Zhou Xuan couldn't help but look solemn when he heard the words, and respectfully returned the salute: "It turns out that it is the eldest disciple of the old man of Tianji, and this king is disrespectful."

Only then did Ru Ren, Chen Beixuan and others know that this young man was the young master of Tianji.

"I have heard for a long time that Tianjitai has no last resort, so this king will not cover it up. This time the expedition against the demons is not good in the first battle, because the demon killing formation set up by the purgatory demon is too overbearing. Restricting some cultivation bases, not to mention that with the expansion of the battle situation, the supply of magic powder will also be insufficient, so the details of the old man Tianji gave the method of breaking the formation."

Zhou Xuan said very simply and neatly.

Lian Shanyi said with a light smile: "There is still a shortage of great roads, how dare Tianjitai dare to boast that it is a complete plan. However, as for the intentions of King Lanling and others, Master did take it one step further, sending me down the mountain this time is just a plan. Help the army of the human race."

Zhou Xuan said excitedly: "So, Young Master Lian knows how to crack the Demon Killing Formation?"

Lian Shanyi nodded and said, "There are methods, but some materials need to be prepared."

As soon as these words came out, Ruthless Man, Chen Beixuan and others also showed joy, and they felt even more at the mystery of Tianjitai, and I don't know how many powerful tricks were hidden.

Zhou Xuan was concerned about the front-line battle, and even when he brought Lian Shanyi back to the battlefield, he was treated with all kinds of courtesy along the way.

However, Lian Shanyi doesn't pay much attention to Zhou Xuan's kindness. vision.

On this day, when everyone was talking together again, Ruthless Man suddenly said: "Speaking of which, there is a strange thing, this time the human race coalition, many ancient sect holy places have participated, but it is a bit strange that there are no people from the six ancient tribes in the Southern Wilderness. "

Chen Beixuan said with a smile: "I am also puzzled by this matter. It is rumored that the tomb of the Great Southern Desolate Emperor will be opened. , Even the young master is proficient in "The Crape Myrtle Fight", so he must be very clear?"

Lian Shanyi said: "It does happen, but I didn't calculate it, but the master told me that it will be opened soon."

Tantai Mingyue showed a look of surprise and said, "I don't know which emperor's tomb is?"

Among the Three Wildernesses, the Southern Wilderness was the first to be developed. Since the Heavenly Fire Emperor [-] million years ago, there has been a steady stream of fire, and every generation has been born with tyrannical emperors.Pen Chinese www.bxzw.net

"To be honest, it is the tomb of Emperor Tianhuo!"

Lian Shanyi's words were astonishing, and he immediately added: "The six ancient tribes in the Southern Wilderness are all descended from Emperor Tianhuo, and they have the emperor's token in their hands. This time the tomb is opened, and only they should be able to enter."

All the arrogances nodded, if it wasn't for this reason, I'm afraid the whole continent would be in chaos.

After all, the Heavenly Fire Emperor was infinitely close to the existence of a true immortal. There are even rumors that he is the relic of the ancient Yan Emperor, and how precious his tomb is. It is conceivable that even if someone finds the opportunity to become an emperor, it is not worth it. strange.

"Maybe after Senior Zhang, Nanhuang will have a great emperor."

Chen Beixuan looked at the ruthless man and joked, but what he got was a faint smile from the ruthless man.

A few days later, the Ruthless Man and his party finally rushed back to Dimingguan. Lian Shanyi, the young master of the secret, really had a great weight, and immediately boosted the morale of the coalition army, and everyone was busy with the matter of breaking the formation.

The ruthless man took advantage of this kung fu to go into seclusion. She didn't know how long she practiced. She suddenly felt a little abnormal. She opened her eyes and looked, but Zhang Tian was standing in front of her smiling.

"Dad, why are you here?" The ruthless man stood up and said in surprise.

"I came here with Yuxin, and I came to see you." Zhang Tian sat down with a smile, then raised his hand and took Ruthless Man to his side and sat down.

