He saw a person, that person, who was in the midst of a thunder calamity, going up against the thunder calamity!


A huge explosion resounded through the entire Lei Gong Palace, and the second-level Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Tribulation was smashed by the figure and shattered into countless tiny thunder snakes, which dissipated as spiritual energy.


When General Lei Gong and a group of immortal officials came back to their senses, the figure was already standing on the thundering platform, white clothes fluttering, and standing with their hands behind their backs, but just standing there casually, it gave people a sense of suppressing the heavens and the world. The feeling of invincibility, as if the sky is at his feet.

"Heaven... Lord Heavenly Emperor?"

General Lei Gong was originally very angry, but the moment he saw Zhang Tian's face, he was dumbfounded, and the strong impact shocked his mind to the extreme.

"See Burial Emperor—"

In the next instant, all the immortal officials, immortal generals, and immortal soldiers all bowed to the ground and worshipped loudly. Their expressions were extremely excited, and the immortal powers were turbulent in the void, and they had reached the point where they could not control the immortal energy in their bodies.

However, Zhang Tian did not have the joy of reuniting after a long absence. With a gloomy face, he looked at General Lei Gong who was kneeling in front of him, and said coldly, "Did you put the Jiuxiao Shenlei just now?"

A layer of cold sweat instantly oozes out of General Lei Gong's forehead, but he didn't dare to deceive, and nodded carefully.

Zhang Tian's face became even colder, but his tone returned to a dull tone, and he said softly: "Heavenly Court Law, who is good at refining the Ten Absolute Pills, what punishment should he receive?"

Emperor Burial has been in charge of the Heavenly Court for tens of millions of years, but no one knows his temper.Hearing this light and airy tone at this time, all the immortal officials were so frightened that they shivered. With the vastness of the ancient heaven, most immortal officials had no chance to see the Emperor Buried up close in their lives.

Until this moment, they didn't know the meaning of the phrase 'Tianwei is unfathomable', and they never felt that their lives were so small and lowly, like a small world they regarded as dust.

That General Lei Gong was the worst. Although he was under terrifying pressure, he had to concentrate on his reply and trembled: "Hui, go back to the Emperor of Heaven, those who are good at refining the ten absolute pills, according to the rank of pills, should be robbed by the five elements to the seventh heaven. Divine Thunder Tribulation. But... but the lower officials are also ordered to act, and there is Lei Zun's law for this purpose, please ask the Emperor of Heaven to see it clearly."

After speaking, General Lei Gong hurriedly handed out the blue-patterned scroll. Even so, he still felt a strong sense of fear. In his capacity, he went down to the nine great mountains and seas, even if it was the Pure Land of the Buddha Kingdom and the Zixiao Shrine. The transcendent forces should also be respectfully received, but in the eyes of the unparalleled Heaven Burial Emperor, he is really just an ant.

If it is caught by the people of the Supervision Department, this Lei Zun decree is estimated to be of some use, but it is of no use to the Emperor Burial, because people will not reason with ants. , , .

Chapter 735 Your Heavenly Emperor is back!

Zhang Tian took the green-patterned scroll and glanced at it, but his expression did not soften at all.

Three-layer Zixiao Divine Thunder, this is enough to shatter a small world and seriously injure a true immortal!

Not to mention that what Yuxin has refined is just an ordinary Ten Absolute Pill, even if it is a Ten Absolute True Magic Pill, it is not enough to withstand the first-level Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Tribulation.

This punishment has exceeded the punishment he has set for more than [-] times.

"Who gave you so much courage?" Zhang Tian asked coldly with his arms on his back.

"Please see the Emperor of Heaven, Mr. Lei Zun is also dedicated to the public. It is true that the nine mountains and seas have been abandoned for a long time, and the violence is rampant. Lei Zun chose one person to punish the canon, just to warn the world and let them do less evil. But I don't want to disturb. Heavenly Emperor Qingxiu, if there is punishment, the lower official is willing to bear it."

General Lei Gong said stumblingly, his back was completely soaked in cold sweat, and the long-forgotten fear filled his mind.

"Hmph! I don't know how to convince the public! Is this something you can afford?"

Zhang Tian snorted coldly, and a burst of imperial power escaped, and the General Lei Gong, who had reached the Immortal King Realm, was blasted out directly, and he did not dare to stand up.

Zhang Tian ignored him and walked straight out of the hall, taking one step, his body disappeared in an instant, leaving only a group of immortal officials looking at each other in dismay.

Silence, the death-like silence in Lei Gong's Treasure Hall, followed by a suppressed breathing sound, which was amplified, turned into a suppressed sound, and finally turned into an extremely excited howl!

Burial Emperor, is back!

At this moment, including the seriously injured General Lei Gong, they all forgot the deterrence Zhang Tian gave them before. They only had one thing in their hearts, one thing that they looked forward to every day as a member of the ancient heaven.

Their eyes filled with tears, and they couldn't help but meditate in their hearts: "All beings in the immortal world, your Heavenly Emperor is back!"

This kind of emotion can only be understood by them who are members of the Immortal Realm and the Desolate Heavenly Court.How important is the Emperor Burial to the ancient Heavenly Court and the entire Immortal Realm.

That is the supreme monument of faith, even after five million years of dust, not the slightest dust will fall on it.

Walking in the mist of the fairyland, watching the beautiful scene of golden light and thousands of red neon, and thousands of auspicious spirits spraying purple mist, Zhang Tian's mood gradually calmed down.

Fifty million years and many battles about the common people in the universe have long made him develop Gu Bo's attitude of not being surprised.

Fang Cai's anger was not really anger, it was just because it happened to his precious daughter that it suddenly affected a trace of his emotions, saying that it would only be an instant thing to recover.

But since he came back, he might as well take a look at it. With this idea in mind, Zhang Tian casually strolled in the heavenly court, ignoring the direction, and just followed the grand scene.

There is an old saying: Zhongling Yuxiu means a place rich in spiritual energy, which can nurture beautiful mountains and rivers, magnificent scenery, and beautiful women.

As for the most spiritual place in the world, I am afraid that it is the desolate ancient heaven. Even the god realm in the ancient times is far inferior. The beauty of the scenery is really indescribable.

Just walking like this, suddenly there was a gurgling sound of running water in my ears.

Zhang Tian's mind moved slightly, as if he remembered where this place was. As soon as he raised his head, he met a group of fairies who were talking and laughing. The color clothes were slightly cool, and there were no hairpins that were casually held on their heads. Her hair, with a faint light of water, was obviously just finished bathing, and it was so pure and beautiful that it was intoxicating.

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Just when Zhang Tian saw them, there was also a sharp-eyed girl who found Zhang Tian, ​​and immediately made a sharp voice, pointing at him with a blushing face.

"Tai! Where did the disciples come from, how dare you come here to peep and watch me catch you to see Lord Xuannv!"

"That's right, he took him to find Sister Xuannv, and he actually bullied us to the head of Yu Shugong!"

Among the group of fairies in colorful clothes, there were a few daring ones who immediately shouted at the top of their voices, demanding that Zhang Tian be brought before the official.But most of them hung their heads shyly, glanced at Zhang Tian occasionally, and clutched the collar tightly, as if afraid that Zhang Tian would rush over and shred their clothes.

At this moment, one of the fairies suddenly said in surprise, "Senior Zhang, it's you!"

"Ji Yu, do you know this disciple?"

A mature green-clothed fairy asked the girl who spoke out.

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