Emperor Yan didn't expect Zhang Tian to ask such a question, and he immediately fell into memory. After a long time, he said: "Maybe... just like Emperor Chen Tian, ​​there is an existence in this world that can dominate his life, which will always make people a little uneasy. And there is... …”

"By killing this emperor, you will find the way to become a true immortal emperor?" Zhang Tian finished speaking for Emperor Yan, with a faint mocking expression on his face. , , .

Chapter 740 Blackmailing Yandi

"Qingdi's Spiritualization Technique - All Spirits Return to the Sect!"

At this moment, huge fluctuations came from outside the palace. Through a mirror in the sky, you can clearly see that Yuxin is wrapped in countless plants and trees, like the god of Sichun. .

One flower, two flowers, three flowers, four flowers, five flowers...until the sixth flower bud was dyed red, and the bud was about to bloom, and a quasi-emperor-level breath spread out.

The other side flower demon kills the sky!

In an instant, the countless flame creatures surrounding Yuxin were all beheaded, like flowers withered and scattered in the void.

"The method of the Qing Emperor, the flower seeds on the other shore... The Emperor Buried the Heaven really did a lot of hard work, and when the real spirit of the human king in this girl's body awakens, it may be a matter of course to become a quasi-immortal emperor in one fell swoop."

Emperor Yan sighed with emotion. Yuxin has too many resources. At a young age, he has many quasi-immortal emperors who have no treasures. He is also a little envious of the powerhouse who made him step by step to the top.

Zhang Tianwen Yan also turned his eyes to Yuxin, with a touch of tenderness in his eyes, and then calmed down again, and said softly: "If you want to be reborn in this ruined land, this emperor is too lazy to care, but if you disturbed this emperor's daughter, you can't. No punishment."

Emperor Yan said with a wry smile: "Does this Emperor have a choice? What punishment is there? It's okay to bury the Emperor."

"Hand over the "Flame God Law" and the Red Lotus Karmic Fire." Zhang Tian was also straightforward.

"The Law of the God of Fire" is one of the two quasi-immortal emperor methods mastered by Emperor Yan, and it is also his method of enlightenment. It is a little bit deduced from the original "Feng Jue", combining his insights and his lifelong efforts, can It is said to be the most desired collection of all alchemists in the world.

"This Emperor can give you the "Flame God Law" and the Red Lotus Karmic Fire, but it is not easy for the Red Lotus Karmic Fire to be psychic. I also ask the Emperor Burial to let go of its true spirit." Emperor Yan said slowly, as if he had long ago agreed with this result. expected.

"Master..." Red Lotus Karma made a hoarse voice.

"Okay, this emperor promises you."

Zhang Tian nodded, raised his hand and pointed at the red lotus karma, and the infinite power of heaven fell, separating the ray of true spirit, casting it into a spiritual body with fire aura, and storing the true spirit in it.

"Thank you for the Emperor Burial."

Emperor Yan gave a sincere thank you, a scorching red light emitted from the center of his eyebrows, and a jade talisman flew out and landed in Zhang Tian's hands.

Outside the palace, Yuxin is completely compatible with the other side of the flower. This is what she came up with when she was in danger. Since the flames of this world have been turned into demons, she will borrow the power of the wood attribute.

Fortunately, she bet right, Qingdi Spirit Transformation is the most powerful wood-type magical power in the world. As soon as it is used, it mobilizes the wood spiritual energy of the entire endless fire domain, and it rushes towards her in a mighty manner, all of which are swept away by her. Come to nourish the other shore flowers.

The other side flower is one of the strongest races of the wood type. After getting a lot of wood spiritual energy, it is upgraded again. It has evolved from the original five colors to the sixth color today. Converted to the realm of the martial arts method, that is the emperor. !

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Just when Yu Xin was immersed in the law of the infinite wood system evolved by the other side of the flower, a shock from the outside suddenly woke her up. She opened her eyes and saw that it was Zhang Tian who came from the sky. The powerful power blocked the void and even solidified. As time passed, with every step, countless flame demon bodies shattered.

"Dad, you...why are you here?"

Yu Xin looked very surprised. Seeing Zhang Tian here gave her a feeling of seeing the sky behind the clouds.

"Of course I'm here to pick you up."

Zhang Tian walked to Yuxin and stroked her hair.

Contrary to what Emperor Yan thought, when Zhang Tian adopted his daughters, he didn't plan to cultivate them to any level of cultivation, especially Yuxin's gentle personality, which was not suitable for cultivation, and he always wanted to let her live such a happy life. go down.

Unexpectedly, Yu Xin has come to this step by virtue of her own opportunity. The sixteen-year-old Dan Huang is comparable to the second-order blood body of the immortal emperor, and the other side flower of the quasi-emperor level. Most of this is relying on Yu Xin. obtained by one's own efforts.

At this point, he, a father, can no longer be indifferent.

"These two things are for you."

Zhang Tian raised his hand and handed Yu Xin the ancient jade and red lotus karmic fire printed with "Shen Shen Jue".

"This is……"

Yuxin took over the red lotus karmic fire, and a huge surprise rose in her heart, but when she initially absorbed the exercises in the ancient jade, her heart was even more shocked.

This turned out to be the ancient Yan Emperor's "Flame God's Art"!

The ancient Yan Emperor, a master of the fire path, is also one of the most prestigious alchemists in the past. The "Yan Shen Jue" created by him is the supreme collection of the fire path and the pill path, which can be said to be the pursuit of every alchemist. .

Now, this unparalleled treasure book has been obtained by himself.

Yu Xin raised her peerless face and looked at Zhang Tian, ​​as if to confirm that this was not a dream.

Zhang Tian smiled and said, "These two treasures are the apology from Emperor Yan, you can rest assured that you can go back now."

Yu Xin nodded heavily, held Zhang Tian's hand, and the two stepped out of the endless fire zone side by side.

Returning to the Southern Wilderness, Yu Xin only felt like she had experienced a dream. If it wasn't for the scriptures of Yanshen Jue hovering in her mind, she would have wondered if she had a dream.

"Next, you can deal with your own affairs. I'll go to your eldest sister's place to see."

Zhang Tian knew that Yuxin still had things to do, so he didn't plan to intervene, he just waved his sleeves and left. , , .

Chapter 741 Tomb of Emperor Tianhuo

Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

Lanling King Zhou Xuan took Ruren, Chen Beixuan and others to Tianjitai. There were quite a few twists and turns along the way, and they finally arrived at the foot of the mountain.

"Lian Shanyi, disciple of Xia Tianji, welcomes Prince Lanling, Marquis of Nanling, Marquis Zhentian, Fairy Tantai..."

A graceful and elegant young man crossed down from the Tianji Mountain surrounded by clouds and mists, and bowed to everyone one by one, as if he knew that they were coming.

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