"The marshal has an order, let everyone go to the City Lord's Mansion to discuss matters..." There was a very angry thing outside the door.

"Understood, Ben Hou will go later."

The ruthless man responded inside, adjusted his clothes a little, and strode out of the door.

"I have seen the Marquis of Nanling——" Aizw.net www.aizw.net

As soon as they arrived at the Council Hall, there was a sound of greetings from all around. The Holy Masters looked at the Ruthless Man, and they were faintly surprised, but they felt that the temperament of the Ruthless Man had changed greatly, and there was an extra ray of emperor's prestige.

This kind of temperament has nothing to do with strength, just like the emperor who dominates the billions of people, the majesty is self-evident, and people can't help but give birth to a heart of admiration.

"Half a month ago, there seemed to be strong golden light fluctuations in the mansion of the Marquis of Nanling. I wonder if you can tell me something?" Zhou Xuan tried to ask.

The ruthless man sat on the first chair on the left, and said calmly, "That's me cultivating a supernatural power, it's nothing."

As soon as these words came out, all the holy masters showed a clear color, and it was estimated that the ruthless person must have cultivated a powerful imperial divine power, which could give birth to such a majestic temperament, and could not help but be more in awe of her.

Zhou Xuan's face was a little ugly, but he didn't say anything. Now that the enemy is in front, and many places rely on the strength of the ruthless, he can only swallow his anger.

"Everyone, relying on the help of the young master of Tianjitai, now the demon killing formation has been broken, and the last defense of the demons is gone. But according to the calculation of young master Lian, the purgatory demon is accelerating the expansion of the demonic channel at this time. Completely get through, the consequences are unimaginable. Therefore, we must also speed up our actions to annihilate the remnants of the demons in one fell swoop!"

Zhou Xuan made a powerful announcement.

This is the consensus of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty and the major ancient sects of the Holy Land, and soon an agreement was reached, and the tens of millions of coalition forces marched towards the last barrier of the Demon Race, Moyuan City.

This Demon Abyss City is a behemoth formed by the Purgatory Demon Lord who spliced ​​hundreds of human giant cities with supreme magic power. From a distance, it looks like an ancient demon mountain lying there, like a wild beast, exuding monstrous coercion.

"Human ants, how dare you go so far, you're really asking for your own death!!"

The devil emperor suddenly flashed the huge black wings behind him, and he was alone and faced the allied army of tens of millions of people, and the devil flames shot into the sky.

"Here is the one who killed you!"

The ruthless man jumped and merged directly into the void. The next moment, he appeared in front of the Demon Emperor and threw a punch.

Invincible Emperor Fist, Emperor Shadow swept away!

A golden-colored emperor's influence appeared behind the ruthless man, with unparalleled majesty, and with the ruthless man's gesture, he also threw a punch, golden and dazzling, like a golden mountain pressing down.


The huge explosion sounded, and the Demon Emperor was caught off guard. He was directly blown away by the golden giant fist, and his entire body smashed into the Demon Abyss City Wall, breaking a huge hole.

"Purgatory Demon Lord, dare to fight with me!"

The ruthless person is independent of the sky, and the shadow of the golden emperor shines behind her, like a peerless queen descending. , , .

Chapter 743 The emperor of the heavens is coming!

"Ah ah ah... Human race ants, I want you to die!"

The Demon Emperor rushed out of the ruins, blood-soaked all over his body, his wings were broken, his face was as ferocious as a devil, and he violently pulled at his body, actually tearing off a piece of skin, rolled into the air, and swelled in the wind.

Suddenly, the black skin has turned into a magic map, with countless ghost-like patterns on it, exuding a terrifying magic power.

"The Seal of the Corpse Demon - Rebirth from Dirty Earth!"

The devil emperor cast a magic light towards the magic map, and in an instant, the magic map grew countless times, like a curtain that covered the sky, connected to the magic abyss in the magic city, and the devils depicted on it all seemed to come alive. One by one flew out of the picture.

"not good!"

The ruthless man secretly said in his heart, this magic map is obviously a treasure. It has sealed countless devils, and even the devil can't control it. This is the way to die together.

Before he had time to think about it, the ruthless man directly released the Demon Suppression Tower to protect himself, and at the same time, the void behind him exploded, and the hell oven flew out, igniting a large amount of platinum holy fire, and involving a demon head into the refining.

"Ah ah ah..."

On the battlefield, there was a heart-piercing howl, the bodies of countless ancient demons burst open, and the blood of the demons flew.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Under the protection of the Demon Suppression Tower, the ruthless man split the road of life and death with one punch and one punch. Every punch was punched with unparalleled imperial power, killing powerful ancient demons one by one, and throwing their corpses into the hell oven. Excessive refining.

The flames of war raged all over the world, and countless demon soldiers filled with demonic energy rushed out of Moyuan City, and they fought with the human army under the leadership of each demon general.

The tragic decisive battle [-] years ago was once again staged in the Southern Wilderness.

The cold wind is like a knife, the earth is the cutting board, and all living beings are regarded as fish.

Thousands of miles fly blood, make the sky an oven, melt everything into red gold.

The heart of a ruthless man is just like the coldness of this battlefield. In such a tragic battle, the light and blood shine brightly, and the shock to people is indescribable.

The slaughter continued, and the ruthless man's fist was infected with a layer of frost at some point, and even the phantom of the Golden Emperor behind him was covered with a layer of ice blue, exuding a suffocating chill.

In Ruthless Man's body, could it be that the ice-type sword soul that had followed her for the longest time began to tremble, melted into trickles, merged into the Holy Body, and turned into ice-blue veins.

In an instant, the aura of the ruthless man soared again, and the eight-element sword soul casted the Holy Body. Now she has completed the seven-element, the powerful Sheng Yuan force surging in her body, bursting open one after another.

"Open them all to me!"

The ruthless man raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar, and pressed it down with a sudden palm.

The void suddenly shattered, bursting into a huge abyss, and a large ancient hand rolled over layers of space and descended over the battlefield, covering the sky and blocking the sun. Visions such as giant dragons, ghosts, etc., were brutally suppressed.


A huge explosion sounded, and thousands of powerful ancient demons were directly turned into fly ashes.

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