The ruthless man took advantage of the situation and took Zhang Tian's arm, and said softly: "Dad is so good. Last time I was able to defeat the purgatory devil, thanks to my father." I am afraid that such a little daughter is only in front of Zhang Tian. will be revealed.

Zhang Tiandao: "How are you preparing now?"

"Zhou Xuan invited Lian Shanyi, the young master of Tianjitai, to break the Demon Killing Formation in a few days. By then, the big barrier of the Demon Race will be broken down, and I will be able to exert [-]% of my combat power. "

Ruthless Man explained to Zhang Tian, ​​and then said: "I am very happy that Dad can come to see me, but this time, I want to use my own power to kill the Purgatory Demon Lord!"

Zhang Tian stared at Ruthless Ren's firm eyes and couldn't help but chuckle: "Since you have made up your mind, Dad will naturally not stop it, but there is a gift for you, which should increase your combat power."

After he finished speaking, Zhang Tian spread his palms out, and the heart light flashed in his palms, and a golden mark appeared.

At the moment when this mark appeared, the vast imperial might rose into the sky, swept through the entire Earth and Dark Pass, and spread rapidly, covering most of the Southern Wilderness.

Countless human race coalition warriors knelt down on the ground one after another, shocked by this imperial might. , , .

Chapter 742 The Southern Wilderness of Diwei Town!

"What is this?" The ruthless man asked curiously.

She felt the horror of this golden mark, even the great emperors who had seen them in the life world of the dead did not have such a tyrannical power.

Zhang Tianping said indifferently, "The Emperor's Mark."


The ruthless man couldn't help gasping for breath, this treasure is too precious.

Essentially, the Emperor's Mark also belongs to the martial spirit in the 'Martial Spirit Demonstration Method'. Ordinary warriors can probably comprehend the first to third-order martial arts in the king's realm, the fourth to sixth-order martial arts in the great holy realm, and the god emperor's realm. When you comprehend the seventh to ninth rank martial spirit, and then go up, it is the legendary emperor martial spirit.

If you want to be promoted to the great emperor of ancient times, one of the first conditions is to have an emperor martial arts. The higher the quality, the stronger the warrior's combat power, and this emperor's imprint is condensed when the emperor's path is cultivated to a certain level. The Emperor Martial Spirit of , even among the Emperor Martial Spirits, is one of the highest quality.

Zhang Tian explained: "This is the imprint of the emperor of the first emperor of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty. At the beginning, Li Linger awakened the will of the first generation emperor. Later, the two became one. After I healed Li Linger's injury, I took this emperor. The imprint is preserved."

The ruthless man nodded slightly. The first generation of the emperor was a generation of heroic masters. He dominated the entire Shengyuan Continent.

Receiving such a treasure, even the ruthless felt very happy. After thanking him, he couldn't wait to start refining it.

I saw the emperor's mark melted into the ruthless man's body, and immediately burst into a blazing golden light, dyeing her whole body golden, like a god king sitting there, looking at the world.

Originally, the ruthless person was proficient in the imperial martial arts of "Undefeated Emperor Fist", which was quite powerful in the early stage, but because she did not follow the imperial path later, this magical power was considered to be abolished, and now she has obtained the emperor's imprint, This martial art finally had a chance to see the light of day again.

According to Ruthless Man's expectations, although "Undefeated Emperor Fist" is an emperor-level boxing technique, if it is used with the emperor's imprint, it can be comparable to the great emperor's unique skills, which can just make up for her lack of mid-end combat skills. The quasi-immortal emperor-level supernatural power of "The Great Desolate Prisoner of Heaven" is too much of a fuss.

After an unknown amount of time, when Ruthless was immersed in comprehension, a huge throbbing of heaven and earth suddenly spread, and the gray matter in the air was swept away, and instead, pure and vast spiritual energy swarmed in.

"The Demon Killing Array is broken?"

The ruthless man opened his eyes and felt the abundant spiritual energy around him, revealing a little surprise.

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