Yu Xin keenly captured the wisps of remnants floating in the void, absorbed and refined them, and immediately understood her own situation.

Here is the Endless Fire Territory, the tomb of the ancient Emperor Yan.

I don't know who has reshaped the true spirit of Emperor Yan, cast a statue of Wanzhang, and sacrificed the blood and soul of all the souls that entered this world to the statue of Wanzhang.

Its purpose is obvious, that is, to bring back the ancient Yan Emperor! , , .

Chapter 739 Yan Emperor vs Burial Emperor!


At the moment Yu Xin realized the truth, the creatures kneeling in front of the statue all turned their attention to her, and there was nothing left in their eyes, because the flesh and soul were completely gone.

"Sacrifice your life and sacrifice your blood to Lord Yandi..."

A burst of hissing sound came from the earth, and those 'creatures' flew out of the sky and killed towards Yuxin.


Yu Xin pointed her finger down, and an incomparably mysterious power surged out. In an instant, all the bodies of the creatures rushing in front burst, turning into countless fire and auras.

These human race, monster race, alien race powerhouse, I don't know how many years they have stayed here, their flesh and soul have been exhausted, and they are replaced by pure fire aura to maintain their shape.

Therefore, under the interference of the forbidden law, those fire auras were blasted away, and these creatures naturally disappeared.Just in the face of such a huge and vast number, Yu Xin's attack seems very small.

"Jie Jie... It seems that a big fish has come this time. He is proficient in the Quasi-Imperial Emperor Technique, and his qi and blood are extremely strong. He is still a pill emperor, and he will definitely make up for the master's spirit."

Inside the Wanzhang statue, in a palace-like place, a middle-aged man wearing a fiery red lotus robe said excitedly, as if he saw Yuxin struggling outside through layers of void.

In front of him was a small two-meter-tall statue with exactly the same appearance as the flame statue. It was a mini-version, or the normal version of Yandi.

After listening to the words of the man in the red lotus robe, the two-meter-high statue didn't change much.

"Master doesn't have to be indebted, these are alchemists who are greedy for different fires and run in, and they deserve to be swallowed by the master. What's more, they can provide the master with flesh and blood, which is the blessing of these alchemists for their tenth cultivation. After all, the master is a The number one alchemist recognized by the heavens and the world!"

The red-robed man rambled, his eyes full of fanaticism.

"Is this the means of resurrecting your Heavenly Warriors?"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded in the hall, echoing in bursts, and it lasted for a long time.

"who is it!"

The red-robed man was shocked to the extreme, and he quickly followed his reputation, only to see ripples in the sky, and a man in white walked in calmly.

What surprised him even more was that at the moment when the man appeared, the Yandi statue behind him trembled violently, as if he was afraid. This was something that had never happened before.

"Who are you? How did you get in..."

"Emperor Burial, you are still here after all."

The red-robed man was only halfway through his words, but the statue behind him was actually speaking, with endless vicissitudes and sadness.

"Bury, funeral day..."

The red-robed man only felt a short circuit in his brain, and it took a long time for him to regain his senses, and he suddenly let out a sharp cry.Literature 520 www.bxwx520xs.com

No, he didn't make any sound, because the moment he opened his mouth, the space seemed to freeze, suffocating him.

Burial the Emperor!The legendary first emperor of all ages, the burial emperor who destroyed the Endless Fire Territory with a decree, actually came in person.

The red-robed man had endless fear in his heart. His body was the Red Lotus Karmic Fire, and he had experienced the horrific battle five million years ago.

Although he was channeled later, the tragic situation of that battle was completely imprinted in his soul.

The dignified Yan Emperor, proficient in two quasi-immortal emperor methods, in charge of the quasi-immortal emperor soldiers and countless different fires, appeared vulnerable under the decree of the law that contained the will of burying the emperor, and was easily suppressed and buried in the sea of ​​​​fire.

In that battle, the entire endless fire domain turned into dust.

Such an invincible Heaven Burial Emperor actually came in person?What does he come to do?Could it be that he learned that Emperor Yan wanted to reshape the true spirit, and came to strangle it?

The red-robed man's mind was turning around, but his body was shaking all the time. He was born with a special fire, immortal and immortal, but he knew even more that the man in front of him had killed many immortal beings.

Zhang Tian glanced at the red-robed man with a faint sarcasm on his face, and said casually, "Do you think this emperor came here specially for you?"

The statue of Emperor Yan was silent, and the stones on his face were smashed into cracks, revealing a strong red light, and then a voice sounded: "You won't, if you really want to kill them all, just send a Tianzun over. But you still come. Well, is it because of that girl outside?"

"She is the daughter of this emperor." Zhang Tian said lightly.

Red Lotus Karma already wanted to die when she heard that, but she actually abducted the daughter of Emperor Burying Heaven, how unlucky this is.

Emperor Yan also seemed a little surprised. The statue vibrated violently, and cracked several cracks. He whispered, "You took the reincarnation of the King of Humans as your daughter, and let her inherit the lineage of Feng Yao, what do you want?"

Zhang Tian chuckled and said, "Do you think this emperor needs to calculate anything else? But it's just the right time."

"I see." Emperor Yan regained his composure. Such a seemingly absurd explanation made him believe it without hesitation.

Because he knew very well that, as Emperor Burial, no one was worth his calculations, and no one was worth lying about.

"You, will you kill me?" Emperor Yan asked again.

Zhang Tian shook his head, this action not only did not make Emperor Yan happy, but made him feel endless sadness. As a quasi-immortal emperor who has left a name on the monument and is said to be a masterpiece of all ages, his self-esteem is more than life.

At this time, Zhang Tian's actions were undoubtedly trampling on his self-esteem, and he did not take his existence seriously at all.

"But since you're here, this Emperor still wants to ask you something."

Zhang Tian considered the language and said slowly: "When Emperor Chen Tian wanted to kill the ninth day, the reason was 'I am disturbed by the burial of the sky above my head'. I don't know what is the reason for you to choose to be a warrior?"

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