single spiritual pill could lead to such a big thunder disaster. Looking at the vision in the sky, if it fell down, Most of the East Wasteland is estimated to be smashed.

"Come on, go and invite Senior Zhang—" Elder Dan Dao shouted, and at this time, all they could think of was Zhang Tian.

"Heaven is jealous of Yingcai, the second young lady is obviously in the state of 'Dan Wu' now, can the sixteen-year-old Dan Huang not even tolerate the sky?" A white-haired Dan Dao elder sighed with tears in his eyes.

The person this thunder robbery refers to is Yuxin.Anyone who has attained in the way of alchemy can see that now Yuxin is in a state of 'alchemy', which is very similar to the 'unity of heaven and man' of martial artists.

However, Yuxin, who is in the state of alchemy and enlightenment, has increased countless times in the realm of alchemy, and she has unconsciously refined the blood of the true immortals into ten absolute true blood dans, which has attracted great attention. Misfortune, it is about to be lost in the thunder calamity.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Finally, the Jiuxiao Divine Thunder Tribulation condensed to the extreme, and came with a bang, like nine heavenly dragons, and like the Milky Way training, ramming into Yuxin, the dazzling thunder light, obscuring the light of heaven and earth.


At this moment, the mighty thunderbolt shattered, turned into countless thunder snakes in mid-air and dissipated, and was cut off by a hand!

Zhang Tian's whole body was bathed in thunder light, his expression was gloomy, he looked up at the sky with contemptuous eyes, his sharp eyes seemed to penetrate through layers of void and landed directly on the fairyland.

In the next instant, Zhang Tian's figure disappeared directly from the light of the gods and thunder, and ran to the ancient heaven.

He wanted to see who was so daring to split his daughter with Jiuxiao Shenlei! , , .

Chapter 734 The Immortals Visit the Burial Emperor!

At this time, there was also a stunned voice in the Dongfang Lei Gongbao Hall in the ancient heaven, and countless immortal officials looked at each other in dismay.

It turns out that this Jiuxiao Divine Thunder Tribulation is very powerful and will not appear easily. I heard that someone has committed a major incident this time, and they want to bring down the Jiuxiao Divine Thunder Tribulation. Many immortal officials who are idle and have nothing to do come over to watch the fun.

There is an old saying: If you don’t become an immortal, you will end up as ants, and as an immortal official in the ancient heaven, you are born to be superior to others. Even the immortal realms and sacred mountains of the nine mountains and seas do not look down on them. For the small world, they are only treated as dust. Even if they were smashed by Jiuxiao Shenlei, they would not have the slightest sense of pity.

But no one expected that such a magnificent Jiuxiao Divine Thunder would suddenly vanish and be intercepted before it could come.

This time, there was a big picture. The face of the nine-day Lei Gong general was dark at that time. He originally planned to take this opportunity to show off in front of his colleagues. As a result, this powerful thunder blasted out, and it was like a fart. Immediately gone.

The immortal officials who were watching were also a little embarrassed. This situation made them a little unsure of what to say. The Lei Department is a real power department in the Heavenly Court, and General Lei Gong of Jiutian is also a high-ranking official. Oh no.

A Lei Buxian general stepped forward and carefully suggested: "Do you want to come again?"

General Lei Gong glanced at him and said nothing.As the highest level of thunder tribulation, Jiuxiao Divine Thunder Tribulation is divided into thirteen layers, and the power of each layer increases geometrically.

Before Leisheng Puhua Tianzun asked him to send Jiuxiao Shenlei to punish the Xiaoqianjie alchemist who had refined the Ten Absolute Pills, but he didn't explain how many Jiuxiao Shenlei fell, and he didn't ask.

Because neither Leisheng Puhua Tianzun nor him thinks that there is someone in Xiaoqian World who can resist the first-level Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, and the result has become this embarrassing situation.

Stop the thunder robbery, then it will not have the warning effect that Lei Sheng Puhua Tianzun wants, and people will pass it safely.

But if you continue to release the second-level Jiuxiao Shenlei, it will be equivalent to more than [-] times the punishment, which is completely inconsistent with the provisions of the laws of the heavenly court. Who can you talk to?

Just as General Lei Gong hesitated, a cyan Changhong suddenly flew over at the speed of light, turning into an imperial decree-like banner in mid-air, clearly stamped with the Great Seal of Lei Bu.

"The Ninth Mountains and Seas, the Ziwei Star Territory, the nameless alchemist in the Shengyuan world, who defied the sky to refine the ten absolute pills, violated the laws of the heavens, and punished the three-layer Zixiao Shenlei to set an example! - Jiutian Yingyuan The sound of thunder universalizes Tianzun."

Two lines of golden immortal inscriptions manifested on the banner, and a majestic and vast aura emanated from it, causing the immortal officials to restrain their minds and show awe.

General Lei Gong was shocked, knowing that this must be the thunder sound of Puhua Tianzun who noticed that Jiuxiao Shenlei was intercepted, so he added the decree. With this decree in hand, he no longer had any scruples.

"Prepare, lock the target, and release the second Zixiao Divine Thunder!"

General Lei Gong also took a sigh of relief and made up his mind, even if the alchemist died under the second-level Jiuxiao Shenlei, he would release the third path in the Zixiao Shenlei to wipe out this small world.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Infinite spiritual energy gathers and brews nine-color sky thunder, which seems to be slow, but this is the thunder method of heaven.

All the immortal officials showed a solemn look, and the second level of Jiuxiao Shenlei was much stronger than the first level, which made them feel a little threatened.Dog Novel Network www.ggtxt.com


General Lei Gong shouted, and Jiuxiao Shenlei turned into nine vast and boundless dragons, rushing down, breaking through the layers of void, and smashing into the world of Shengyuan.

Suddenly, a look of horror flashed across General Lei Gong's face, as if he had discovered something terrifying.

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