After so much consideration, Yu Xin officially set foot on the airship bound for the Southern Wilderness, but she did not know that in another room not far away, Zhang Tian sat there leisurely sipping a cup of tea.

He was also idle and had nothing to do, feeling that Zi Yan would wake up in a while, so he secretly followed his second daughter to Nanhuang.

The wind and clouds in the world suddenly converged in the Southern Wilderness, the cloud-covered Demon Territory battlefield, the red lotus karma that had been lost for millions of years, and the tomb of the Great Emperor Tianhuo, the legacy of the Yan Emperor who once shook the entire continent... ,, . . .

Chapter 738: The Ancient Yan Emperor Wants to Be Reborn?

The Southern Desolation Continent was developed much earlier than the Eastern Desolation Continent. The Heavenly Fire Emperor [-] million years ago came from outside the sky and settled in the Southern Desolation. The domain is prosperous and developed with vigorous vitality.The six ancient clans, each with a history of five million years, are unimaginably rich.

Later, there was an emperor-grade elixir, who cultivated on his own, became a generation of elixir emperors, and created the elixir tower. The way of alchemy was also popular in the Southern Wilderness, which further promoted the prosperity of the Southern Wilderness martial artist world.

Walking on the ancient city trail, Yuxin could clearly feel that no matter the simplicity of the buildings or the overall cultivation of the Southern Wilderness warriors, they must be stronger than the Eastern Wilderness, not to mention those that are quite rare in the Eastern Wilderness. Alchemy masters can be seen everywhere here, and she can't help but feel the gap between the two great wastelands.

But she believes that this situation will soon be reversed.After Donghuang preached through Zhang Tian, ​​millions of cultivators benefited, and the cultivation base improved rapidly. At this rate, the gap between Nanhuang and Nanhuang should soon be narrowed.

Traveling through the ancient city and the wilderness, Yuxin stopped in a Gobi desert, and she was completely relieved. With a flip of her palm, all four different fire treasure maps flew out.

As expected, there is a strong attraction between these four treasure map fragments. As soon as they appeared, a strong fire broke out immediately, and they gathered together like a burning sun. This fire was very strong, even with Yuxin. His physical defenses felt a little scorching hot.

After about a dozen breaths, the dazzling fire finally slowly subsided, and the four treasure map fragments were completely merged together, becoming a brand new treasure map, and the complex lines of various mountains, rivers, lands and other complex patterns in it all disappeared. There was only one lotus left, red as blood, engraved on the treasure map.

"This is... Red Lotus Karmic Fire?"

Yu Xin's breathing was a little short, and she felt a breath of strange fire from this treasure map, which was stronger than the four strange fires in her body, and it was definitely the red lotus fire.

At this moment, the treasure map suddenly spun around, turned into a fire rainbow and flew out in the southeast direction, at an extremely fast speed.

Yuxin wasn't surprised, and at the same time, she had a feeling that this treasure map would guide her to the real treasure.

I don't know how long it took, the surrounding scene became more and more desolate, the earth was red and dry, the grass was withered, but it was full of vitality.


Yu Xin suddenly noticed something strange, and with a sudden body movement, she turned a bloody palm and grabbed towards the treasure map.


The bloody palm was so powerful that it directly smashed a void, but the treasure map had disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, the piece of void she grabbed quickly spread, and the whole world changed drastically. There were seas of fire, volcanoes, fire trees, fire grass everywhere...

Yu Xin felt a chill in her heart, she really didn't know when she was pulled into the illusion, and she didn't even notice it at all. The ability of this red lotus karmic fire was too strange.

Yu Xin unconsciously raised her hand and touched the ice spirit jade ring on her right hand, a coolness that penetrated her heart and spleen, instantly calming her mind, as long as this ring is there, she is not afraid.




A strange sound suddenly sounded from the mountains and the sea of ​​fire, the void was torn apart, and several powerful winds rushed towards Yuxin.


Just as the attack was about to come, the black and white two-color beads automatically protected their bodies and flew out, forming a black and white arc, just like that in the air, they directly strangled the flying foreign objects, and they were actually three vulture-like birds. , but it's all red.Today's Literature Network

After beheading the three vulture monsters, the black and white two-color beads did not stop moving, but transformed into the Fire Dragon Demon Emperor Artifact Spirit, swallowed all the three corpses with one mouthful.

When Yu Xin saw this scene, she couldn't help being a little surprised. The three vultures were all transformed into fire spirit energy. What a rich spirit energy it should be.

"and many more……"

Yu Xin seemed to have noticed something, she leaned over and pulled out a red grass that was like blood on the ground, put it in the palm of her hand, and ran the "Qingdi Spiritualization Technique". The red grass suddenly turned into a trickle and got into it. Her body was actually made up of pure wood aura.

This is really shocking. The five elements are the foundation of all things, the secular world, and any object, including water and fire, contains the power of the five elements, but one of the attributes is particularly high.

But here, there are only fire and wood, and they exist independently of each other.

This is simply the paradise of alchemists, because for alchemists, as long as there is fire aura and wood aura, it is enough.

Yu Xin took a deep breath, pointed her toes, and suddenly rose into the sky, flying to a height of several thousand meters.

As far as I can see, everything looks like a sea of ​​​​fire and volcanoes, and the whole world is red and boundless.

"This is definitely not the world of Shengyuan!"

Yu Xin was certain that such a vast foreign land could never exist on the mainland.She even has a feeling that this world is likely to be more vast than Shengyuan Continent.

Suddenly, Yu Xin felt a ray of anomaly, her eyes turned to the southwest, and she took a deep breath.

I saw that in an unknown place, stood a flame giant with a height of [-] meters. To be precise, it was a statue, with a resolute look, wearing a red emperor robe, an independent dome, and exuding an extremely domineering power, as if a glance Can destroy the world.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

There was a scream again around, thousands of flaming beasts flew out from the volcano, the sea of ​​fire, the forest of fire, and the lake of fire, and flew towards Yuxin.

Their auras are different, the weak ones are probably only in the Lunhai realm, but the powerful ones are comparable to the God Emperor, or even stronger, and the most terrifying thing is the endless killings.

After Yuxin broke through the second-order blood, her blood and blood soared, but she was still unable to resist. She could only use the Nine Tribulations Sword to kill a bloody path and fly towards the flame statue.

"Sacrifice your life and sacrifice your blood to Lord Yandi..."

Those flying flame beasts suddenly uttered human words, and the voices were connected together, echoing in the world, and Yu Xin even saw the flame statue's eyes trembling slightly.

"Emperor Yan? Blood sacrifice?"

Yu Xin was a little confused. At this time, she had already flown to a place not far from the flame statue, and she could clearly see that under the flame statue, there were hundreds of thousands of human, monster, and alien creatures kneeling, and the scene was abnormal. Spectacular.

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